need samples for opposition to MTD
Dear GC-pending,
Thank you very much for all your hard work.
I filed WOM 2 weeks ago. Could you tell me where to find samples for opposition to MTD.
Dear GC-pending,
Thank you very much for all your hard work.
I filed WOM 2 weeks ago. Could you tell me where to find samples for opposition to MTD.
Thanks Mingjing for sending the updated file. I have updated the wiki book to match the same structure and categories as your file. I tried to include all the cases you had in the wikibook as well.
Still the wiki book doesn't have links to some of the court orders. If anybody has those court orders, please post them to this forum and update the wiki book with the link to the file. Again, the wiki book is located at and anybody can edit the page.
We need everybody's help to support the wiki book by providing more cases.
I actually have at least one (sometimes more Pacer documents) to EACH of the 25 favorable/useful I485 WOM cases in my list. I did not send them as I thought all of you have access to Pacer. I can send them to you if you need.
I thought more about using wikibook. I think it is a good tool for all of us to share the effort to identify usesful/favorable cases. So we should continue to do that. That being said, there is still a place for my list, where I can summarize the cases into different categories (as I did in my previous posting into A, B, C, D). In our opposition to MTD, a type A case in A where judge orders specific time to adjudicate needs to be treated differently than a type B case where judge denied MTD but no final order on relief yet.
I will keep doing what I am doing. Meanwhile, I NEED ALL OF YOUR HELP TO IDENTIFY MORE CASES, ESP. RECENT ONES. Either post new cases here or sent to wikibook, or both.
Attached is the lattest list. I added case #24 and #25, both belong to tpye B (judge denied MTD, but no final rule on relief yet).