Anyone file PERM today?

dsugandhi said:
Some more information about ETA(PERM) case number:
1st set of five digit is having first two digits as the YEAR in which the case was initially drafted and next three digits as the number of day in a year the case was drafted.

2nd set of five digit is sequence number.

So for example, If your attorney/employer starts putting information on April 1st 2005 then initially number would be
T-05091-yyyyy where
T for case is in draft mode
05 for year 2005
091 for April 1st which is 91st day of the year 2005
yyyyy for sequence

Now, when attorney/employer submitts the application, it will become
A-05091-yyyyy if employment area is under ATLANTA processing center
C-05091-yyyyy if employment area is under CHICAGO processing center
Cannot Believe My Eyes.

Filed 08.02.05.
Sponsorship 08.02.05.
Certified 08.10.05

I hope there are no system problems or errors.

Atlanta Processing Centre.
harshy said:
Cannot Believe My Eyes.

Filed 08.02.05.
Sponsorship 08.02.05.
Certified 08.10.05

I hope there are no system problems or errors.

Atlanta Processing Centre.


Congratuts for your certification. Can you please share following information:

1. Status sequence like Submitted->Sponsorship->In Process->Certified?
2. Job title
3. Education and Experience required
4. H-12 was YES or NO
5. In your earlier posting, you said your case filled on 07/14/2005 got denied. Did you get any reason for the same? What changes you made between 07/14/2005 and 08/02/2005 cases?

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My attorney filed for my LC in October 2004 under RIR (EB3 category). However, my 6 year H1-B term ends - June 2006. I have not yet received my 45-day letter. I am comtemplating to file for PERM, but I would like some insights from all you wonderful people to help me make this decision.
Questions that I have are :

1. Would I be able transfer my existing case to PERM without much hassle or do I have to re-file my petition all over again (ie. place ads, shortlisting, etc ) ?

2. If (1) holds true then how long would this process take to get my LC ?

Sincerely appreciate your insights and suggestions.
ccv said:
My attorney filed for my LC in October 2004 under RIR (EB3 category). However, my 6 year H1-B term ends - June 2006. I have not yet received my 45-day letter. I am comtemplating to file for PERM, but I would like some insights from all you wonderful people to help me make this decision.
Questions that I have are :

1. Would I be able transfer my existing case to PERM without much hassle or do I have to re-file my petition all over again (ie. place ads, shortlisting, etc ) ?

2. If (1) holds true then how long would this process take to get my LC ?

Sincerely appreciate your insights and suggestions.

1. It will involve some hassles (according to my lawyer). And you have to redoe the ad etc.

2. For PERM cases, the preparing (recruitment etc..) will take about 2-3 months, then once the case is filed, it is taking from 1 week to even 3 months depending how smooth it goes and which center you file under.

Given your relatively late priority date, have you considered filing a new PERM?
dsugandhi said:

Congratuts for your certification. Can you please share following information:

1. Status sequence like Submitted->Sponsorship->In Process->Certified? SAME AS MENTIONED
2. Job title - MANAGER - ACCTG & FINANCE
3. Education and Experience required - BACHELORS PLUS 3
4. H-12 was YES or NO - YES
5. In your earlier posting, you said your case filled on 07/14/2005 got denied. Did you get any reason for the same? What changes you made between 07/14/2005 and 08/02/2005 cases?


Hello VAhoper,

Well, I have surely thought it over to re-file under PERM, but I am debating it out as I understand that PERM is costly. By any chance would you be knowing how much it would cost to file for PERM. My employer is not paying a cent for my green card processing. Everthing comes out my pocket (which is slowly and slowly getting huge holes !: ))

Please do let me know.
Thank you !

VAhoper said:
1. It will involve some hassles (according to my lawyer). And you have to redoe the ad etc.

2. For PERM cases, the preparing (recruitment etc..) will take about 2-3 months, then once the case is filed, it is taking from 1 week to even 3 months depending how smooth it goes and which center you file under.

Given your relatively late priority date, have you considered filing a new PERM?
I have used company's advocate to file PERM. He charges 1700 for PERM. But since we have existing job order, I paid only 1200. If you include the job order and advertisement cost, it will go up

ccv said:
Hello VAhoper,

Well, I have surely thought it over to re-file under PERM, but I am debating it out as I understand that PERM is costly. By any chance would you be knowing how much it would cost to file for PERM. My employer is not paying a cent for my green card processing. Everthing comes out my pocket (which is slowly and slowly getting huge holes !: ))

Please do let me know.
Thank you !

Money is not the issue here

Do not think about money here...a thousand here and there in the long run does not matter. Get the best attorney and do it right once for all. Otherwise you will be brooding later and start worrying because the lawyer who charged you less did not do the right job. Use somebody like Rajiv will get what you pay for. Believe me it is all worth it.


Nirvan said:
I have used company's advocate to file PERM. He charges 1700 for PERM. But since we have existing job order, I paid only 1200. If you include the job order and advertisement cost, it will go up

iampppqqq said:
The denial sounds unthinkable.Did your company have a layoff within 6 mon.? If the 2 level system was used, then the lawyer should get fired.

Hello everything,

My title is Senior systems engineer and the lawyer is stating that i can file under EB2 with my Masters degree plus 2 years of experience and he uses the level 2 system for my prevaling wages and state that i qualify under level 2.
Please reply if this sounds correct or if there is anything missing.
trustpower said:
Hello everything,

My title is Senior systems engineer and the lawyer is stating that i can file under EB2 with my Masters degree plus 2 years of experience and he uses the level 2 system for my prevaling wages and state that i qualify under level 2.
Please reply if this sounds correct or if there is anything missing.

Go for it. There are many good attorneys too.
No email from DOL

My company has submiited my PERM application on 08/08. Case status is till "In Process".
We have not received an email from DOL yet.

Does DOL send email Immediately?
Please share your experiences.

I registered myself in this website long time ago and I posted few postings about the SWA in MA before the BECs come to light.
Anyway my lawyer filed a PERM LC for me on 7/18/2005 and here are some details:
- Job requirements: B.Sc. + 2 yrs of exp. (I have a Master degree and more than 2 yrs of exp.). I think that will be a EB3
- Employer size: ~ 5000 employee
- Atlanta processing center.
- 2 Sunday ads + 30 days job order (ended on 6/11/05) + 10 days notice
- 5 days Newspaper + 30 days employer web site + 30 days internet jobs web site + 30 days internal recruiting.
- Scientific field specialist (non-IT) state-employee position.
Last recruitment effort had been conducted on 6/17/05

Nobody applied for the job.
Filed the PERM on 7/18/05. The employer received the questionnaire email at the same day and replied immediately to it. Then as everybody knows Final Review then In Process since then.

I have a question for you guys about the retrogression I will post it separately to avoid any confusion.

I wish all of you the best and I will keep you posted if there’s any change.

PERM Conversion

Hi All,

I am waiting for my 45 DL from BEC but so far havent received. Talked to my lawyer and itseems they have done market analysis for my position and it passed which means they can apply PERM for the same position for which my current labour is pending.
So now I want the lawer to convert my current case to PERM ( my current case details are in my signature) to keep the PD. So my questions are:

1. Are there any problem with these kind of situations? Did any one get approvals lately or denials??
2. How long does such kind of cases take? Do they have to contact BEC for my old case or will they take my old case details from DOL. My case made it to regional.
3. I have read through some posts in this thread and saw some ppl who have converted their cases to PERM. Any updates??
4. I know there are some wage regulations in PERM and there are some catergories for each kind of posiiton in differnt state. How do they effect the approval and which category is the best? My case is EB2.

5. Some ppl posted saying that if a case is re-filed under PERM and it gets rejected for some reason then you loose the PD?? Is that true? Lets say it gets rejected because of some techincal error and not because of employement requirements then too will I loose my PD??

My case has already gone from SWA to regional and mine was traditional, so it went throught the whole recuitment process and passed. Actually my company did recuitment process recently and it passed too so do anyone see any problems?? I know its pretty lame question to ask but I cant phrase it better. I want to know what problem are encountered so far and the risk associated with this kind of cases.

Thanks a lot
I applied 04/29 but no news yet ...........

My case changed from Audit Review to Final Review after applying on 04/29 but still shows in progress, don't know how long. Wish me luck ............

Can I call the Chicago center if having the case# does it help.
I'm in same boat

HI drirshad,

My application's detail:

EB3 04/23/2005
Chicago, IT area
Sponsorship -> Audit Review -> Final Review 06/24 -> In Process (07/28)

I'm so upset. I sent 3 emails in the last two months: answers:

The case is still in process, and official notification will be forthcoming.
Chicago National Processing Cent

COPY and PASTE standardized message for all of our question.

Customer Service: I can not provide further information, sorry. The system is working, and someone will touch your case shortly

I'm hopless: any ideas?
PERM-NEW level 4 system

great guru said:
Go for it. There are many good attorneys too.

I was not aware of the level 2 system previously. Under the new LEVEL 4 i was placed under level II ,so with this and my Masters degree in Computer Engineering + 2 years of experience filing in EB2 is good or should i go with EB3(I'm from India).Any information is welcome and greatly Appreciated.
All you guys R O C K !
Anyone got approved in PERM EB2 (Masters + 0 years requirement)


My co. is willing to file for me in EB2 where Masters + 0 years is requirement.

Was wondering if anyone here got approved with such requirements?

Also If someone is same/similar boat and facing RFEs please reply.

Thanks much in advance.
trustpower said:
Hello everything,

My title is Senior systems engineer and the lawyer is stating that i can file under EB2 with my Masters degree plus 2 years of experience and he uses the level 2 system for my prevaling wages and state that i qualify under level 2.
Please reply if this sounds correct or if there is anything missing.

what wage level is needed to qualify for EB2. if the wages exceed level2 but the job requirement according to onet is BS, can one file under EB2?