Anyone been approved in Garden City, NY, recently?

i am trying to call garden city with no luck. The voice machine asks me for an extension but I do not know what it is :( and I am not able to talk to any actual person :( Heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp I am going insane!
ok I finally got through! I got "my" officer's extension number so I will call tomorrow. That is what they told me to do. Obviously, I already called but he was not available.

Guys! I am starting to take action! My congresswoman's office is 4 blocks away so I will go there when I don't achieve anything in Garden City tomorrow. (assuming that the answers that I get for the officers on the phone are not satisfying!!!)

Now when TRINI got her card I bemame the one who has been waiting the longest :(

Wish me luck!
Thanks Jdawg9 for clarifying, the CR6 makes sense now...Yeah man, I hope everything goes right so I won't have a problem with not having my I-94. Let's just hope that it's a good sign that he took it. Did he give you that yellow sheet I was talking about though?
Good luck to marion etka and put up a good fight!!!
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marion_etka, who is your congressman or woman? My is Carolyn McCarthy.
Can you please let me know what number you called (if you prefer you can send me a private message). Thanks.
I just called my lawyer today to ask if its ok to activate my congresswoman, he hasn't returned my VM yet.
I'll try calling the officer tomorrow and then my congresswoman too.

Lets keep going strong at and support each other. Do I smell a revolution? :D

Jamstones, I didn't get that yellow sheet b/c i won't need to remove my conditions after two years since I'm family based not marriage. I might just mean that the officer gave you the standard sheet to avoid sending in the mail once you get approved. It might not be standard practice to give it out before you are approved b/c to form states that "you have been approved" when in fact you weren't approved yet.

I know there is a guy in the forum whose relative is a USCIS officer who conducts interview. I would be helpful if he could provide us some insights.
Jdawg9, you're right, that could be the case. I was just wondering 'cuz it was weird that he gave me that paper without letting me know straigth up his decision; after all it might just be his style...Let's hope that the guy you're talking about reads this and tell us what he thinks.......thanks again man...
I called one of the numbers posted by bklyn2006 which are: 516 228 9242 or 516 228 9243. It is confusing when you call but in any case, just dial "1" for english first and then "0" even though it doesn't give you that option.

My congresswoman's name is Carolyn B Maloney. Thank God one of her offices is that close, so it is not going to be that hard to be her stalker if things won't start getting better soon :D

jdawg9 check your messages :)
marion_etka said:
I called one of the numbers posted by bklyn2006 which are: 516 228 9242 or 516 228 9243. It is confusing when you call but in any case, just dial "1" for english first and then "0" even though it doesn't give you that option.

My congresswoman's name is Carolyn B Maloney. Thank God one of her offices is that close, so it is not going to be that hard to be her stalker if things won't start getting better soon :D

jdawg9 check your messages :)

Marion, I too asked Carolyn B. Maloney's help when I had trouble with my EAD last year. Her office was amazing!!

If you do a google for her, you should get to her website. The website actually gives info on how to go about asking her for immigration related help. There is a form you can print out. I'd advise you to print out that form and fill it up and take it with you. I actually had just mailed it in along with a letter and I got a call from her office the very next day (I didn't even know the post office worked so fast) and everything was settled in 10 days!

If you are having trouble finding the website, let me know on this thread and I'll try to find it for you. I may have it bookmarked somewhere.
well, just come here and check you guys out. lots of frustration including me (even i don't have my interview yet, but i still feel the way the you guys do, coz i have been waiting for more than 2 years)
congrads to brklyn, glad you will get your card soon.

stay strong jdawg, marion, and the others.

i am frustrated becoz my dick lawyer won't renew my EAD, said it isn't necessary since it won't expire until one month after interview. I demanded that i want him to renew it, but i don't think he will do it. what the hell,.....
pissed me off very bad yesterday.
the accountant office asked me to updated my EAD before it expires today. damn it, i hate this whole AOS thing. why cant they make our live easier?!!!!
one more month left, i don't know what will happen after interview.

Be strong fellas

here I found the link:

Along with filling up this form, I had written a letter on behalf of my husband (who's the USC) and told her the problem and how it is of great inconvenience to me. I was really amazed at how helpful they were- but then again, maybe it was a simpler issue than the actual GC. Either way, hope this piece of info is of some use to you.
Very helpful link, justfiled.
I checked it out even though i'm not in your district.
Does anyone know if a congresswoman would help someone from another district?
I have very bad impression about my congresswoman. I seems to me that her office doesn't give a crap about immigration. I know she lost half of her family b/c some nut started shooting on the LIRR train and she dedicated herself to fight for gun control and its a very noble cause and all but it doesn't help me at all.
Any thoughts.

justfiled thank you for the link! It is sooo nice of you!!! I am already working on the petition :)
Can anyone think of any other numbers that might be helpful for my congresswoman other than what is suggested, which is:

"List any and all identifying numbers that apply to your situation:
(Social Security #, VA #, Immigration “A” #, Case Number, etc.)"

What is VA# anyway?

chrisz I am trying to stay strong, but it is getting harder as I planned on going to my home country in 2 weeks ... but yeah... I guess I should start getting this plan out of my head...

jdawg9 said:
Very helpful link, justfiled.
I checked it out even though i'm not in your district.
Does anyone know if a congresswoman would help someone from another district?
I have very bad impression about my congresswoman. I seems to me that her office doesn't give a crap about immigration. I know she lost half of her family b/c some nut started shooting on the LIRR train and she dedicated herself to fight for gun control and its a very noble cause and all but it doesn't help me at all.
Any thoughts.

This is a standard form. Although I applies mostly to immigration, i think i can be used on any government agency.
I'm pretty sure VA# is Veterans Affairs Number but i could be wrong.
Any old vet here :D
marion_etka said:

justfiled thank you for the link! It is sooo nice of you!!! I am already working on the petition :)
Can anyone think of any other numbers that might be helpful for my congresswoman other than what is suggested, which is:

"List any and all identifying numbers that apply to your situation:
(Social Security #, VA #, Immigration “A” #, Case Number, etc.)"

What is VA# anyway?

chrisz I am trying to stay strong, but it is getting harder as I planned on going to my home country in 2 weeks ... but yeah... I guess I should start getting this plan out of my head...

sorry marion, quoted the wrong post before...
your welcome guys, glad I could help- this is about as far as my knowledge about this whole GC procedure goes though, lol. You won't find any more useful info from me. :D

When you call the number dial Zero "0" to talk on an operator. There are 3 guys working as operators... they probably know my name by now :) One day I called them like 50 times ....
Tell the guy to page your officer "PAGE", and tell them that whenver they switch you to the officer extention it doesn't seem to work .. it keeps ringing...
so you need them to PAGE the officer for you... this way you will guarantee that the officer will hear her/his name on the speakerphone...
and mention to them the officer NAME clearly also Section 245 (which is green card).
Good luck.. you should get through tomorrow to talk to your officer... keep trying as many times as possible ... and be presistant with the operators that you need to talk to the officer and it is urgent so they should page him/her for you and don't forget to mention Sec. 245.
Have your A# ready when the officer pick up the phone.. also tell her/him that you are waiting impatiently and that your EAD has expired and that you are the only support to to your family.. "That's what I told my officer".. and you need a proof that your case has been approved...
usually the officer will check in the system for status. and they should tell you what's going on.

Take it easy ... I never brought a lawyer to the interview, they are bunch of scammers.
except for one I know.. he is very good, he took care of my brother's case... my brother's interview letter was lost in mail and was sent to wrong address, so my brother never received it. then he received a notice of Denial of Petition due to not showing up on the interview.. my brother was going crazy because he never received the interview letter... so this lawyer "I don't know what he did", he managed to get my brother another interview in less than a month. and he saved him from some very bad consequences on the interview date from the officer who interviewed him and my brother got the green card already last year.
any ways, Chrizs, you can renew your EAD online "E-file the application on USCIS" it is easy and you get your receipt online , you print it out and take it to do FP for EAD. you should receive the card in 4-5 weeks after e-filing the application.
I really appreciate your help and I am sure that all these people who follow this thread do too. Your are so helpful!!! THANK YOU!!! I will definitely take advantage of your tips tomorrow!!!

I lost my patience with USCIS and I am angry. Really angry and annoyed! Now I need my husband to get my "angry spirit" so we can achieve something ! We might have a small, tiny argument tonight LOL I will tell him tomorrow night it was just a strategic tactic. You know... he is the patient one so he needs some kick :) LOL

But seriously... I need to study but I will come back tomorrow! Hopefully with some updates!!!