Anyone been approved in Garden City, NY, recently?

Congrats Bklyn and Marion! Oh man, where does that leave the rest of us? Feeling more lonely :( Sorry, can't help feeling a little envious- but that's ok, hopefully soon, we'll be in your shoes as well. I can't wait for the day I can post on here that mine came through also.

There's someone else on this forum from Garden City, who just had her interview few weeks ago and got her/his case approved. She never took part in this thread though. Forget her name- but just read her post a little while ago. :confused:
Don't worry justfiled!!! I won't be suprised if you get your green card sooner than me :) Plus, You can't feel more lonely yet since I have not gotten anything yet!!! We are still on the same boat :)
I guess the boat comment is :) because we are together, but at the same time :( because it sucks to be there in the first place. LOL
Ok, I had a dream that I checked my case status and the LUD changed, lmao. This is what it's come to- haunting dreams. :eek:
Is there any criteria for cases being sent to Garden City?
I'm a Manhattan resident (10 minutes walking from Federal Plaza) and I'm afraid that I will have to deal with the 3-year waiting of the infamous New York City DO....

Garden City is pretty fast in interviewing you....
i think it has more to do with how much work load Federal Plaza can handle than by zip code or other selection criteria. I think of GC more of as a brother office of Federal Plaza than its own stand alone. If you check the USCIS website, it list them both together under NYC DO.

GC might be pretty fast interviewing but they will keep u waiting for the results forever. Hence the case of mostly everyone on this thread.

Where in the process are you?
marion, justfile.
We are all in the same boat but ironically we all want to be the first ones to jump out of it :D
I think our boat is very special but also different because the sharks are in the boat and not in the water. :mad:
jdawg9 said:
Where in the process are you?

In the process of planning my wedding :p , which will be on May 27.
I have a regular H-1B, but I wanna get done with AOS as fast as I can.
My suggestion, move out of NY for faster processing :D j/k
It should take you btw 6 mo to 1 yr.

I called GC office yesterday and I was advised to come in and fill out a inquiry form.

Does anyone know how effective or helpful this is?
I had my interview on 3/15 in GC office, a day before you. Also did not get a stamp and the officer said it took time for name checking. I wanted to know if your online status says anything different now and when you provided fingerprints last year. I provided fingerprints end of July last year. My online status has not been updated at all with regard to the interview...
fish333 said:
I had my interview on 3/15 in GC office, a day before you. Also did not get a stamp and the officer said it took time for name checking. I wanted to know if your online status says anything different now and when you provided fingerprints last year. I provided fingerprints end of July last year. My online status has not been updated at all with regard to the interview...
hi fish,
the FP u have done is for EAD or I-485 name checks? coz those two are different. if you did your FP for names checks last july, that is definitely abnormal that you are still pending for FBI. name checks normally takes 3-6 months to complete unless if you are from mid-east.

the inqury form is bascially the letter that you write to garden city to request the status of your AOS, can't tell you how effective it is. (don't take it in the wrong way, normally they dont really care about request form) it is just my thought. if i were you, i will still do it, better than doing nothing.
gl to you.
Hi Chrisz,
The FP was for both EAD and I-485. I brought two receipts with me. I then received EAD probably in Auguest 2005. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

it's going to take at least 60-90 days for us to hear anything (i work for a lawyer & i'm a client!), so i do tend to agree that we should wait til after 90 days to contact congress people.

save it as a last step, so it is deemed serious and taken care of ....

Nope, no updates on my status. The last update was from July that said: we've received your FP and your case has resumed... or something like that. No one's case status is updated to reflect interview (or at least no one I know of), so don't worry. This goes for both I-130 and I-485.

I too had my FP for both of them at the same time and so did everyone else I know here in NY. I know someone who's done her FP in July, interview in Jan, and still waiting- I don't think it is abnormal for FBI check to take that long at all. Most of us who are waiting are all waiting on FBI clearance I believe, or a lazy officer.

Sarrebal, as for interviews in Garden City, I'm a Manhattan resident as well and got a slot in Garden City. I was actually quite irritated by it lol. A friend in brooklyn got Fed Plaza. Go figure. I don't know how they allot the cases to diff DO's but I don't think there's anything anyone can do- just luck.

Jdawg- lol, now that you mention sharks, I'm def going to have more nightmares tonight! I've got shark phobia.
:D :D :D
How's everyone doing? Hanging in there?

I'm going tomorrow to Garden City (5 mins away) DO to file the Inquiry form. Although I've been told is almost useless. I want to show that I went through regular channels before taking more actions.

I am a Manhattan resident as well. My lawyer said that they tried to request applications of Manhattan residents not be sent to Garden City but it didn't work. Our appointment was at 8am and we actually stayed in a nearby hotel the night before....

Yesterday I e-filed the renewal of my EAD, which expires in July, just in case...
I got very upset today.

I was gathering some paper to go to the office tomorrow and i realized that I accidentally kept in my folder the last page of the affividavit of support with my sponsor's signature and notary stamp.

I hope that won't delay my process further.

I'm going to the office tomorrow and i don't know whether i should keep this to myself or tell them.
Hmm, Jdawg, I dunno- I dunno what I'd do in that situation lol. Both seem to have its pros and cons- maybe the wise ones can help on this one.

Fish, yeah if you don't have a car, you're @#$@#-ed. We drove up there- woke up at 5am, headed out at 6.20, thinking for sure we'd get lost (don't know my way around anywhere outside Manhattan), and we were there by 6.45 lol. And our interview was at 8.30.