Anyone been approved in Garden City, NY, recently?

I am not sure if this is true. In my case I saw the officer stamp my file with "approved" at the interview, but then also told me that the background check is not complete so the green card will come in mail after the background check is done....

bklyn2006 said:

If the interviewer said, everything looks good and DIDN't Stamp the folder "your file" with approved, it doesn't mean anything.
If the folder is stamped with Approved, means the interviewer already checked your Fingerprints and FBI status and been cleared already. And you are ready to go. But the next challenge is final internal check @ the DO , they will go over the folder and make sure that the interviewer collected all the required papers, they will make sure the Interviewer decision was OKAY...
this second step called "Internal QA" and it may take between couple of hours to a whole week, depends on their moods...
but I advise everyone, if you see the interviewer actually stamps your folder with approved, then ASK for the stamp that same day and offer that you can stay another 2-3 hours out side waiting for stamp processing. give the interviewer any reasonable reason to send ur folder for passport stamping that day... like Business trip, or pre-planned trip ,or sick relative overseas...
and hopefully you will get the stamp that same day.
but if Officer never stamped the FOLDER, means that Officer has not checked your Clearance yet or unless officer mentions that you haven't cleared yet background of FBI checks.

Hopefully this could help..
Good Luck everyone..

Reminder: F1 status, bring Transcripts and Diplomas to AOS.
Confusing words from my officer

I just called my officer today and I told him that I left the last page of the affidavit of support (by accident I kept during the interview) but i came back to USCIS later and submited it. He asked my A#, looked up my file and said that he said the he sent over on 4/1/05 for processing ( :eek: a saturday!!! i felt he wasn't on his best mood so i didn't ask him about being a saturday).
But i did have the guts to ask him that since he had my record up on the screen, is there anything else that he can tell me about my case. He said that he APPROVED me and sent for processing and if it didn't come back to him i would get my GC shortly (he wasn't apparently in the mood to be more specific). I also asked him if he remembers if he attached the last page and he said his notes doesn't show that he didn't but he said he was satisfied with the file as it was (meaning he messed up and approved me without it).
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I have a lot of things to do so I just came to say that I GOT MY PASSPORT STAMPED today at the Federal Plaza office!!! So I will be on a plane going towards my home country on Sunday for sure!!!

jdawg9 so it is good news!!! Congratulations!!!

I have to run!!!

Good luck!!!
marion, congratulations!!!! i'm really happy for you. Enjoy your much deserved vacation.

I know I've been a pain to you but maybe you will get to answer these questions before you go: :rolleyes:

1)Out of curiosity, how is Federal Plaza related to your case? What is officially your (or my) DO (Fed Plaza or Garden City?). I'm a Nassau County, Long Island resident. I'm much closer geographically to Garden City than Fed Plaza (although I wouldn't mind going there two once i get really approved on their system to get my stamp). I'm also in the same situation as you, ready to take a 2 week vacation as soon as I'm able to travel to visit my brother and father I haven't seen in 11 years, so I'll go for the stamp as soon as I show approved on their system.

2)What was your argument when you asked for stamp? What did you tell them (an officer or a receptionist window?) ?

3)Did you online status change?


PITA (pain in the @ss :cool: )
Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

I will try to be quick, because I am supposed to be studying now for my last midterm tomorrow :)

1. Well, just until a second ago I thought the federal plaza related to me on the basis of distance meaning that this office was closest to me, but I just checked a couple of garden city's (which belongs to nassau county as you know... ;) ) zip codes and it turned out that if you were to make an info pass appointment with USCIS they would automatically direct you there as well. Here is the link if you want to do that:

Seems like you deserve to see your family more that I do!!!

2. Stupid me... I made an appointment for 12.45 pm and we waited literally three hours and 5 minutes to see an officer (I requested to see one when I was scheduling the appointment). But not to confuse you, it was like a window receptionist or whatever... and there were like 150 people there and only a few of those officers... and I thought I would go in and be out within 30 minutes!!! The result? I was late for class.

3. My husband did the talking and I helped him. The reason for that is as I knew they were closing the place at 4 pm and it was already 3.50 when we got to see the officer and there were still a lot of people waiting so I thought we would be rushed out of the place achieving nothing. Therefore, (it always takes me forever to get to the point as I get caught up in detail... I just realized I am doing it right now...but hey stop laughing at me!!! LOL), we figured it would be better if he explained everything. So he did. LOL Basically, we said what I told the info officer, which is that apparently there is some kind of hiccup in the system, because our congresswoman found out that we were approved and that supposedly the file was sent to the archives according to the officer from Garden City that we talked to on Friday bla bla bla... you know...he looked into her computer, and decided to give me a stamp, so I guess she was OK with she saw there.

The thing is that my online status has not changed. I can still see the same thing "On March 28, 2005, the results of your fingerprint review..." I do not know and don't really care what is up with that .... who cares at this point though? LOL The actual card will come sooner or later... :)

No, you are not a "PITA" LOL. If I did not want to, I would not even bother to answer you, plus I have not really done anything :)

Good luck! I am keeping my fingers crossed!!!

OK I will be back to check on you tomorrow :) Don't forget to report to your online supporters :)

Ps. Maybe what you can do is to go to Fed Plaza and tell them that you spoke to the officer and he said that your case was approved, but since they do not give stamps ion Garden City anymore you were told (use passive voice,becasue you don't want to lie ;) ) to go to Federal Plaza instead (they never really asked me why I needed the stamp so desperately) Good luck again and I wlll talk to you later!!!
Woo hoo. Congratsss!! You did it! And now, temporarily atleast, it's all over.

I myself am going out of the country in a few days on AP. I don't know why I'm a bit apprehensive, since I've travelled on AP before- in Dec. I guess, there are so many here, who always say 'do it at your own risk'- that it gets me scared.

Anyway way, hope mine comes through soon too. If not, when I return, I'm going to get proactive about this again!!
Very good!

Congratulations Marion! you deserve it!
I hope you enjoy your trip a lot! Thank you for all the good tips.

JDAWG9: I think we have to be a little bit more patient, is not even 60 days that we had our interview :eek: . I am in a very similar situation than yours, it's been 7 years that I do not see my father and sister, as soon as I get my stamp or green card I will buy a ticket to go and see them ;) .

Thank you very much to all of you, please keep us posted, I will keep you posted too.

I know Mona, I agree you with you :rolleyes: but its easier said than done. I guess I just stay active about it so I don't go nuts waiting. Without pissing off anyone at USCIS and compromising my case, of course.
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Thanks Mona and You're welcome!!!

You and jdawg9 definitely deserve to see your family more than I do!!!

If anyone is a student here I would recommend getting tickets from I paid $880 (there was actually one for $728, but I did not like that there were two connections) one week before the departure date, and the tickets are refundable!!!

jdawg9 so you are not going to schedule an appointment with fed plaza for now?
Thanks so much for the personlized answer on the other page :D (i didn't see it until now )

I guess i'll follow your steps. I'll wait another 2 or 3 weeks to take further action (so it will be at least 60 days). I want to go to Garden City or Federal Plaza once I have a word from someone that I have been APPROVED all the way (not just approved by my interview officer) or maybe use the congresswoman's office to get the official status before i take further action.
Passport Stamp?

Hi folks,

Had a quick question:

If after the AOS Interview, the officer does not stamp the passport, and getting the actual physical greencard could take a couple of months.

If in the interim if one has to travel outside the US (for emergency etc) could I use my Advance Parole ?

Good Trip to you 2 :rolleyes:

By the way what's the destination?

My, hopefully soon, will be the beautiful beaches of Brazil :)

JDAWG9: Very good! Brazil is one of the countries that I would love to know.
I can imagine the Carnaval, that must amazing.
For all the people in this forum that are planning to travel soon, good luck and enjoy your vacation.

arjun 96,
You cannot use your AP (Advance Parole) since you are not an adjustee anymore. If you need to travel, go to your local DO and try to get it stamp it. If that does not work, wait for the actual card.

Good luck,
What is going on Guys? It got so quiet here ... No updates?

I am going to Poland :) 2 days and 6 hours until the departure :D

Good Luck to Everyone!!! :)
BTW, my online status has not changed. I am really starting to doubt that they have updated the system. No welcome letter, no card... nothing!!!

As an update, no change of status as of yet in my case.
I am not anymore Mona25, now I am Mona30.
Please keep this info in mind.

Thank you.