Anyone been approved in Garden City, NY, recently?

Mona30 said:
As an update, no change of status as of yet in my case.
I am not anymore Mona25, now I am Mona30.
Please keep this info in mind.

What happened you just had your birthday and you're no more're 30 now :D :D

...something may not be clear for you: YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL have been banned from this forum not ONLY your name "Mona25"!!! Coming back under a different name doesn't mean you're a different person :rolleyes:

People like you and with your attitude are not welcome in this forum.

Your illegal/cheater/authority defiant mentality is reflected in you actions in this forum; The Administrator banned you, and you laugh in his face coming back under a different name. :eek:

I know, you and people like you are shameless but still...

...or you thought they just banned you for not telling your real age :D :D
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exactly marion_etka
suzy and pg2006, please only comment things that are relevant to this threat. Get a life and leave the users of the this threat who contribute with actual useful information alone.
jdawg9 said:
exactly marion_etka
suzy and pg2006, please only comment things that are relevant to this threat. Get a life and leave the users of the this threat who contribute with actual useful information alone.

My comment was relevant to the WHOLE FORUM. I don't know if you comprehend the idea, but this little thread is part of the entire forum. Can't you understand that :confused:

When someone is banned from the forum, it doesn't mean s/he can come back under a different name in a specific thread which is "off limits" for others.

Besides the fact that is a public forum where anybody can read posts and reply ;)

If you don't like others to post in "your thread" don't post at all in a public forum, use Private Messaging. :rolleyes:

Regarding your "smart" comment: "get a life" try to keep it for yourself...unless you want to get in a polemic which may really divert the initial purpose of this thread. :rolleyes:

As for marion_etka, I don't know about what "personal issues" is s/he talking about, but apparently this member, as well, can't understand the concept of rules of a public forum...
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marion_etka said:
please go resolve your problems somewhere else... we really don't care about your personal issues...

I don't know who's posting personal issues me or you, try to think before you type something :rolleyes:

How do you call these posts in a public forum, subjects of general interest :confused:

PS. Mona25 I don't know if you realized, but we have something in common We both dislike ----- Suzzy She really got under my skin
What is going on Guys? It got so quiet here ... No updates?

I am going to Poland 2 days and 6 hours until the departure

What relevance for the forum and its members has the fact that you and your buddy mona25 a.k.a. mona30 like or dislike another member :rolleyes:

Who cares in the entire ImmigrationPortal forum that in "n" days and "m" hours you'll go to Poland :D

Maybe you think you're here in a high school chat room, with your teenager buddies, where you have exclusivity :rolleyes:
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Wow, am on vacation- but just decided to check my favorite thread- all full of red caps!! :eek:

Not sure what's going on, and not sure I want to know :confused:

but, where are all the regulars for this thread? Any updates anyone? I return next week and think we'll be filing an official inquiry with garden city first. Let's see what constructive response (or not) I get before I decide to seek for more help.

Anyone have any news here? Marion, did you get your card or are you also on vacation?
No update on my part, I'll wait 2 more weeks to use congressman's office. It will be 2 months since interview by then.
Marion will be back in 2 weeks, Mona is gone and all the regulars are still around but not posting here much.
I've been using mainly Private Message and e-mail to communicate with them.
Feel free to do the same. Keep us posted.
still waitin

tomorrow will be 30 days since our march 13 interview. the officer at the interview said 90 days, but my lawyer said it would probably be about 60 days before we hear anything. so we'll wait patiently. i do check the status everyday..nothing yet.
Thanks for the updates guys. Guess we all have some more waiting to do and if I need some extra help, or have an update, will will let you guys know for sure.
Same here, still no news but my mom's friend's son who had the interview on Feb 15, just received his GC.
So there is hope. He had his interview about 2 weeks before mine.
called 800?

has anyone called the 800# to find out information? do you think they would have any? or is it a waste of time?
we've been checking online status only. didn't want to contact garden city till after the 90 days as that is when the officer said we should hear something....

interview date:3/13/06
What 800 #? If its the main 800 number i don't think they would give any information other then what the online status says. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. I called Garden City already and they told me to come into the office to fill out an inquiry form. I went in and filled out the form. When I went there there were two male officers assisting people, one hispanic and one african american. The hispanic officer was very nice, gave me the blank form and said "After you bring me back the form already filled out, I'll answer any question you might have" [I know he probably meant any questions within his capabilities. When I went back, the african american guy was there [I couldn't wait for the other gentleman to come back because I had to get to work] and he was very dry saying that all he can do is take my request and send it to the officer. I managed to ask him, how long does it normally take for the officer or someone to respond my inquiry and he said most of the time at least THREE MONTHS.
If you go, avoid the african american officer, wait for the hispanic if you have time. I went on a Thursday.

I would ignore the 90 day and try to find something out before that. A week after I visited Garden City, I spoke to my officer on the phone [which was more than a month after my interview] and the officer told me he approved me [This was me calling, not him responding to my inquiry, I think the inquiry doesn't do anything] and forward my file to the National Visa Center.

Good Luck and keep us posted.
jdawg9 said:
What 800 #? If its the main 800 number i don't think they would give any information other then what the online status says. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. I called Garden City already and they told me to come into the office to fill out an inquiry form. I went in and filled out the form. When I went there there were two male officers assisting people, one hispanic and one african american. The hispanic officer was very nice, gave me the blank form and said "After you bring me back the form already filled out, I'll answer any question you might have" [I know he probably meant any questions within his capabilities. When I went back, the african american guy was there [I couldn't wait for the other gentleman to come back because I had to get to work] and he was very dry saying that all he can do is take my request and send it to the officer. I managed to ask him, how long does it normally take for the officer or someone to respond my inquiry and he said most of the time at least THREE MONTHS.
If you go, avoid the african american officer, wait for the hispanic if you have time. I went on a Thursday.

I would ignore the 90 day and try to find something out before that. A week after I visited Garden City, I spoke to my officer on the phone [which was more than a month after my interview] and the officer told me he approved me [This was me calling, not him responding to my inquiry, I think the inquiry doesn't do anything] and forward my file to the National Visa Center.

Good Luck and keep us posted.

u need to go to federal plaza ask for stamp, my friend did similar thing, he went for infor appt. and told the office that the examiner approved him and the computer hasn't updated his case. He provided his interview date and examiner's name and phone number. He said he needs a stamp for going out states. The office took his passport and stamped on it.
why don't you give a try and fight for it.


hey was he approved at the interview? Or did the officer tell him that he was pending security clearance? thanks...

do we really have to go to Garden City and beg for our cases???

jdawg9 said:
Same here, still no news but my mom's friend's son who had the interview on Feb 15, just received his GC.
So there is hope. He had his interview about 2 weeks before mine.
The officer told him everything looked fine and he was going to review his file and he would receive a decision in the mail. Kind of like they told all of us. He didn't mention anything about namecheck, so it was either not a delay factor or he just didn't mention.
Thanks for the advice. I might just do that. Did he call first and make an infopass or just showed up at Federal Plaza? I heard Federal Plaza's line is ridiculously long and it takes all day. Can you also please tell me if you can, how long he had been waiting since he took action? All I have is the officer verbally telling me over the phone that he approved his end of the process and forward for Visa/GC. He said that once he file would get to NVC, they would check it again [I hope that not for the same things]. Can I just go there based on my officer's word? I'm also a little hesitant about getting stamped, to me only the real card matter since I was out of status and I don't know if I should travel with only the stamp.
info pass appointment

sounds like you would have to make an info pass appointment with federal plaza.
we're not in a terrible rush to travel, so we're waiting.
don't want to get all stressed yet!
jdawg9 said:
The officer told him everything looked fine and he was going to review his file and he would receive a decision in the mail. Kind of like they told all of us. He didn't mention anything about namecheck, so it was either not a delay factor or he just didn't mention.
Thanks for the advice. I might just do that. Did he call first and make an infopass or just showed up at Federal Plaza? I heard Federal Plaza's line is ridiculously long and it takes all day. Can you also please tell me if you can, how long he had been waiting since he took action? All I have is the officer verbally telling me over the phone that he approved his end of the process and forward for Visa/GC. He said that once he file would get to NVC, they would check it again [I hope that not for the same things]. Can I just go there based on my officer's word? I'm also a little hesitant about getting stamped, to me only the real card matter since I was out of status and I don't know if I should travel with only the stamp.

my friend made appointment online, he brought all the docs with him, but they never looked at them. he waited for about three weeks, and since he had to travel, (he was overstated too), so he went there and requested a stamp. I am not so sure that he had cogressman's letter, i can call him today to find out. Have your online status changed yet? if it has, u just need to wait for less than two weeks to get your card.
Made appointment for this Friday, lets see how it goes. I'll just tell them that I called Officer XXXXX in Garden City and he told me he approved my application.
jdawg9 said:
Made appointment for this Friday, lets see how it goes. I'll just tell them that I called Officer XXXXX in Garden City and he told me he approved my application.
don't forget bring that officer's phone number with you. and tell them when and where you talked to him/her.