Anybody from RAPIDIGM INC.,(formerly computerpeople/RPM) got RFE?

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What u posted is absolutely right. The people who are most happy twhen the consultants GC gets prolonged is the Recruiter. He knows that he can be arrogant and keep ignoring consultants as long as they dont get GC. It will be no surprise to anyone if recruiters have instructed RIS to slow down the GC process as much as possible. They found it difficult to di this with Nagel. Probably it is the recruiters policy (Not the companys) to prolong the process as much as possible so that they can get keep getting thier commissions and become fat rich.
But the company and Mgt should bear in mind that a growth is achieved only if they are able to retain consultants. Till now the company was able to recruit as well as retain consultants but slowly but surely a situation will arise where they may be able to recruit fresh people for 45K but they will not be able to retain the current consultants as the approvals are coming come thru.Its just a matter of time. Now that approvals are coming, sooner than later we will see people deserting the company if the current attitude of the recruiters continue.
This company WAS good and growing but what we can foresee is that company growth will be on a downward trend as the number of people leaving will far exceed the number of people coming on board. This is a sure fact as long as these recruiters , marketers and mgt aim in filling their pockets with our hard earned money. Unless they realize this soon, this company is sure going down the drain.
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Well Said! When I was with RPM, there was a Jennifer Cowan in IS. Oh My GOD! She is such a stupid (I wonder how they pay salary to such PPL - those are consultants hard-earned money).
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In addition to recruiter, the Major chunk goes to Marketing person rather than recuiter. I heard that recruiter are now made like puppet as senior recruiters are climbed higher in the Tree. Most terms now are dictated by Marketer , irespective of what you discussed with your recruiter.

They hiring when your skill is hot and reap the fruit of your skills then would never try to give you any training to keep your skills
sharp and up-to-date. May be when your skill is out-of-date they\'ll dump you on the street. I heard that they have done this to some
Y2K people last year. I also heard the incidents of not being paid while on Bench and person leaving RAPIDIGM after having unsuccessful in getting any attention from RAPIDIGM Mgmt. Also some were not properly compensated for moving expences.

Things are becoming worse day by day. May be they want senior people to leave as their margin become narrower than they get out of hiring fresh people. They don\'t like image of STAFFING COMPANY but want to keep the policies of the same.
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Pls provide good & fair service and you\'ll get appropriate praise here on this board.
Your time best utilized providing execllent service to your clients.

Thanks for your time.

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To all:

I have provided you with a proper forum for expressing yourselves. It is fair and appropriate, yet no one has taken the challenge.

Go to

It is easy to point fingers and partake in mass complaining. It is much more difficult to engage in constructive dialogue.

I believe my time has been spent in providing excellent service, no one has been denied a GC nor has any case been prejudiced in any way. RIS track record is evidence of good and fair service.

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do not be under the impression that we have nothing better
to do than complain about RIS. If we were so satisfied with
the great "service" that you are providing, we would have
no reason to visit this forum. Also, if there was a chat
group available, why was it not communicated to Rapidigm
employees before? It is shameful to find out about it
from a public forum like this. I do not question RIS track
record. You may have had good success with all your green
card applications in the past. But rather than brag about
your past success, your time will be better utilised in
trying to provide good service on current applications.
And what I mean by good service is that when I have a
question, either you or someone from RIS is available to
provide me with information. For you, a green card application
may be nothing more than some legal paper work but for
me it is something that controls my life and that of
my family. Until you realize this fact, you will probably continue
with the same level of "service" that you have been providing.
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 Why any people who\'d good experience are not posting here?

If people can post their good experince about Mr. Rajiv & others then I don\'t see why they can\'t for you.

Today also, I know atleast 10 consultants 485 cases are still lying in your office for almost 2 months. In your flow-chart your given time-line of 3 days to send the application to INS, from the date you recive the Signed Apllication from the employee. why they are not being sent.

Looks like RIS is deliberately doing this to delay the GC as now INS has started processing quickly. Earlier , you demonstrated the same by preventing people from doing CP.
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Addressing issues either here or rapidigm forum is same. It does not look like anything is going to change. Still I am hearing same rude and irresponsible answers from u and your dept.

Actions speak louder than words.

Do something which will really help us.
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I still do not have any visitors on the appropriate forum.

That initial action would resonate throughout!

I can\'t do anything if I do not hear from YOU!

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Its not completely your problem. We all believe that you have instructions from Recruiters to work so.

We do not want to challenge you here. If you are really interested in knowing abour your RIS service to us, let us take Survery with all the employees of RAPIDIGM.
All we want is fair service. Right now, we get very POOR service. Again, if consultants ask questions - u People (including Recruiters) never reply. And the local HR manager always say \'No\'. Its what hurting us.
I am hearing from many new consultants that they join RAPIDIGM, just for GC (So far, labor is clearing quick with RAPIDIGM). If this poor service continues, we all have to hammer it to Lew Wheeler/Paul/Ravi Amble.
What I understood is, US Immigration is clearing the cases fast, but filing with them takes hell a lot time from the poor RIS people.

And I still wonder why RIS dont provide any documents to consultants when each stage is approved. It makes us to think different. Pl. dont say \'Company policy\'.

Wondering you have any automated e-mail program? :))
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what is important is WHAT issues we are facing. It is not
important WHERE these issues are posted. By visiting this
forum, you are already becoming aware of our issues and
concerns. Would it make any difference if the SAME issues
were posted on the rapidigm chat group?!!?
Perhaps, you are asking people to use the rapidigm chat
group instead of this site because you are worried about
the huge amount of adverse publicity this is causing you here!??!
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Hi All,
I too am a Rapidigm Employee. Yeah it\'s true that RIS doesn\'t return calls easily or the recuiters for that matter. Also all the docs should be copied over to the employee. The matter between the employees and company shoud be sorted out by mutual dialog and not through media war! The company has to understand this.
What is appearing on this forum is the frustration of the employees!
This being a true bodyshopping company , employees are the only assets. The contant flow from India is not for more than a few years!
Take action before it is too late Rapiigm!

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The whole scenario is turning pretty worse - it was always pretty bad - credit goes to RIS and Rapidigm management where guys are flying so high that they tend to forget the very cause of their success - our haed labor - they flourish on our hard earned money and get paid to misbehave with us - deprive us and cheat us at each and every opportunity they can possibly devise!
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It appears that \'RAPIDIGM\' actually now turning to \'RAPIDUMB\' by lending their deaf ears to her employee\'s problems. This may be the reason they have to add the \'INTERACTIVE\' to their new floated company(RAPIDUMB INTERACTIVE ).

Anybody here knows the SIGN language this dumb company understand?
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Onemorevictim that is the very reason jackie has invited all of us to the forum cause it dosen\'t work don\'t u see it goes with the "company policy".