Anybody from RAPIDIGM INC.,(formerly computerpeople/RPM) got RFE?

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Hey if you can\'t take the truth, go and hide under your wife\'s skirt. The reality is that you are getting screwed and there is nothing you can do about it.
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Rapidigm will never change, its the same story, inspite of all these messages there has been no effect on RIS , jackie just bragged about her services cause she had to save some face, now that she has done that she is no more interested (company policy).
They have done some new recruitments in RIS but have taught them the same old formulas of non-cooperation.
No matter what they will not change, cause they don\'t want to.
Please post your good (if any) or bad experiences.

Troubled Rapidigm employee
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I am one more victim of useless Rapidigm. In the past I thought of quitting the company several times. That time only thing stopped me was GC (no money, no respect etc). Now it is the high time to do some thing. I will quit and write a letter to INS and other customer forums (I don\'t care Whether some action will be taken on company or not) I will do what ever I feel like doing and I can not put up with this any more.
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Leaving company may not be a solution. Stay back and fight. Majority of Rapidigm employee\'s are waiting to support this fight. They are quiet because they are afraid of GC being screwed up. This may not go on for long. Threshold of patience is reaching. Rapidigm management should realizing this or else get screwed royally.
This is a recruiter -centric company and recruiters assume that they are demi god but they are nothing more than pimps.
Hope that you will come out as winner.
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The last time I checked this was a free country.

You should quit the company and start a consumer action forum.
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Hi All,

   Thanks to all of you who have expressed their views about Rapidigm. Last night, I happened to speak with a recruiter from Rapidigm asking me to join their company. He said that since I have 5+ years of IT experience, the GC process can be reduced by 3 years. Now, after reading all these forums, it is a blessing in disguise for me warning me not to join this company.

  Once again thanks to all of you and my friend who suggested me to read this forum when I told him about this company.
  I hope and pray for all of you who are waiting to get a GC.
