Any October 2010 filers yet?

Hi again!

Thank you so much everyone for your nice comments. I've been feeling very discouraged since the interview but you all have seriously made me feel better (a tiny bit at least, hehe). I appreciate it. As soon as I find something out I'll let you all know :)

I'm wondering who has his/her interview next...?

djhash has the interview on the 5th.
Hi Hopeful, I see no reason why not be approved. Put your nick to work...LOL.... Don't worry you are approved in the IO mind.
My wife's interview is on 1/25/11.
My wife applied for SSC today. She is going to DMV Monday.

Don't let the dark side of the IO compromises your hope, be positive.
Hi everyone!!

As many of you know, I had my interview today. I'm not sure if I should be upset that I don't have any good news to share with you, or if I should be happy that I don't have any bad ones. Our interview was.... "ok", to say the least.

My dad's appointment was at 7:45 and he was called in at 8am. He, the petitioner -my aunt-, and I went in with him. The man was very courteous, not too friendly but he was pleasant. He asked "are you ____" to my aunt and she said yes, and we all introduced ourselves as we were walking to his office. He said "I know ALLLLL about you guys". We got to his office and he swore us in, and he asked to see a form of ID. All three of us gave him our driver licenses. He proceeded to ask casual questions, asking my aunt how long she's lived here, when she became a citizen, etc. He never asked to see her naturalization certificate but she took it out because she couldn't remember the date of her naturalization. He barely looked at it. He asked me and my dad if we had our passports, and we did, so we gave it to him. I asked if he needed our birth certificates and he answered "maybe later". He then proceeded to ask my dad questions "are you married? do you have other kids?" and my aunt said "well, he has a stepdaughter" which completely threw him off. The issue is, my parents are not married but they have been together for 30 years. They are not married because when she was young she married a man who left her (he lives in USA now, and is a US citizen) and divorce was illegal in the country we are from. He seemed VERY confused as to why they weren't married. My aunt shouldn't have said my dad has a stepdaughter because legally he does not. He doesn't even have a wife.

He then asked me a couple of questions "When is your birthday? Do you work? Do you go to school? Where? What is your major?". He asked me if I had siblings, and of course since my half sister was already brought up I said yes. He asked how old she was, where she lives. He asked me about my mom, what she does, and what her status is. He then asked me who we stayed with when we came to the U.S. and I said "my sister's dad". That confused him even more. He didn't understand why. He asked me if her dad lives with his gf and I told him no, and he said "I don't believe that". I was offended and I tried to remain calm and said "I've told you everything I know about him. He's not a family man." That's the truth. He has a fear of commitment and has never lived with any of his long time girlfriends. That took me by surprise (being called a liar) and I was a little annoyed by it but I think I did ok. He wrote down that I had my mom here, and a sister (but he didn't write down their full names or addresses) and honestly he spent at least 75% of the time asking questions about them instead of us. I thought that was a little inappropriate considering they are family matters that I have no control over. I'm 22, any issues my parents have are theirs and not mine. I have to say, he had our thick folders out and noted everything in red pen all over our papers. He asked both my dad and I all the "No" questions.

Again, he was so concerned with my sister/mom/her husband that she hasn't been with for over 30 years, that he didn't even make a mention I'm a CSPA case. He didn't ask to see our birth certificates. He didn't ask to see any originals, not even my aunt's naturalization certificate (he looked at it when she took it out for maaaaaaybe 2 seconds). I was very disappointed by that because it took us completely by surprise. There's nothing sketchy about us, we have no criminal record, no drug offenses, yet family issues were of concern to him.

I don't understand why, the worst that could happen is that I could petition my mom in 5 years, like anyone else could. I can't petition my sister (here illegally), and she can't petition her husband, and her father is a USC. What is the issue?

At the end, he said, "I'll look into stuff a bit and you'll get an answer in the middle of January". One of us, in our nervousness, asked what 'stuff' that was. He said he "wanted to check our history with a database and make sure there aren't any hits with terrorism or drug trafficking" and if everything was fine things should work out. Honestly I think that's BS. Isn't all this stuff done beforehand? Isn't that what the background check is for? I just think he was confused about my mom and he wanted to think about whether that'll affect our case or not (in my opinion, it should NOT, why should it? This was an issue about my aunt, her brother, and her brother's daughter).

I asked him about our I-94's and he said he would be keeping those. I left the interview feeling slightly annoyed.

I'm not sure what to say. The man wasn't mean, but I do think he took the interview down the wrong path. Wish he had asked more questions about us.

So here we are, back to waiting for at least two weeks. I'm so stressed out I'm not sure what I'm going to do until I know our fate.

P.S. Thank you to everyone who kept us in your thoughts, especially KussyPoo, Claudiahel, and Mimi0484. Hopefully Claudia and Mimi will have better experiences, lol.

hopeful108 I'm so sorry for your not so nice experience, but I agree with the others and I'm sure you'll get your GC soon, I'll keep all my fingers crossed for you!!! :) Just stay positive and.....hopeful ;)

My interview date is coming close (Jan 6th as Claudiahel) and I'm gathering all the documents and worried of forgetting something :) oh and today I received my EAD in the mail

Location: Buffalo, NY
10-13-2010 Sent to USCIS Chicago forms I-130, I-485, I-765, I-864, and I-693
10-14-2010 Delivered to USCIS Chicago (Received date on NOAs)
10-27-2010 Checks cashed
11-01-2010 Received in the mail 3xNOAs (I-130, I-485, I-765)
11-05-2010 Received appointment for biometrics (11/19)
11-15-2010 LUD I-485
11-19-2010 Biometrics done (appt)
11-19-2010 LUD I-130 and I-765
12-06-2010 Got IL for 01-06-11
12-22-2010 EAD approved and card production
12-30-2010 EAD received
I just went to the mailbox and fished my tiny little Green Card out of it :D Going to the Social Security office tomorrow morning to get my SSN and then next up is the DMV! Sooo excited! Tomorrow I will also go over to Canada, I need to get out of this country hahaha :D
I wish you guys all the best, you have sort of become extended family to me throughout the last few weeks! I will stay on this forum and try to help with anything if I can, and of course to see how it is going for all of you! <3
Hey guys, does anyone know a good link with the steps how to prepare for the interview? i really need some help with all the documents we have to bring and how to organize them?
Thanks and Happy New Year!
Here is my updated timeline

New York, New York
National Processing Centre

Update - NY
10/05/10 (Day 1)- Sent I-130, I-485, I-693, I-765, etc
10/08/10 (Day 3)- Documents recieved by Chicago PO Box
10/15/10 (Day 10) - Recieved 3x email/SMS notifications
10/16/10 (Day 11) - Checks cashed
10/19/10 (Day 14) - NOA x 3 recieved in mail
10/25/10 (Day 20) - Recieved Biometrics appointment in mail for 11/17
10/26/10 (Day 21) - Did Walk In Biometrics
10/27/10 (Day 22) - Soft LUD
01/03/10 (Day 89) - LUD - My EAD card has been ordered and should arrive within 30 days.

I spoke with a representative from USCIS and was told that the New York processing office wait time is approx 4 months right now.

Question for those with EAD - how long does this card authorize you to work for? Is there a time period? Any restrictions?
Here is my updated timeline

New York, New York
National Processing Centre

Update - NY
10/05/10 (Day 1)- Sent I-130, I-485, I-693, I-765, etc
10/08/10 (Day 3)- Documents recieved by Chicago PO Box
10/15/10 (Day 10) - Recieved 3x email/SMS notifications
10/16/10 (Day 11) - Checks cashed
10/19/10 (Day 14) - NOA x 3 recieved in mail
10/25/10 (Day 20) - Recieved Biometrics appointment in mail for 11/17
10/26/10 (Day 21) - Did Walk In Biometrics
10/27/10 (Day 22) - Soft LUD
01/03/10 (Day 89) - LUD - My EAD card has been ordered and should arrive within 30 days.

I spoke with a representative from USCIS and was told that the New York processing office wait time is approx 4 months right now.

Question for those with EAD - how long does this card authorize you to work for? Is there a time period? Any restrictions?

The EAD is good for 1 year. I hope you get your IL soon!!!
Hi Everyone!! I can't seem to be able to update my signature because it's gotten way past the allowed 500 characters, but guess what I woke up to today? Card production e-mail!!!!! Funny - it says "On December 29, 2010, we ordered production of your new card" That's the same day I had the horrible interview. WOW!!

Thank you so much everyone for keeping my spirits up these past few days. You have no idea how much it meant to me and how much I kept repeating to myself "The October filers think I'll be approved, I'm sure I'll be approved" :)

Happy new year!!! Good luck preparing for your interviews Claudia, Annina, and Djhash. Let me know if I can be of service, although all my interview details are posted above.

Here's a more detailed timeline (no lawyer):


Beneficiary + Derivative beneficiary of F4 application
Location: Seattle, WA

10/05/2010 (DAY 1) : Sent applications to Chicago Lockbox
10/07/2010 (DAY 3) : Applications received
10/18/2010 (DAY 14): Received an e-mail confirmation of receipt
10/18/2010 (DAY 14): Checks were cashed
10/21/2010 (DAY 17): Received NOA's in the mail
10/21/2010 (DAY 17): Soft LUD
10/23/2010 (DAY 19): Received biometrics appointment for 11/16/2010
11/03/2010 (DAY 30): Soft LUD
11/04/2010 (DAY 31): Did biometrics (walk-in)
11/05/2010 (DAY 32): Soft LUD
11/29/2010 (DAY 56): Received interview letter for 12/29/2010
12/15/2010 (DAY 72): EAD card production e-mail. YAYY!
12/18/2010 (DAY 75): EAD card received :) :)
12/20/2010 (DAY 77): Applied for SSN
12/27/2010 (DAY 84): Received SS card
12/29/2010 (DAY 86): Interview. No decision.
1/3/2010 (DAY 91): Card production e-mail (ordered on 12/29!)
My wishes are with you hopeful108. I agree with the rest that it looks good with them taking the I-95.

Yes, My interview in on the 5th. I'll be leaving tomorrow night, my wife and I will be spending the night at a hotel nearby to ensure I don't miss the interview. It's at 8am. I also heard it'll snow tomorrow, so It's a good thing i'll be close to the interview location.

Question for those with EAD - how long does this card authorize you to work for? Is there a time period? Any restrictions?

The EAD expires 1 year from when it's issued, you'll have to renew it when It gets close to that date. There are no restrictions as to what jobs you can get.
Thanks djhash and hopeful108.

So Im assuming that when your GC is approved, do they take the EAD back and give you the green card?
I just went to the mailbox and fished my tiny little Green Card out of it :D Going to the Social Security office tomorrow morning to get my SSN and then next up is the DMV! Sooo excited! Tomorrow I will also go over to Canada, I need to get out of this country hahaha :D
I wish you guys all the best, you have sort of become extended family to me throughout the last few weeks! I will stay on this forum and try to help with anything if I can, and of course to see how it is going for all of you! <3

Congratulations Kussypoo. Am a November filer but I have been following the October thread too.
Also Congrats to hopeful
I know most of you October guys are having interviews this month so good luck.
Hi Everyone!! I can't seem to be able to update my signature because it's gotten way past the allowed 500 characters, but guess what I woke up to today? Card production e-mail!!!!! Funny - it says "On December 29, 2010, we ordered production of your new card" That's the same day I had the horrible interview. WOW!!

Thank you so much everyone for keeping my spirits up these past few days. You have no idea how much it meant to me and how much I kept repeating to myself "The October filers think I'll be approved, I'm sure I'll be approved" :)

Happy new year!!! Good luck preparing for your interviews Claudia, Annina, and Djhash. Let me know if I can be of service, although all my interview details are posted above.

Here's a more detailed timeline (no lawyer):


Beneficiary + Derivative beneficiary of F4 application
Location: Seattle, WA

10/05/2010 (DAY 1) : Sent applications to Chicago Lockbox
10/07/2010 (DAY 3) : Applications received
10/18/2010 (DAY 14): Received an e-mail confirmation of receipt
10/18/2010 (DAY 14): Checks were cashed
10/21/2010 (DAY 17): Received NOA's in the mail
10/21/2010 (DAY 17): Soft LUD
10/23/2010 (DAY 19): Received biometrics appointment for 11/16/2010
11/03/2010 (DAY 30): Soft LUD
11/04/2010 (DAY 31): Did biometrics (walk-in)
11/05/2010 (DAY 32): Soft LUD
11/29/2010 (DAY 56): Received interview letter for 12/29/2010
12/15/2010 (DAY 72): EAD card production e-mail. YAYY!
12/18/2010 (DAY 75): EAD card received :) :)
12/20/2010 (DAY 77): Applied for SSN
12/27/2010 (DAY 84): Received SS card
12/29/2010 (DAY 86): Interview. No decision.
1/3/2010 (DAY 91): Card production e-mail (ordered on 12/29!)

OMG, so haaaaaaaappppppppy for you!! Congrats, new permanent resident! ha ha ha
Congrats hopeful!!!! A very Happy new Year for you!

djhash...Best Wishes on the interview tomorrow...Everything will go well....The October filers are sprinkled with fairy dust so we are all filled with luck!!!!

Claudia and Annina...Best wishes on your interviews this week!!! Please keep us posted!
I am a December filer, but I have been reading these treads to get a idea of time lines. I see a lot of people write about "LUD" and "RFE". What does this mean?

My Biometrics appointment was supposed to be Jan 21st. I did a walk-in biometrics today. Would I get any sort of confirmation anywhere that I can see that everything went okay? The website has not updated my status about anything. What is the next step after this?
Thank you everyone for congratulating me! It feels silly to me to feel so excited about a number or a status, but having been undocumented I almost don't know what freedom feels like. It was the worst years of my life (especially because I didn't choose to come here).

I completely agree with Mimi... .we've definitely been sprinkled with some magical dust because I've been following other filers and October filers haven't had too many issues. Lucky us!

I am a December filer, but I have been reading these treads to get a idea of time lines. I see a lot of people write about "LUD" and "RFE". What does this mean?

My Biometrics appointment was supposed to be Jan 21st. I did a walk-in biometrics today. Would I get any sort of confirmation anywhere that I can see that everything went okay? The website has not updated my status about anything. What is the next step after this?

LUD - Last updated date. This is what we call when our case is updated online on the USCIS website and we don't get a notification from it. It's kind of meaningless because no real progress happens (ex. card production ordered) but it gives us a little hope because it means someone opened our file and looked at it :)

RFE - Request for evidence. You don't really want to get this. It means there's something missing in your application and they mailed you a letter asking for it. Your case is suspended until they receive a reply (usually they give you like 30 days, I think).

About them updating your status after biometrics: usually after you do it you will see a "LUD", meaning your last updated date will change, but you won't get an email/text notification and you won't see anything really change.

Good luck in your journey! I was stressed out the entire time (to top it off ,I am a CSPA case!) and I feel like I got a couple of ulcers.
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Hi Everyone!! I can't seem to be able to update my signature because it's gotten way past the allowed 500 characters, but guess what I woke up to today? Card production e-mail!!!!! Funny - it says "On December 29, 2010, we ordered production of your new card" That's the same day I had the horrible interview. WOW!!
Thank you so much everyone for keeping my spirits up these past few days. You have no idea how much it meant to me and how much I kept repeating to myself "The October filers think I'll be approved, I'm sure I'll be approved" :)
Happy new year!!! Good luck preparing for your interviews Claudia, Annina, and Djhash. Let me know if I can be of service, although all my interview details are posted above.]

Congratulation Hopeful!!!!! :) I'm really happy for you, good luck with everything!

Location: Buffalo, NY
10-13-2010 Sent to USCIS Chicago forms I-130, I-485, I-765, I-864, and I-693
10-14-2010 Delivered to USCIS Chicago (Received date on NOAs)
10-27-2010 Checks cashed
11-01-2010 Received in the mail 3xNOAs (I-130, I-485, I-765)
11-05-2010 Received appointment for biometrics (11/19)
11-15-2010 LUD I-485
11-19-2010 Biometrics done (appt)
11-19-2010 LUD I-130 and I-765
12-06-2010 Got IL for 01-06-11
12-22-2010 EAD approved and card production
12-30-2010 EAD received
Here is my updated timeline

New York, New York
National Processing Centre

Update - NY
10/05/10 (Day 1)- Sent I-130, I-485, I-693, I-765, etc
10/08/10 (Day 3)- Documents recieved by Chicago PO Box
10/15/10 (Day 10) - Recieved 3x email/SMS notifications
10/16/10 (Day 11) - Checks cashed
10/19/10 (Day 14) - NOA x 3 recieved in mail
10/25/10 (Day 20) - Recieved Biometrics appointment in mail for 11/17
10/26/10 (Day 21) - Did Walk In Biometrics
10/27/10 (Day 22) - Soft LUD
01/03/10 (Day 89) - LUD - EAD ordered
01/03/10 (Day 89) - Recieved IL in mail for 2/2/11