Any May filers around?

Nobody is writing here anymore :(

Praetorian, so what about those guides? Have you found more copies? :)

Whoa, I guess I'm nobody then huh! :p How about this other piece of non-immigration related news then, the first train of Austin's new light rail arrived from the manufacturer in Switzerland this evening (link), bringing Austin into a new age of urban mass transit! And austriacus already spotted the shiny new rail car on his way back to work an hour ago, in an undisclosed location!

Praetorian, after some more consideration I must insist that you send your only English copy of the Guide to MagdaJ. If I've waited 12 years for one I can really wait 12 more, no biggie. I wouldn't be disinclined to the Spanish one that you have. In fact, my mom would probably enjoy reading it, she likes to practice Spanish when she comes here to visit (ironically she gets more opportunity to speak Spanish than English whenever she comes to visit Texas).

What I find a little strange is that at the Government Printing Office, the English guide is $9.50 but the Spanish one only $2.50! (link) Are we being punished for speaking English? :D (EDIT: I think it's because the Spanish one is only available in packs of 50, and the English one singly.)
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Whoa, I guess I'm nobody then huh! :p How about this other piece of non-immigration related news then, the first train of Austin's new light rail arrived from the manufacturer in Switzerland this evening (link), bringing Austin into a new age of urban mass transit! And austriacus already spotted the shiny new rail car on his way back to work an hour ago, in an undisclosed location!

Praetorian, after some more consideration I must insist that you send your only English copy of the Guide to MagdaJ. If I've waited 12 years for one I can really wait 12 more, no biggie. I wouldn't be disinclined to the Spanish one that you have. In fact, my mom would probably enjoy reading it, she likes to practice Spanish when she comes here to visit (ironically she gets more opportunity to speak Spanish than English whenever she comes to visit Texas).

What I find a little strange is that at the Government Printing Office, the English guide is $9.50 but the Spanish one only $2.50! (link) Are we being punished for speaking English? :D (EDIT: I think it's because the Spanish one is only available in packs of 50, and the English one singly.)

I find your comments about Spanish to be a little LOU DOBBISH. You may be just joking with PRAETORIAN, since he is your "pal" and I believe he is South American, but why don't you send him a PM?

This could be insulting to Spanish people. We both know what you were referring to. 5 minutes of LOU DOBBS is enough to hear the similar jokes and we all know where Lou DOBBS stands on this subject.

NOTE: I am not Spanish, nor Mexican, nor Latino, but I wouldn't appreciate those little spikes thrown at them if I were one of them.

You may think that I have something against you but trust me NO. It's just that I have lived in Germany and Austria amongst the many countries I have been (due to father's job), and NOT EVERYONE, but many in those those two countries aren't the friendliest. So your words, being that you are AUSTRIAN take more of a significance.

Remember Jorg Haider???
constructus, what exactly did you find insulting? I think Lou Dobbs is great by the way, it's one of my favorite programs.
constructus, what exactly did you find insulting? I think Lou Dobbs is great by the way, it's one of my favorite programs.


I knew that was a LOU DOBBS kind of speech.

Anyways you know what you were inferring. I am not stupid, and I doubt you are either. You acting all surprised is insulting to both our intelligences.

If DOBBS is your favorite program does that mean you agree with him? Is that why you make these Hispanic "attacks" all the time?

If yes, I think it's sad for someone who left his country and is a GUEST here to have such views (IMHO).

Are you serious (QUOTE): "WE ARE BEING PUNISHED FOR SPEAKING ENGLISH"? Dobbs wouldn't have said it better himself.

Let's be a little serious here. Do not insult my intelligence, PLEASE.

Note: Once again I am not hispanic, latino or whatever, and think ENGLISH is and should remain the language of the US, but since I am a guest here, such thoughts I keep to myself and do not try to offend people on an immigration forum. I let the AMERICANS fight that battle, it's not mine.

Remember, this is all in good fun. No animosity whatsoever.

constructus, I feel quite honored actually that you compare my language to Lou Dobbs. If by what you mean "do I agree with him" that (1) this country has a broken immigration system in the sense that it doesn't enfore its immigration laws; (2) illegal immigration helps private industry but puts a burden on the taxpayer; (3) illegal aliens are exploited by the industries they work for ;(4) outsourcing creates any number of problems including falling value of the currency, health concerns from unregulated products, monopolies created by foreign states (5) certain free trade agreements create unfair economic advantage for foreign corporations and do not ensure product quality; (6) tax cuts in times of war put the burden of war costs on future generations of tax payers; (7) the income inequality in this country is growing too much and affects the living standard of the middle class; (8) the two party system is not effective in terms of representing the true will of the nation, then yes, I certainly agree with.

I suppose you don't see any Hispanic attacks in this list, because frankly, at least as part of his program (I can't speak for his private views), Lou Dobbs doesn't attack Hispanics.

What you may have interpreted as Hispanic attacks are just my observations, the daily reality of living in an area of the US with more than half the people speaking Spanish. I see how many of them are being exploited every day and not treated equal. There is an entire infrastructure set up here to where they don't have to learn English at all. Except - all contracts they sign are in English, and higher education is in English. I don't think the government does these individuals any favor by participating in this game of keeping them from learning the language of success in this country. Of course it's also a business, capturing the Hispanic population as customers by catering to them in their language, but it's not something the government needs to be participating in. The irony that this is creating is that it further reinforces a two-tier society, two parts of society that don't even understand each other anymore because they don't speak a common language. Now, I usually associate myself with the lower tier, simply because the upper tier is often more spendful and wasteful than I'd like to be. I drive the city bus instead of my car when appropriate, and I go to the IRS taxpayer assistance instead of a tax professional. The irony has become that it's become difficult for an English speaking person to do these things here as part of the less spendful and wasteful society. I wait a lot longer as an English speaking person for IRS taxpayer assistance. Some official notices on the city bus are not in English anymore.

Don't get me wrong, there's no Hispanic attack in any of this; I've lived with South and Central American roommates for years and live in a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood right now. If anything it's the lack of local and federal government to cater to English speaking people anymore in certain situations. I think a common language is a central part of the strength of the US, vs. Europe for instance which has to struggle with its 15 or 20 official languages. It would be nice for the country to agree on a language to use. It doesn't have to be English, I could learn something new, but agree on something we can all understand and use as a nation.
constructus, I suppose we disagree in the way we view our contribution to this society. Since I want to live here, I try to holds views that I believe are beneficial to this country, it's my way of giving to this country by supporting certain views over others. I don't think being impartial to fundamentally important concepts about the future of the country would make me a good immigrant, neither would it help my future or my children's future as doing my 1/300 millionth part of shaping the society. Sadly, there are already too many impartial Americans in this country, which leads to governments that are not representing the will of society.

Since you mentioned Joerg Haider, I thought I should add that's about as far from the political spectrum as possible with regards to my views. He's basically anti-immigration, pro-isolationism. I would consider myself a social democrat. I'm pro-immigration, but only immigration that helps the country or its citizens as a whole; I'm anti-isolationism, however I would like to see foreign trade and foreign interests to be balanced with the (long term) benefits to the nation. I'm for a better balance between the power of industry, labor, and external costs to society.
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Ooops, somebody has been unjustly attacked here... Sorry, Austriacus...

Thanks for the info about the rail cars. I watched the news video :D
Thanks for being a gentleman about that guide, but I think Praetorian has already sent it to you. I will need to call the info line and request one guide for myself.
Austriacus, thanks for the brain poke! it is 5:00 AM, but that is fine. I will send you the spanish guide, if I find it! ;)

Constructus, get a life.

MagdaJ, I have not sent the guide to Aus yet. So PM me your address.

On the immigration side, I agree with most of Austriacus views... I am south american, I am bilingual and I have worked with non-profit organizations trying to help the hispanic community around here. One of the big things that stands on their way (aside from having no immigration legal status) is that they will not learn the language. I taught ESL for 6 months as a volunteer... started with 20 students and only 2 stayed at the end of the period. That means 10%, were really committed to learn english.

Most of them, do not care or think can not learn it. Most of them are scared of going somewhere for assistance (specially goverment buildings) and they live in their own little communities with their "tiendas mexicanas" and all. It is their own society within the larger "american" society and that is sad. I believe (and have seen) that they have better chances (of improving their life quality, not being ripped off, etc) if they would learn the language.

ps: Did you know, from my experience, the average hispanic immigrant carries about $400 in cash in his wallet?! :p

Anyways, Constructus, people in this thread in particular all "know" each other and I find it rather funny that you would just "pick" a fight that has nothing to do with you. You are no hispanic, you speak no spanish, so if someone here is offended, then let them speak and stay out of it. You can take your "intelligence" elsewhere.

Peace out~
First off PRAETORIAN, on the contrary to you I do have a life. Obviously by your eternal presence here seeking friends, despite the fact that you have your GC now, you are the one with no life.

Secondly, AUSTRIACUS, I respect what you say. If you read my post I said that I am for only one official language in the US: ENGLISH.

I am against foreigners coming to this country and still living as if they where elsewhere, and not speak the language of the country.

But my point was/is since you and your buddy are so into respecting the laws and everything (like I am), why don't you just take care of your business now, until you become a US citizen, and then you will be in all your right to express such views publically. You are allowed to have your views, but you are an immigrant like most people on this forum.

In your house, you set the rules. This isn't your house YET. You/we are still guests here. Take care of your own business and when you are a US citizen, vote for what you believe in and/or create your own political party.

Your personal views about immigration, politics and the people who are here has no place in an immigration forum.

I just think it's funny that you and especially your buddy sometimes act (try to act) more catholic than the pope.

I may agree with you on SOME things, but I know what my place is. I wish you did to.

You said, I believe, that once an immigration officer at an airport told you something in the looks of: What are you doing here, that your job should be given in priority to US citizens. Now what would have been your reaction if a foreigner or a LPR had said that to you? Wouldn't you have just told him to mind his own business?

Once again, I respect your views but an immigration forum is not where I think they should be expressed. If I want to listen to this I watch your boy LOU.

As for the other INTERNET LAWYER, who thinks that he owns the place, telling me that I am fighting a battle which isn't mine?? What is he doing with his life, but defending you?? And I am the one who needs a life? LOL

PS: Mr P. who says people on this forum "know" each other. Let me tell you something, you know nobody here. People here are related by the same problems, questions and concerns that's it. If this is your idea of "knowing" people (friendship), you need to get away from your computer and explore the real world and make some real friendships.

This forum is to help. If you think that now you have your green card and believe that you can come and be ironic and talk back and fourth about things that do not interest people, go PM your new found "friends" that you know, or get your car and go meet them. Obviously your job with immigration is done, so you go get a life.
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Constructus, you will never get it.

If people here have helped each other and shared their experiences for the past 6 months. That would make them "know" each other... I mean if people nowadays are marrying people they met online! Are you saying is impossible to develop a "common goal friendship/relationship" of some kind?

I do not boast to be liked by everyone. But i do have friends, co-workers and so on... Here and in the "real" world. The reason i stay here is to provide help based on my experiences... Just like people helped me when i was going through it. Why don't you go and harass TripleCitizen, TheRealCanadian and LucyMO?

Either way. I do think of the USA as my house. I am a permanent resident here, i pay taxes and have learnt the language, I have rights and responsabilities just like the USCs have them. You need to change that mentality of "i am a guest and only US citizens the right to do and say" otherwise you'll end up being a door mat to everyone... Even after your naturalization.
Constructus, you will never get it.

If people here have helped each other and shared their experiences for the past 6 months. That would make them "know" each other... I mean if people nowadays are marrying people they met online! Are you saying is impossible to develop a "common goal friendship/relationship" of some kind?

I do not boast to be liked by everyone. But i do have friends, co-workers and so on... Here and in the "real" world. The reason i stay here is to provide help based on my experiences... Just like people helped me when i was going through it. Why don't you go and harass TripleCitizen, TheRealCanadian and LucyMO?

Either way. I do think of the USA as my house. I am a permanent resident here, i pay taxes and have learnt the language, I have rights and responsabilities just like the USCs have them. You need to change that mentality of "i am a guest and only US citizens the right to do and say" otherwise you'll end up being a door mat to everyone... Even after your naturalization.

When expressed that way, I respect that. But do not come here mocking me (or trying to at least) as if you "know" me.

I have said many times how helpful you, AUSTRIACUS and others have been. You had no right to disrespect me for just saying that maybe you guys should discuss the fact that you have copies of a leaflet in different languages privately. You could have PM'ed your "friends" those personal messages.

I will not go back to my thoughts about people who do not want to assimilate to the US and get a better life in this great country and learn the language because if you still haven't gotten my point on that, there is nothing more I can say.

My point is, just look at the first page of this thread, when you were posting. You mention that "you are the first May filer of the thread", you talk about your receipt of NOA's and all that. Now that's information that helps people here to have an estimation of their own situation or to give you the information. You weren't talking about the BS you "force" us to go through now. Because then you were in need too.

What help would it have been to you if everybody on the thread that followed you back then were done with their process and started talking back and fourth about the "pockets" of Hispanic land in the US? Although that may be true and condemnable, it does not help. Call your friends or PM. Or go on

This is a great country based on freedom of speech I know, but let's not use this freedom of speech bestowed on us to "disrespect" others with our petty preoccupations (leaflet in spanish, or german or jamaican).

How insulting I think that is for someone who may face family separation or for those who are stuck in name check for years to have to read about people worrying (NOW) about what language their leaflets/booklets are written in?

There are other forums to express this. And I am one of the people who complain about those issues. The important is not always what you say, but sometimes WHERE you say it. I think it has no place here. You may be ligally right by expressing your right to freedom of speech, but you are MORALLY wrong to do that this way here.

That's all I was talking about. I try relating to other people's situations, even if you think that this is not my battle, which it isn't, I will still out of respect for others and myself be focused on the goal of this thread/forum. I have PM'ed people and people have PM'ed me about personal stuff and I responded. I know not what you know about IMMIGRATION LAWS, I just give my lived personal experience.

And I have respect for others not to start "flirting" on this forum because now I have my EAD, and will definitely not change course once I get my GC. Although my situation was not as complex as many people here I can still relate to them.

That being said. I am not your friend, but I do not consider you to be my enemy.

Good day to you Sir.
you are not my enemy either constructus, as you said I do not know you! And it takes more time and energy to become someone's enemy than their friend.

I see your point though, about the misuse of this forum. This certainly is an immigration forum, not for selling iPhones, talking about ecology and such.

However you must grant that it is not an official forum, where only authorized people can say one thing only. We all as human beings are prompt to relate to one another and communicate our experiences. How some of us shared about our trip using AP or some got pregnant, some got a job or bank deals...

This thread in particular was started for those of us who filed in May 2007 and we have used it to share the progress of our AOS. I believe all of us are done with interviews, sadly some stuck in namecheck. But now this serves for others to get an idea of what to expect.

Even then, we have over 2,200 posts of us talking to each other and sharing all kind of things. This whole thing about the welcome guide in ENG/SPA has to do with immigration but it has no purpose for new comers to the forum right? But the thing is... New comers should be looking at the October filets thread. Or threads in the main page. I did not hijack someone else's thread to talk about my problems, or started a new thread to talk about the guide in whatever language... I am using our thread to talk to my fellow may filers and there is nothing wrong with that.
When expressed that way, I respect that. But do not come here mocking me (or trying to at least) as if you "know" me.

I have said many times how helpful you, AUSTRIACUS and others have been. You had no right to disrespect me for just saying that maybe you guys should discuss the fact that you have copies of a leaflet in different languages privately. You could have PM'ed your "friends" those personal messages.

I will not go back to my thoughts about people who do not want to assimilate to the US and get a better life in this great country and learn the language because if you still haven't gotten my point on that, there is nothing more I can say.

My point is, just look at the first page of this thread, when you were posting. You mention that "you are the first May filer of the thread", you talk about your receipt of NOA's and all that. Now that's information that helps people here to have an estimation of their own situation or to give you the information. You weren't talking about the BS you "force" us to go through now. Because then you were in need too.

What help would it have been to you if everybody on the thread that followed you back then were done with their process and started talking back and fourth about the "pockets" of Hispanic land in the US? Although that may be true and condemnable, it does not help. Call your friends or PM. Or go on

This is a great country based on freedom of speech I know, but let's not use this freedom of speech bestowed on us to "disrespect" others with our petty preoccupations (leaflet in spanish, or german or jamaican).

How insulting I think that is for someone who may face family separation or for those who are stuck in name check for years to have to read about people worrying (NOW) about what language their leaflets/booklets are written in?

There are other forums to express this. And I am one of the people who complain about those issues. The important is not always what you say, but sometimes WHERE you say it. I think it has no place here. You may be ligally right by expressing your right to freedom of speech, but you are MORALLY wrong to do that this way here.

That's all I was talking about. I try relating to other people's situations, even if you think that this is not my battle, which it isn't, I will still out of respect for others and myself be focused on the goal of this thread/forum. I have PM'ed people and people have PM'ed me about personal stuff and I responded. I know not what you know about IMMIGRATION LAWS, I just give my lived personal experience.

And I have respect for others not to start "flirting" on this forum because now I have my EAD, and will definitely not change course once I get my GC. Although my situation was not as complex as many people here I can still relate to them.

That being said. I am not your friend, but I do not consider you to be my enemy.

Good day to you Sir.

Take it easy Constuctus, it's not even worth it. You are wasting your time getting fired up over this. I understand how you feel, been there and done that. Always drama with head master pea, and before any of the peas say anything to me, I'm not here to fight.

I hope when and if I get my GC I can just come back here to say hi and answer few questions here and there. I also will remember that as GC holder, I will always be a guest here for 10 years at a time and at any given time if I brake the law that I can be thrown out on my immigrant butt, because unlike a citizen I will never have all the rights like they do. People don't be delusional, you are guest in this country even with your shiny new GC's and have limited rights, full rights, is when you can vote. But if you want to think other wise, go for it. Also remind me to never give strangers my address online.
It's interesting...

I don't like to jump into "heavy" discussion threads but it always seems inevitable that if you have enough people on a forum, this kind of stuff breaks out.:rolleyes:

I find it interesting of the different views on this board as far as a Green Card holder. One of you was saying they feel as a guest and another said this is home. Now, to remind you, I am a USC and my husband is a French citizen. That being said, there is always the threat that we will one day move to France. I like to remind myself that France isn't a third world country although it seems like lately they are moving back to that.:eek:

I think if I were to move to France, I am not sure on how I would feel about whether I am a guest or not. I think in some ways I would always feel as a guest. This is mainly because it's not the culture I grew up with. Whether I could vote or not is prob not what would make me feel at home although that would help. I would certainly learn the language because um.. well, it's France and they speak French.

I guess this just got me thinking on another level if and when I move to France.

I am pretty annoyed at my country(on many levels) so I won't go bashing it since some of you want to be here:D
I don't like to jump into "heavy" discussion threads but it always seems inevitable that if you have enough people on a forum, this kind of stuff breaks out.:rolleyes:

I find it interesting of the different views on this board as far as a Green Card holder. One of you was saying they feel as a guest and another said this is home. Now, to remind you, I am a USC and my husband is a French citizen. That being said, there is always the threat that we will one day move to France. I like to remind myself that France isn't a third world country although it seems like lately they are moving back to that.:eek:

I think if I were to move to France, I am not sure on how I would feel about whether I am a guest or not. I think in some ways I would always feel as a guest. This is mainly because it's not the culture I grew up with. Whether I could vote or not is prob not what would make me feel at home although that would help. I would certainly learn the language because um.. well, it's France and they speak French.

I guess this just got me thinking on another level if and when I move to France.

I am pretty annoyed at my country(on many levels) so I won't go bashing it since some of you want to be here:D

French Maid, I hear you, I love this country I have been here 20 years in July of this year. I can't remember any of my friends but 2 or 3. I have a friend that I just got in contact with from when I was alittle girl, we were close and went to school together and alot of things she try to remind me of I can't remember, I came here made new friends and live this life. It's sad but that's my reality. To be truthful I would never feel like a guest here, but to others that's what I am. The day I get to vote would be one of the greatest day of my life. I am a Democrat in heart and I love American politics, that is my American Dream and I'm sticking to it. After GC will be USC, my husband and two kid are US citizens.

When you move to France, make it what you want it to be, home, but yes remember you are a guest until you give up all your rights to your first home.
French Maid, I hear you, I love this country I have been here 20 years in July of this year. I can't remember any of my friends but 2 or 3. I have a friend that I just got in contact with from when I was alittle girl, we were close and went to school together and alot of things she try to remind me of I can't remember, I came here made new friends and live this life. It's sad but that's my reality. To be truthful I would never feel like a guest here, but to others that's what I am. The day I get to vote would be one of the greatest day of my life. I am a Democrat in heart and I love American politics, that is my American Dream and I'm sticking to it. After GC will be USC, my husband and two kid are US citizens.

When you move to France, make it what you want it to be, home, but yes remember you are a guest until you give up all your rights to your first home.

Aww... Trinigirl, well, I am sorry that some see you as a guest. You are going through all the correct means to be a legal person of this country. If the American Dream is what you want to live, then by all means, you should do it. :)

The fact that you came here to live this reality is not sad. It's what you chose and it sounds like you embrace it. I guess we have to remember that love knows no borders and the proof is in this forum.

I wish you speediness on your right to vote and citzenship.:)

I myself won't give up my US citizenship but I will be obtaining French citizenship (dual) one day. I just have to remind myself that since I married a Frenchie, my life will always be between two countries:p

May I ask where you are originally from?
constructus, what exactly did you find insulting? I think Lou Dobbs is great by the way, it's one of my favorite programs.


I believe Lou Dobbs does not know a thing that he is talking about...he attacks everyone irrationally. BTW, I am not hispanic but you cannot blame everything on them.

He complains about outsourcing, does he know the world is a global market place? If American Coy's had to keep the jobs here, they will not be able to compete. As for immigration issues, in public policy there are two things that happen, either you fix the issue or leave it alone. America cannot afford to deport everyone, it is physically impossible to do so! Meaning something needs to be done about it.

By the way, those of you saying English should be the only language, what about the language spoken by the Native Americans? Shouldn't theirs be the official language? I am not supporting one language over the other, all I am saying is that "the only constant thing in the world is change", therefore if there is a large population that only speak that, services should be extended to them.

Amen, they were here first. You know what, when I make a call and they say press 1 for english press 2 for spanish, I press 1, end of story. People have choses to make, make it and don't complain.

French Maid, thanks, (dual) is the way to go. I have no ties anymore in my country except for my father and my grandmother. Everyone else I care for is in this country, mother, brother, aunts and uncles. But I could always visit.