Any Fp Notices For April01 Filers??

good job getgc2002!!

thanks for keeping this thread alive!!

still waiting for fp notice.

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as i posted earlier,
my rd -04/04/01

what\'s yours?
can u guys post your details too when u r posting messages?
mine : RD 05/15/01, ND :07/31/01

I guess you should receive FP before us since your ND is far before ours.

Hope you get FP soon so all of us can hope to get our FP soon too.

Please keep us posted once you got your FP. thanks.
News, is it true?

Hi Guys,

I just heard my lawyer that "Vermont is implementing a procedure where fingerprints
for Indian and Chinese applicants will not be issued until after cases are processed.
This procedure is relatively new(around September 2001) and they are still accidentally issuing some print notices prior to adjudication."

Anyone else heard of this? Please confirm.
where did your lawyer get this info from ?

BUt he/she may be right. this happened in the past for the Indian/CHinese filed between August 1999 and April 2000, they
got FP only before their cases got adjudicated.

For right now, nothing to confirm.
FP notice!

Call INS before long weekend, I was told by an officer that normally FP would be sent four to five months after ND. So the ND of mine was 08/10, so the best for expecting is to get the FP notice by the end of this year.

God bless everyone! Hope the horrible thing won\'t bring any bad influence on us.
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What procedure? The front-log problem or what? What do you mean \'after all case are processed\'? Would you please tell clearly?
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I don\'t believe what 485-waiting said. It\'s just not logical. If 485-waiting saw it on your laywer\'s website, please post the address!
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Did anybody call INS recently? Maybe we should talk to IIO later to find out what\'s gonna happen about our FP notice!
I tried couple times, didn\'t get through .

And I also think processing for everything will be slowing down
including FP, since nobody seems have good mood on working after this tragedy.
Pray things will change soon!

I do feel bad about the crash! But I do wish there won\'t be a war, everything could be back on, I will try to call them next week. Wish I could get an answer by then.

Guys, I am really sorry for all the innocent lives dead in the crash!