Any February 2011 I-130/I-485 filer yet?. . .let's track progress.


Fantastic news, congratulations.

Hey Guys! Just returned from my interview. I had to wait for a ridiculous 1.5 hours before being called in (and that too after we reminded them that we are waiting too). Everything went on fine! I got approved. Yay! I will be posting a detailed account of how things went later in the day but just wanted to let everyone know that things are fine. Thank you everyone for your wishes and support all through this journey. I will see you all later today!
That's awesome. Congratulations! I'm sure it feels good to be done with this whole process.
Update on EAD/Advance Parole...

Congratulation to you, induz!

Goodluck to all others remaining!
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@ induz...congratulations finally you are done huh...cant wait to hear the details!!Enjoy your day!
Forgive the following rant but it must be said!

Well First of all I want to say how truly dissapointed I am with the whole lot lately on the thread. I am telling you how I feel which I feel I have a right to do, so please put on my shoes and read it all thru.
So why that feeling you ask?

Its because I have posted updates, well wishes and concerns/questions for several weeks to several people several times here....................
To date no replies from those people or even in general.

That does not leave a warm fuzzy feeling or one of support from the group and I thought that is at least in part why we are all here, sorry thats how I feel.

This as most of you know is a long mentally drainng process and be at times give us a feeling of sadness or frustration. I am sure we all know that all too well.
Well I feel that way as well currently and the lack of acknowledgement here and no response to my well wishes etc....
Anyway, makes me feel worse and more alone as if I have sinned and should be cast into the dark shadows.............blah blah blah.

I will shut up as you get my feelings and thoughts I hope.

USCIS is not very helpful either, even had a call this week where the rep was laughing at us, geez, I guess because we were concerned about no news.
Spent a long time on the phone making lots of calls this week and that made me feel like I was talking to a wall as they read the script time and time again and were rude on 2 calls.

If you read this far, THANKS for the vent and I shall not post again other than updates if at all.
Sorry for the rant and thanks again.

Congratulations, Induz! I can't wait to make the same announcement at some pont. Please write your account of your experience soon, I know Im dying to know what you were asked, etc.

@TonyGman I wouldn't take it personally that people might not have responded to you sometimes. People don't always refer back to previous messages when they post updates. Yours could simply have been missed. I have found this forum very encouraging and supportive. And the latest example is all the warm wishes for induz. Noone knows you personally, so I don't know why you would think the forum is singling you out for some reason. Anyway, I hope you hear something soon.

So I refered back to my online status and now it says that my EAD production was ordered on Apr 7th. It changed from Apr 4th. I feel like they are playing with my emotions :) Anyway, I'm not gonna complain, could be worse.
@TonyGMan - I know exactly how you feel, but you cant take this forum so personal. Everyone is in the same boat, people are stressed out, nervos, frustated or excited about good news, etc. I think every emotion possible comes with this forum.
For my part, I understand where you're coming from. Everyday I hope for news, everytime my phone goes off, I hope its an Email or Text from the USCIS. Its very frustating at time and seeing everyone getting their interview letter and EAD cards just doesnt make it better. All you can do is to remind yourself that you're not the only one, we are all in this together and we will sooner or later get where we are suppose to be.

Keep your faith, things will happen!!! And please stay on this forum, you're not alone.

Hope everyone had a good day.
Congratulations, Induz! I can't wait to make the same announcement at some pont. Please write your account of your experience soon, I know Im dying to know what you were asked, etc.

So I refered back to my online status and now it says that my EAD production was ordered on Apr 7th. It changed from Apr 4th. I feel like they are playing with my emotions :) Anyway, I'm not gonna complain, could be worse.

Janedoh- They are not playing with your emotions. This is just some redundancy in the system. Anytime there is card production(for GC, EAD and AP) they always have two updates(emails). The first one is for when they are producing(making) the card and the second one is when they are mailing it to you. You should get it in 2 or 3 days.

TonyGman- Dont take anything personal here man. We are all in this together. USCIS just is not very efficient. Some cases will go smooth and other will not. Thats just how it is. I hope you get your biometrics soon. Did you do a concurrent filing or what? It seems to me like you have only done a I-130 alone. If its a I-130 alone, your processing is not the same as people that do a concurrent filing(I-130,I-485). This is what i can get from your signature.
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So I refered back to my online status and now it says that my EAD production was ordered on Apr 7th. It changed from Apr 4th. I feel like they are playing with my emotions :) Anyway, I'm not gonna complain, could be worse.

The same thing happened to me! It first said my EAD was ordered on April 4th and now it says April 7th. I was surprised as to why they changed the date. But like thomkip mentioned, maybe the update means that it has now been mailed so hopefully we'll be receiving it very soon!

Congrats induz!! Such great news!! Be sure to update us with the details!!

Venting it out is good and it definitely helps. Glad you did it. The pressure of dealing with all the process is taxing and can surely get onto our nerves. It might seem all rosy and smooth sailing for me, but trust me it wasn't. I might have started tracking my progress here early this year but the process had started much longer than that. Almost 6 months before I actually filed. The person I filed through was not a lawyer but just an experienced personnel with family based cases. Plenty of iterations and iterations with corrections and corrections with we being advised to marry a second time to obtain a legal certificate in the USA. That meant trips to the county office and searching for marriage firms and then finally getting married again and then going back to register the marriage again. And then more ordeal with the physical examination which fell during the holiday season. I had to get my TB test read twice and then finally have chest xray only to find out that just my BCG vaccine was acting up all the while. These don't come cheap and are not even covered by our insurance since it's for immigration purposes. I know these might sound a lot similar to every case, but I did find it a lot more troublesome since it always felt that I may never be able to successfully file my papers as something always came up at every single step. And I did not even talk about finding another sponsor as my spouse is a full time student now.

So yes, this whole process has a lot more to it for everyone than it might just look at these forums. It hasn't been any easier for me and I totally agree that it hasn't been easier for anyone. Personally I have found this forum very supportive and encouraging and it has been a privilege to share this journey with everyone on this thread.

I would like to apologize for any comment I would've overlooked from you. This thread has more than 600 posts and tracking all of them spanning several pages is not really easy for me though I try to address every post I think I can contribute to. And everyone has had a lot of comments overlooked. I have even sent a lot of PMs to several members of this forum but never received a reply. I never took them personally and would suggest you to do the same buddy. This is a great place to share our journeys and you have done the same by venting yourself out. Please do hang around and help this place be enriched with your experiences.
Oh wow, I hope you're right thomkip! That would be FANTASTIC because I was bracing for another week or two and this job offer might disappear by then.
@Gelia, glad I'm not the only one. Looks like it might be great news after all!
@ induz

Thats really a good news, the one we are all hoping for. Congratulations and do updates us on the details of how it went.


I can say i perfectly understand what you mean and is good that you vent it out. That will really help. One thing you just have to understand is you cant take it personal as am sure we have all experience these things at one point in time on this thread.
Like someone said earlier, this process is nerve-wrecking and you can never know what mood somebody on the other side might be at - disappointed, sad, happy, frustrated etc. I always try to repond to any post that i feel could contribute to but i wish i could just express myself verbally rather than going through typing messages. Dont worry we are all in this together.
know why you would think the forum is singling you out for some reason. Anyway, I hope you hear something soon.

So I refered back to my online status and now it says that my EAD production was ordered on Apr 7th. It changed from Apr 4th. I feel like they are playing with my emotions :) Anyway, I'm not gonna complain, could be worse.

I experience the same thing janedoh. My online status showed CPO on march 31, so on april 4 thedate of CPO changed from march 31 to april 4. On april 6 the status chandeg from CPO to post decision activity and it stated that the approval notice has been sent. I knew the tricks already so i was calm. Hopefully you should get it latest by saturday.
Thank you everyone for all the warm wishes. As I have always been mentioning, my joys are always doubled by sharing my experiences on this forum.

My interview was in the morning 10:40 and as the over-eager person that I am, we reached the USCIS office a few minutes before 10. We dressed formally and heck I even wore a tie. We dropped the interview appointment letter at the window and took our seats watching CNN and chatting. I was surprised to see so many people turn up for their interviews since all this while I was assuming that Indianapolis office would not be too busy. What was even more surprising that even for marriage based cases, the interviewers first called the husband or wife separately for the interview and then called the partner later on. This was randomly done for people I think because I observed at least 2 couples being called together for the interview. A lot of people had turned up with their attorneys.

Anyways, everyone was called in except for us. Even people who arrived 30-45 minute after us were called in and had their interviews complete and there was no sign that they were going to call us in. All my nervousness I had in the morning was gone by then and I was getting restless and exasperated and wanted to get it over with as soon as I can. At around 11:20 AM after my persuasion, my wife and I walked to the window again and reminded the lady that we have been waiting for a long time now and wanted to make sure our interview appointment was not misplaced. She went back, looked for our appointment letter and handed it over to someone who passed it on to the officer who was going to interview us. We were called in right away. The officer walked out, called out my name and said he would like to talk to the wife first. I handed her all the documents and let her be taken for the interview. The interviewer looked like a pleasant gentleman in his late 40s or early 50s. I started waiting outside and when it was over 15 minutes I started to get worried (unnecessarily of course). The interviewer then came out after 20+ minutes and called me in. As I walked into the room I noticed that my wife was going through all the pictures. The interviewer asked me to be stood until he swore me and I then took the seat.

He asked me to show him the proof of my legal status in the USA. I showed him my passport with the visa and I-94. He then asked the standard question of how I met my wife. We were prepared with the answer and gave him the whole story of how we have known each other for a long time and blah blah. He then asked if I knew my sponsor (my wife’s brother) to which I said yes very well since he is my friend ever since we have been kids. He also asked me whose side will my sponsor take if I ever have trouble with my wife (given he is my friend since we were kids and also is my wife’s brother) for which I gave a lengthy answer. He then noticed that my filer had submitted I-485 supplement form too along with my application (I noticed that in the morning too and knew what he was talking about), which is for the waiver of illegal stay. He started digging into and asked I have ever been illegally into the country (he also joked that if people from your country enter illegally, they are smart enough never to visit USCIS). I was not sure if he really wanted me to answer or was just kidding with me, but given the circumstances I answered in all honesty. I lay on the table all my visa approval notices along with my passport. He saw that I had a L1-Blanket and asked where my company is located and whom I work for in Indianapolis. I gave straight answers to that. He then asked do I have the keys to my home. I said yes and was reaching out to my pockets to show it to him to which he said its fine and he doesn’t really need to see it. He then said that this question helps him bust a lot of couples who don’t really stay together and have different set of keys to their homes. And intermittently between all these questions, he was going through all the pictures we had brought to keep a couple of them with the file and I told to keep all of them since we brought them only for the purpose of this interview. By then he was convinced we were a genuine couple and said it is going to be futile asking any more question as we know each other too well. As soon as he said that, I knew the deal was done. Then he started explaining the regular things to us as to how the green card will be valid for 2 years for today and I will need to file I-751 to remove the conditional clause. And 3 years from today I will be able to apply for citizenship. He then took my passport, tore off the I-94 and said he was gonna relieve me of this. Asked if we plan any international travel immediately, we said not for 4 months and he said he won’t stamp my passport as I would receive the green card in the next 7-10 days.

I might have made it sound like a serious interview but the tone was very jovial all the while. I wasn’t nervous anymore when I entered the room for the interview and the pleasant atmosphere helped me maintain my calm. The whole interview must have taken around 40-45 minutes but it didn’t feel that long while being interviewed.

He asked if I have any more questions. I said, yes a couple. I first confirmed my address change was reflected in my I-485 since I never received a confirmation for that. Second question I asked was what I have been seeing on this forums quite a lot lately – If the government shuts down, is it going to affect USCIS and our applications? He answered what we have already known – 95% of USCIS is funded by our filing fees and most of the work within USCIS would go on (he joked that he wished he gets a couple of days off because of the shutdown but he won’t). He also assured that even if there is a shutdown it wouldn’t last very long (last time it was 3 days in the 1980s) and things should be fine with the USCIS.

He then wished us luck and led us outside of the office. I said thanks and bye. Outside we gave our biggest smiles to each other and hugged.
I have accounted for almost all I could remember of the interview. If anyone has any specific question please feel free to ask it here. If the answers are too personal and I am not comfortable putting it on the thread, I will reply through PM.

I would like to say thank you to everyone again who have been with me on this journey for their support and encouragement. I have learnt something from everyone here. Good luck to everyone. Once it got over, I laughing at how unnecessarily worried I was all this while.

Last evening I received notification that the card production has been ordered. I should receive it in 7 days if my EAD card was any indication.

1) Was your EAD collected?

2) If you don't mind answering, is your wife a citizen by birth? Where're you from?

Again, congratulations!

1) Was your EAD collected?

2) If you don't mind answering, is your wife a citizen by birth? Where're you from?

Again, congratulations!

Thanks yemroy

1. My EAD was not collected. My I-94 was. I thought about this too today morning. Should I be concerned? I think I should surrender my EAD once I receive the card. What do you think?

2. My wife is a naturalized citizen.

I don't think the non-collection is a cause of alarm. Some have theirs taken while others don't; it seems each IO decides on what they want.

Do you mind telling me where you come from?