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Any DV 2005 waiting for AOS interview?

Hi Margarina,

I have prepared copies of all documents as they say in the letter that they will be keeping the copies. I will let you guys know how it was as soon as go back home! I am a little nervous...although I know everything is OK with my paperwork...

Yes I did have a lawyer but many people don't - it's up to you. I would recommend having a lawyer in case your paperwork gets stuck.

You can check if your number is current at:

"http://travel.state.gov/visa/frvi/bulletin/bulletin_1360.html" then click on current bulletin. This is the official site of the visa bulletin.
Thanks sushi

Thank you very much. One more question pls. AOS is the only opportunity if you are legally in US.?
alincosma said:
Thank you very much. One more question pls. AOS is the only opportunity if you are legally in US.?

Of course NOT. If you legally reside here in the US you can choose one of the two options - AOS or CP. If you don't reside in US you have ONLY one option - CP. Again, as I previously mentioned it is better to do CP - it is more straightforward and it looks like people complete CP faster that those who choose AOS. Ultimately, it is entirely up to you which option to use.
Good luck!
Waiting for Congressperson

My Congressperson's office got back to me and said that they are investigating the case of why my security check hasnt come back. Nothing else to do but wait.
Hey Nub,

It is very good that you convinced your congressman to help you! Let's hope the congressman's action will be followed by a positive resolution soon.

At this point, I don't know if my "name check" is pending or it's been completed but hopefully, if it is pending I will know tomorrow...

My AOS Interview Experience

Dear All,

Before writing about the actual interview (which was very easy) , I want to list all documents (actually copies of documents) I was prepared to provide at the interview. This is very important because most of the time, the immigration officers like to keep copies of documents that are not required when filing for AOS. Apart from those, I also had copies of the required documents when filing for AOS. So, the best way is to have a copy of EVERYTHING, and here is my list:

1. “Congratulations” letter from KCC
2. KCC second letter acknowledging my wish to continue with AOS
3. Receipt for paid DOS fee (at the time of applying this fee was $100)
4. Diploma
5. Current visa in old passport
6. First page of new passport
7. I – 94
8. Current AOS receipt (showing completed biometrics)
9. Tax returns AND W – 2’s for 2003 and 2004 (they require for the past 3 years but I didn’t work during 2002)
10. Birth Certificate
11. Employment letter
12. Medical exam (although they already had it)
13. Lease agreement for my apartment
14. Bank statements for the past six months
15. Pay stubs for the past 6 months
16. 401k
17. Life insurance
18. Health insurance
19. SSN
20. Driver’s license

From all these documents listed above, the officer only kept #2, #5 (although they had it), and #9.

Here is how the interview went:

I went to the CIS office about half an hour before the interview. At the entrance there was a security checkpoint but having a cell phone was not a problem (I heard that in some CIS offices, people were asked to leave the cell phones in their cars). After this, I went to the waiting room and started waiting to be called for the interview. I waited about 1 hour and 20 min. There were many people waiting and about 7 – 8 immigration officers processing interviews that were conducted in offices, not in front of everybody.

I was finally called by a lady. She welcomed me with a smile. First she took a fingerprint from my index finger in the hallway. Then we moved into her office. The interview started with a sworn statement that I would be telling the truth.

Then, she opened a file where I recognized documents I submitted when filing for AOS. She went through form I – 485 and started asking questions from this form. Questions like “When did you first come to US?” “Which city were you born?” “What are the names of you parents?” “Have you committed any crime in US?” “Have you ever been arrested?” – basically she was verifying the information from I – 485. The questioning lasted only few minutes and at the end, she said that there was no problem with my paperwork.

However, she said that she wouldn’t be able to complete the case today because of two reasons. Reason # 1, being the fact that the CIS office has to wait until KCC sends some paperwork that confirms my DV case and reason # 2 that the CIS office has to get an immigrant visa for me (I assume from Dept of State) after getting the paperwork from KCC. She said this can take about a month and I should follow up at the end of August. She also mentioned that there might be no available immigrant visas towards the end of September (but I was already aware of this). I thanked her for the clarifications and left her office. So, this was it.

I left the building with the feeling that I had to start worrying again…The time is really running out and added to the fact that the DV 2005 cut off number for Europe stopped increasing for the past few months is really bothering me - I am sure there are not too many available visas for us, the EUs…

If you guys have any questions or comments please share…

Hi Sushi,

It is progress that you had your interview. I do not understand though why CIS does not request a visa number for you before they invite you to the interview. They know they need it. Anyway, my question would be which documents she actually looked at from your list.

Please, keep your fingers crossed for us. I had some problems with KCC documents that the Embassy sent to CIS. Since we submitted online docs when we registered for the lottery the Embassy received only scanned photos and that is what they sent to CIS. Seeing the scanned photos CIS thought that they did not receive original docs but copies. Fortunately, I could clarify this problem. We are only waiting for an invitation to the interview. I wonder how long. Nora
Hi Nora,

The officer didn't look any of the documents I listed since I was keeping these documents in a folder. I am sure she had some of them since she pulled a folder where I recognized some of the documents I gave to my lawyer for filing for AOS. She only asked for #2, #5 and #9, which I pulled from my folder and gave to her.
To get the interview letter, I waited from end of January until middle of July, which I think, was unusually long…I hope you get it soon!

Hi guys,
Today I got an interview letter (for whole family) for August 12. Sushi, the same stupid things happend on our first interview (we were asked to show documents, like police clearance from my country, although we have been living in US for 10 years without ever leaving country). When we complained why we weren't asked before to submit that document officer left the room to ask somebody and when he returned he said that we actually didn't need that! What bothers me in your case is that you didn't get your number. On our first interview the officer told us that we got a numbers that are reserved for us till end of September. I can't get it why she mentioned that numbers can expire. Hmmm.... Anyway, wait couple days and contact your congressman. I still keep my fingers crossed for all of us!
Hi Margarina,

Actually, I didn't understand from your message before why are you guys going to a second interview? What reason did they give you from CIS?

I will make an Infopass appointment for Mid August and see where this is going - if there is no further clarification, I will involve my lawyer and possibly a congressman...
Sushi, on our first interview (beginning of March) we had everything on file, only our security check wasn't cleared yet. We did our index fingerprint, and officer told us that no further interview was required and that we'll recieve green cards in mail as soon as name check is cleared. We waited untill June when we were sure something was wrong and I decided to contact our congressman's office (because our lawer obviously didn't know what to do). The lady from the office ask FBI for another name check and it came OK in two weeks. But there was a twist when we discovered that first name check initiated by INS wasn't closed so on computer screen you could see that something is pending . We again ask congressman's office for help and she gave me a call last week that everything is finaly OK and we should wait for an interview letter (that came in mail today). I really don't have a clue why they need to see us again, but we hope that this time everything will be fine. This is main reason why I tell people to ask representatives for help, because they can contact places that are out of (most) lawer's reach. Our number was available in October we did fingerprints on the end of October and waited five months for an interview. This is pretty enough time to check whatever they need to check. Something sounds odd in their explanation why they didn't finish your case! Ask for help ASAP.
Thanks Margarina! I will talk to my lawyer first and see what he can do about this...I just don't want to call a congressman if the lawyer can help...but I will definitely keep in mind your advice. Thanks again! I will keep you guys posted.
We did our medical exam in September. Do we need a new one for a second interview? How long is it valid and can it expire?
Hey Sushi,
I'm really sorry that you didn't get the stamp at this time. However, I'm sure it's going to work just fine. There are still two more months and at least you got rid of the interview. My question is: what makes you think that they are running out of visas for Europe? I know that numbers haven't been changed for a while, but does it really mean that there are no more visas? Maybe you explained that earlier, but I can't remember. :confused:
Hope you'll get your green card in the mail soon!
Margarina, Sushi,

Do I remember correctly that you are both from Europe? I am from Europe too and from some complications with CIS I have the feeling that CIS is worried about fraud involving lottery cases. More specifically, CIS in my case worried that they did not receive the original documents from the Embassy. When a person helping me from the University's international office asked the CIS officer whether he would accept my photocopies of the documents I originally submitted to KCC, the CIS officer said they would not accept them because of the possibility of fraud. The officer thought that he had not received the original documents because the photos were printouts of the digital photos we submitted online. From this I was guessing that he might not be aware that in 2005 only online registration was possible. Is this not strange? Developments in our cases continue to amaze me: Margarina having two interviews, Sushi not having a visa number ready for her by the time of her interview, me not having a clue what's going on. But I still think in the end we will get our GC's, because we all struggle to stay on top of our case and we don't give up. Nora :)
Hi Margarina,

You should be OK, because the USCIS site states the medical exams are valid for 12 months. You can see:


where the description of the form states: "The results of the medical examination are generally valid for only 12 months. Applicants should schedule the medical examination as close as possible to the time you file for Adjustment of Status."

So I guess you will not need another one.
Hi Maja,

Of course I may be wrong or just paranoid but what makes me think that not too many immigrant visas are left is the fact that there was an absolute stagnation for the past few months for EU cut offs.

My logic makes me think that if there is no increase in the numbers for the past few months then EU region is reaching the maximum number of visas that US is willing to allocate to this region. If EU region is reaching the maximum number of visas available this ultimately means there are very few available immigrant visas for those of us so close to the FY end who haven’t finished the AOS process…

I may be wrong, but the immigration officer who interviewed me said very clearly that there might not be available visas towards the end of September – and “towards the end of September” may be late August, or beginning of August, or beginning of September...etc.

Basically, the point is that nobody (including USCIS) knows when exactly the visas will be exhausted – once the limit is reached I assume DOS informs USCIS and the US Consulates so that they stop processing cases. Imagine the following scenario:

The cut off number for EU (20,500) stayed the same for the months of June, July, August and (+100 for September). It is May now but the advanced bulletin for June is available.

Alberto (and MANY people like him) is in Europe and can only do CP. Frank (and very FEW people like him) is in US and chose to do AOS. Alberto’s number is 20,400 while Frank’s number is 19,000 (actually speaking if Frank’s number is 19,000 he would have been current in the previous month since the increase from May was only 500 but let’s give more room and assume bigger gap between them so we put Frank in a slightly “advantageous” position). As you know people processed by KCC for CP complete the interview really fast and they get their immigrant visa AT THE INTERVIEW or 1-2 DAYS LATER. My point is that KCC is not going to wait for Frank to pass the interview just because he has a smaller number than Alberto – they both fall under the cut off number and there is no reason for them to postpone Alberto’s interview. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that Alberto finished his interview and GOT HIS VISA at the end of July (my observation is that people with CP complete the entire process for maximum of 2-3 months from the day their numbers fall under the cut off number). This way, Frank’s chances to get an immigrant visa decrease significantly because (as previously mentioned) there are more people for CP than for AOS and (as we all know) AOS takes more than 2-3 months from the day you apply until you actually get your immigrant visa.

So, Maja, these are my fears…and I will be happy if I am wrong about this…

Vermedve said:
But I still think in the end we will get our GC's, because we all struggle to stay on top of our case and we don't give up. Nora :)

It sounds very true and it's very nice of you to encourage all of us :D - we need this! Thanks for the good words!