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Any DV 2005 waiting for AOS interview?

Hi Margarina,

I have copies, but they want the originals I filed with KCC. I try to call the embassy tomorrow, today I missed them, and make them send the files by UPS or DHL. Nora
Guys, you are not going to believe this: today my husband went to Infopass appointment to find out that our security check is finished (name check that was initiated by our congresman was done in five days!), all required documents was in file but our case is still pending (read not approved) because the first name check filed by USCIS in November 2004 is not closed! If this didn't happen to me I wouldn't believe! My congresman's office already contacted CIS, hopefully everything will settle soon!
Nora, I hope you will be able to visit your family this summer, I cross my fingers to get KCC files soon
FOIPA Came Back

Hi guys,

My FBI Freedom of Information-Privacy Acts (FOIPA) letter response came in today and the good news was that the search resulted in no records in their Central Records System files.

So that means another background check (CIA?) might be pending or the USCIS is just full of crap when they say that my background check hasn't returned.

Hi Margarina,

It is really hard to believe this but I think the most important thing is that you guys completed the security check. I never knew there were so many things that could slow down the AOS process...I hope your congressman helps you about this one too!

Hi Nitin,

I also remember seeing somewhere that if the security check returns no results, USCIS can approve the case...I guess you should just get an infopass and show them the letter from FBI...

Dear All,

I am kind of losing hope for visiting our familiy this summer and also have to fight for finishing this GC process by the end of September. At the Infopass the immigration officer told us that they requested my country's embassy to send our files to their office. The embassy denies this. They wanted a name of a CIS officer and address to send the files to. I have this info now, but I cannot get in touch with them. They have office hours from 2:00-4:00pm and have been out of their office or just don't pick up the phone since 3:00pm. Margarina, this would be even funny, I mean the first FBI check still pending for your husband, if the stakes were not this high. Even the most absurd things are possible. I cross my fingers for everybody! Three more months to go. Nora

Yeah Sushi, in theory, they should approve it, unless the CIA is holding up some check. These days the checks are quite extensive, post 9/11, and since my country of origin is Bahrain, they have probably pushed my case to the back. In any case, I sent this response to the U.S. Senator that responded about my case, and I'm going to send this letter to the Officer who I interviewed with at Newark District Office, and see if I get a response, otherwise I can do the infopass. For me doing the infopass every other week is taxing, because it takes at least 3 hours out of my work day and has to be the most inefficient form of addressing concerns, which is ironic, because they were suppoed to east the burden on applicants, rather they simply east the burden on the INS employees.
Dear All,

I have good news. I talked to the embassy yesterday, but as it turned out they never received a request from CIS so they never sent our documents to the local office. I begged them to send it by DHL, first they were reluctant, because it costs more than normal post. But this morning I received an email saying the the consul approved the expense and they sent the documents by DHL. Does anybody know how much it takes for DHL from Europe (Hungary) to Indianapolis to deliver a package? Does DHL work at the weekend? As soon as the package arrives at the local office I will need an Infopass and beg them to give us an interview before 28 July. I know the chances are still slim, but at least I feel good, because I did everything I could. When I talked to the lady at the embassy I could feel that she was not very friendly first. After all we complicated our own case by switching from CP to AOS. During the conversation I repeated several times that I would like her send the package by DHL, because we would like to fly home. Finally, she asked why we want to go home. She might have believed that we mistakenly believe we need to go home because of the GC procedure. I said we just need to see our family, because we miss them so much. Then I felt she became more symphatetic. Nora
Nora, It takes 2-3 days for DHL to deliver a package from Europe. That's my experience. It's starting to be fun but I have that gut feeling that you will send us a mail from your homeland! Good luck!
Hi Nora,

This is a very good progress! I also hope you can visit your country soon - I know how you feel - I also have a hard time dealing with the thought that I can't go anywhere...Good luck!

Our documents were delivered this morning at the local CIS office. We have an Infopass Wednesday morning. Any news from you? Nora
Hi Nora, our representative called me today and said that INS doesn't have copy of our current visa and that they sent us a letter weeks ago. I replied that we actualy have never recieved any letter from INS but on our interview we checked with the officer and everything was in the file. I offered to send them (or her) fax in couple minutes since we already have everything in our computer. She promised to call me back. Half an hour later she called me again to say that they "found" copy of visa and that finaly everything is ready to be finished so we should expect another interview (???). I didn't like to explain that we already had one (maybe we are really going to have the second one) although I hope that was just missinformation. Anyhow, everything looks to me like "series of unfortunate events". We were purely lucky with congressman. I am sure that nobody else could press all sides to correct their mistakes. Hopefully everything will be fine. 17 more days till 28th! Think of that, everything is possible! We have an Infopass next Tuesday.

I am happy you involved your representative and he was this helpful. Also, this so much reminds me of our case. We were also told that INS sent a request to the embassy for our file two months ago. But the embassy said they never received such a request. We will never know what happened. The officer also said that they have everything on file. We will see. Why would you have another interview? No additional info surfaced that should be verified in an interview, right? I strongly suspect and hope this was just erroneous info! Anyway, I keep my finger crossed for us. I realize that hoping to get the visa by the 28th is hoping for a miracle. Nora
News News News


Last night I came back home very late - didn't feel like checking the mail so I checked the mail this morning - THE INTERVIEW LETTER WAS THERE!!!

My interview is in JUST FEW DAYS (unbelievable!!!) - Wednesday, July 20th at 9:15am!!!

I have everything prepared. I will let you all know about the interview the same day, after going back home!!!

Wish me luck, please!
Can you tell me, when did you guys, that are waiting for interview, start doing the paperwork for AOS. I won dv for 2006 and I went to local INS or USCIS and they told me to wait until the 2006 fiscal year beggins to start sending the papers. But seeing all your messages I kind of lost hope of getting that GC. Also they said that if I won't be called for an interview for that fiscal year 2006 I can try again at the lottery. This is crap. Is it better to go back home and apply from there? I'm at school here and I'm getting my degree this winter. Thanks.

You can apply for AOS after October 1, 2005 but only if your number is current, i.e. below the cut off number listed in the visa bulletin.
As you can see from our discussion here, AOS can get very messy and my best advice is: GO BACK TO YOUR HOME COUNTRY AND PROCEED WITH CP!
Good luck!
Sushi, I'm crossing my fingers. Bring every single copy of every document you have. You never know what they could have "lost" and send us a message as soon as you come back! Good luck!
Did you guys work with a lawer when you applied for AOS? Or did you do all the paperwork by your self. How do I know when my number becomes current. Where to look. I'm very confused and stressed.