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Any DV 2005 waiting for AOS interview?

Dear all,
I'm not sure that I understand all the terminology and all the phases that we are going through. So, I hope you won't mind if I share an information that you already have.
When I got fingerprinted I called FBI and they told me they were not allowed anymore to give the info about cases. I called the following day and the lady asked me for my A# and she told me that my fingerprints were received the very day I got fingerprinted and that they sent them back right away. (I don't remember or even don't know where: to the local office or back to Chicago.) She also mentioned the dates, so I know she wasn't inventing things.
Anyway, here is the number that I have and I would suggest you to try a couple of times because we obviously depend on representative's good will.
304-625-5590 or 304-625-2406
Dear Majanikol,

I also used one of this numbers to check whether the FBI could read the fingerprints (my husband had poor quality prints). I assumed that using this number I can only get information about fingerprints. Do you mean that they might be able to give information about the namecheck too? Nora
Hey Nora,
to be honest I don't really know what the name check is, I mean, I don't know at what point they do it. I thought it went together with fingerprints, but then someone explained to me that they actually start it independently, some time after they receive your file (I-485 etc.)
This seems rather confusing, so please don't take anything from this message too serious. "Talk" to you soon. Maja
Dear All,

We have a pretty long thread by now! Sometimes I feel I have an obsessive disorder coming back to this forum all the time. But it gives me comfort. Thanks to all of you. Nora :)
Nora, being an immigrant and not have an obsessive disorder... Guys, I got good news from my congressman. His liaison called me yesterday and said that my husband's security check is finished end returned back to local USCIS where officer has to complete the a file. I have very good experience with their office. Actually, I've never seen them, we just returned e-mails (on other side, we had to wait days for our lawer to return mail!). Just contact them and insist on shortage of time and urgency. I also wrote to senator and ombudsman but never got a word from them. I have an impression that somebody just need to check on you frequently!
Nothing is over until we get green card (which is not green at all). I don't trust them until I recieve cards in mail. We have small number and many of them with much higher number are already approved. Just don't give up and wait. Contact as many representatives as you can.
infopass news

Scheduled infopass appointment. Went to the loscal CIS. The officer took my Receipt Notice and Congratulations letter, and asked me to sit and wait. After 10 minutes she came back, typed in something into the computer called my name. Said she had to talk to the supervisor, she'll call me in couple of minutes. Ten minutes later, she came, typed again something into computer called me and told me they had my file and they will contact me shortly. If they don't contact me till the first week of August I should come back. That's the whole story, but you can guess that I have a huge number of questions. What did she put into computer? Did I really push things by scheduling the infopass? What would happen if I didn't schedule it? Would something already happened if I had scheduled it earlier? etc etc etc. You don't really have to answer any of those, I just wanted to illustrate the state of my mind :mad:
I'll go to see the lawyer anyway!
In any case, I would suggest you to schedule the Infopass app. Thes officers seem to be more competent (let me just remind you that I went there about two weeks ago without infopass app, and the officer didn't know what lottery was!) or at least it's like that in New Orleans!
To be continued!
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I have an appointment tomorrow. Did you have a chance to ask questions from the officer? Nora
You mean the questions that I'm asking myself? No, I didn't even try. First I was totaly confused by that waiting, coming and going. And second, their job is to be as neutral and as mysterious as possible, so I don't think I would get any answer. Maybe I would just freak her out and I didn't want to, I might need her in future. It's interesting how all dignity disapears in contact with INS officers! :eek:
I meant the questions you went to ask.

For example: "When can I expect to receive an invitation for interview?" Thanks for wishing me luck. Nora
Guys, there is something that helped me: write all your questions (in front of INS people I usually forget my name) and try to take your time (don't let them to hury you up, be pest!) I saw a women who stayed in front of an officer and stubbornly asked to talk to a supervisor. She got it! So, you don't have to be rude to get your questions answered. Just be polite but firm! I'm affraid that you can't get any answer on "when" questions. Even if you get some that doesn't oblige them. What bothers me right now is not your interwiew (I'm sure you'll get one before end of September) then security check. It would be good if you can somehow asure that you're cleared before an interview (that is exactly what happend to us: we got an interview, finished with INS but have waited for months now to be cleared). Our congresman's office contacted FBI, maybe they even send an inquiry or something so, I think that's your priority right now.

I don't even know whether my name check was initiated, is still pending or has been cleared, because I have not had the inteview yet. Nora
Nora, if you have had fingerprints by now, on a paper that they gave you is an Alien# (A#). That is, basicaly, your green card number. With A# you can send an e-mail fbinncp@ic.fbi.gov to check your security check status or, what I did, you can ask your congresman (or lawer, senator...) to do that for you. I still don't have any information from USCIS (except what I got from congresman's office off the record).
Yes, I do agree about the list of questions as well as about the none possible answer to the question "when". In my case, the officer clearly said that I should get it shortly, and if not that I should come in 4 weeks.
Now, I went to see my lawyer and of course he said he could help, and of course he can push my case, an of course his charge is not insignificant. Basically, he didn't help a lot. I don't doubt that he can push the thing but I wonder if it is really necessary. Anyway, I've decided to wait for another 2-3 weeks and then to go for the lawyer. Today's visit to the CIS gave me some hope! :eek:
Paying money for good lawer in our cases is more than good (and necessary) step. But ONLY if you have a good one. Our lawer got big money just to fill up the forms (I found tons of mistakes, wrong dates, misspelled names, even country name) but when it came to help us with a stuck case she simply doesn't have a plan (and her last advise was to ask for congressional help!) My point: find the good lawer (somebody that has "conection" in INS). This is a life time opportunity, at least don't give lawer a chance to mess up with your case (This is my forth green card try, and I heard many time "I'll try but I can't guarantee...) Guys, I'm sure we'll be fine soon!
We have just got back from the Infopass appointment.

The woman I talked to was nice and helpful. She checked everything I asked for and went back two times to get additional information. The results: our files arrived in the local office. The fingerprint results are there and good news the security check for both my husband and myself has been completed. My three-year old daughter was not checked. :) The bad news is: they requested the application I originally filed with KCC from my country's embassy at the beginning of May but it has not arrived yet (we switched from CP to AOS). On Tuesday I will check with the embassy to see if they received the request and whether they mailed the files to the appropriate local office. I am worried that the file got lost somehow, but if I find out that it was lost or where it is I can take action. Althogether, it was a pleasant experience, although I was stressed, but the list of questions helped. Now I have something concrete to solve and I like it better than the everyday disappointment with the mail and the total ignorance of what is going on. Now I am much more optimistic. Nora :)
Hello you poor frustrated people,

I went on a little vacation for a week and I am now coming back to the board – all fresh and ready to start waiting…
I can see some progress here:

Margarina, I am very happy that things are finally moving for you, but yes, you are right until you see the GC in the mail you never know if you actually “won” from the DV lottery or not.

Nora, I’m glad you went for this appointment and they told you exactly what is missing in your file – at least now you know what to pursue.

Maya, if nothing happens in the next 2 weeks you should go see the lawyer. Although, sometimes lawyers can do very little to speed up the process (I am saying this from personal experience).

Anyway, last week my lawyer submitted another inquiry and I hope this time I hear something positive…Basically, no news with my case.

Regards to all,
Sushi, welcome back! As you can see, you started this tread and rest of us worked hard while you were on vacation. Nora, you finished the trickiest part, congratulation. I'm sure the rest will be here soon (maybe it already is). We have an Infopass on Tuesday, I hope we'll have something new to report.
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