Anti-Immigrant Calls to Congress Outnumbers Pro-CIR at 400:1


SARAS is senior member and he helped lot of guys like me giving valuable information. Every individual has their own views and personal attacks should be avoided.

If you think you are great then others(Salary 250 K) then keep with you no need to show other guys.

This forum is to share ideas and valuable information. I know everybody is so frustrated about PD date movement but that does not mean we should fight among ourselves.

there are so many processes in india which are worst than US, I agree.
but We can not compare Developing country (india) and Developed country(USA).
We have more expectation from US than India.


Please continue to keep your guided information to all of us.


Everyone is fraustrating in this group with their individual problems..Some people are waiting to get green card approved..And some are waiting to apply for I485..Here, we everyone need encouragement with little reality.

Please post your reply but don't point to individual one...My Eb3 PD is september 2002 and I am just thinking when will be my turn ...Sometimes,we don't see PD movements at all even after not many GC approvals(no one understands, how USCIS moving priority dates..Even big attorneys have stopped predicting dates) ..I can feel pain of people like SARAS whose case is really messed by USCIS ... I wish all 2001 cases will approve atleast by the end of this year...

Just want to say last point, do you think was it feasible to retrogress EB3 India to January 1, 1998 in the last year...Not at all..THis is the thing that really fraustrates every one...

That's it... :cool:
Thanks ..


Thanks for all your posts. I think its time to forget about this whole thread and move onto more constructive things. I have nothing against scatcat or UN or anyone else. I am an immigrant and so are they. We are all suffering in some way and we have different ways of handling it. Lets just end it at that.

Enjoy your weekend.



On a side note :
You have over 1500 posts in this forum.
You can cull and streamline those
Ever thought of writing a book like
1. Immigration 101
2. How to cope with immigration blues
3. Immigration for dummies
4. How to keep sanity during immigration
How I got into Immigration Jam, got tossed and got a green card the legal way
a-la Kavvya

Your attitude is appreciable.
Ok guys...

I got the point...I am not sure if you got my point. All I wanted to say that we are all immigrants, Us might not care about us. There is no need to. If you see Saras's comments he was mentioning that he has US contract and all that stuff...he is needed here. Bull ...

Nobody is above others...bottom line there are lot of Indians in Eb-3 category. Yes I am in that boat as well. I have applied in that category because I felt in the long run it will be easy with less hassles I mean RFEs etc. EB-3 is still going to be good. There are lot of applicants in EB-3. EB-2 is soon going to reach the limit and then EB-3 will catch up.

Retro moves in cycles. There is no conspiracy theory. I have a PD of 2001 don't say US is discriminative and all that stuff. Indians used up all the visas. That was my point. When the cycle moves you get your chance that is it.

I do enjoy the money I make thanks for pointing out.

saras76 said:

Thanks for all your posts. I think its time to forget about this whole thread and move onto more constructive things. I have nothing against scatcat or UN or anyone else. I am an immigrant and so are they. We are all suffering in some way and we have different ways of handling it. Lets just end it at that.

Enjoy your weekend.


Wrong context buddy

No hard feelings if you make more than me or less than was taken out of wrong context if you read saras's response and my response...I was telling him that I am no garbage and silly immigrant with no knowledge etc....

I wanted to tell him that I am in a position which is respectable and yet I do not feel that US govt or this country or this world would even care that I exist. I am telling you there might be so many other members of this community who make more who are more smarter and more mature but they are all like one of us.

Finally my point does not matter who you are Ph.D, M.S, money maker etc...we are all immigrants if we are lucky we get green cards otherwise not. Nobody deserves a green card because they are at some level in a society. I think the system is fair that is why I am going to get green card just like you.

I hope you got it. Again no hard feelings please continue the valuable work.

p.s: the EB-3 dates were pushed to 1998 to make sure there are no applicants filing for I-485 while they make conscious judgement on the appropriate retrogression dates. I sincerely believe that EB-3 retrogression date is appropriate for Indians, I know so many people who came during that time from India on H1, 195k visas were issued on the whole. Imagine the crunch.

michael_holding said:
"Pride is like a necklace others can see but you cannot. Let me tell you my anual wages are close to 250k, do you think I should feel low in anyway? As per the standards of this world I should be treated very high. I can hire and fire guys like you if I want. There is word in dictionary called humility"

what an Irony? this is hilarious...i guess scatcat has the necklace that he cannot see.
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Well said...

Well said...I guess I wanted to share a similar thought but I got sidetracked.

khadash said:
To All fellow immigrants,
To be honest I am not sure when can I be called immigrant or when am I not an immigrant. I am yet to get my 485 approved and it is close to 2 years that it was filed and because of the retro I am not sure when I will I get it.
That much is true that there is uncertainty about the time line of getting a GC. Having said that I also believe that just like intelligence is a gift and not a privilege being in the Green Card category is definitely a privilege or at least so it seems for the moment. I can only speak for myself and so I can safely say that I believe education matters and it matters not only in defining the capabilities of individuals but also in terms of making the first impression as an immigrant of either getting a job in a foreign country or making a foreign country home. I think there is definitely a need in both sides when choosing a foreign country for an immigrant. I am sure as an educated immigrant I would also want to choose a country where education at least at some level is the best (which is my need) and the country where I work appreciates my work.(Could be countries need? Not sure about that)
I cannot deny one thing for sure though and that is every time I am reading the portal and I see Saras name appear I would surely read what his opinion is on the issue in context. Your lucidity and element of explaining your opinion is definitely worth a read. I am sure it resonates many immigrants or would be immigrant’s thoughts. I cannot also deny at the same time what scatcat has opined. To be honest at least in the IT sector I am not sure if anybody does care about what we do. Software is now a commodity and not a paradox anymore and there fore not sure either how much education at a higher level has to play a role in IT. Still having an education at higher levels is better than not having any education or minimal education and therefore I do believe that giving amnesty to illegal immigration and further to illegal immigrants most of whom have basic education is little hard to accept. Again like scatcat says does any body care probably not .Do I care yes at least in my mind. Am I going to do anything about it? Not unless either I am forced to do it or I can see other majority of fellow immigrants joining to do something about it. I think from my perspective I probably would have to wait some more time so status quo is ok for me.
All that I'm asking for is reforms. What can be done to make the process easier and faster? I hate to keep renewing my H1s and EADs until my PD is up. I appreciate the freedom of changing companies using AC21. But why is it limited to lateral jumps? Does USCIS expect a person to be a programmer/developer/software engineer to be in the same position for 5 years (2001 PDs)?
But guess what. We've learnt to live with it coz the money is so darrrrrrn good!!
One more time....

I am sorry let me repeat what I have said earlier. Yes what you are asking is good. For that lobbying is a good answer. Otherwise how else would they bring in reforms.

They do not have to care about us. US war in Iraq is taking all their resources. If we lobby enough we can get their attention, whether they will fulfill what we want is another issue.

akilhere said:
All that I'm asking for is reforms. What can be done to make the process easier and faster? I hate to keep renewing my H1s and EADs until my PD is up. I appreciate the freedom of changing companies using AC21. But why is it limited to lateral jumps? Does USCIS expect a person to be a programmer/developer/software engineer to be in the same position for 5 years (2001 PDs)?
But guess what. We've learnt to live with it coz the money is so darrrrrrn good!!
Great idea ...

diOxide said:
On a side note :
You have over 1500 posts in this forum.
You can cull and streamline those
Ever thought of writing a book like
1. Immigration 101
2. How to cope with immigration blues
3. Immigration for dummies
4. How to keep sanity during immigration
How I got into Immigration Jam, got tossed and got a green card the legal way
a-la Kavvya

Your attitude is appreciable.


I will do all of the things you have suggested if I don't lose my sanity during this process. To be honest I like to write and share ideas, its a hobby. I also like meeting like minded people in similar situations and this forum provides that outlet for me. I am a firm believer in people stating what they want so long as it is not at the expense of other people or meant to disrespect them.

take care

Okay .. I had to reply ..

scatcat said:
------ No hard feelings if you make more than me or less than was taken out of wrong context if you read saras's response and my response...I was telling him that I am no garbage and silly immigrant with no knowledge etc...." -----
scatcat said:
My Reply - I did not call you garbage, I stated that you are listening to the garbage that is being being fed to you by politicans and other sources. I thought that was silly.

scatcat said:
I wanted to tell him that I am in a position which is respectable and yet I do not feel that US govt or this country or this world would even care that I exist. I am telling you there might be so many other members of this community who make more who are more smarter and more mature but they are all like one of us ---
scatcat said:
My reply - Ofcourse the US and the world doesn't care that I exist. But my friend, the point was that I CARE that I exist, and I CARE how I am treated and if I am treated unfairly then I shall protest or state my views or lobby or do what I have to do to protect my own interests. More than anything this would make me feel better about the situation.

As for the contract comment. Okay .. I applied for a Visa at the US embassy, they checked my info, offer letter and thought that I could be let in. They issued a visa for 3 years that can be renewed for another three. This visa has stated functions, there are restrictions, if I maintain those and do not break the law I can stay in the US for the duration of the visa. So there are two parties (US govt, INS .. whatever and me) and we have agreed on something. They give me the right to work here while I follow their rules .. is that not a contract my friend? Yes I was not invited here and the US would not stop functioning without me but I took the initiative to get a job, apply for a visa, go thru the hassle and the US let me in. Am I fortunate to get here, YES I AM but should I let the US govt, INS and DOS do anything they wish while I am here just because they let me in. JUST AS YOU SAID THAT I WAS NOT FORCED TO COME HERE .. let me ask you scatcat, DID I FORCE THE US TO TAKE ME IN? They should have rejected me right of the bat but they didn't. They let me in not because I am "SPECIAL" or "BETTER THAN OTHERS", the only difference was that I did something things right and was a little more fortunate than another person to get a job with a US company and was also successful in convincing the US govt that they should let me in. There was effort along with good fortunes there. Its as simple as that.

I also know that there are millions ready to replace me at the drop of a hat but they are not replacing me are they. This does not make me better than them but I did somethings right to get here and continue to do some things right to stay here. This is a totally separate issue from the unfairness of the immigration system. Just because a million people can replace me does not mean that this system treats me in any way they please. Those are my beliefs. It has nothing to do with me thinking to much of myself.

scatcat said:
----- Finally my point does not matter who you are Ph.D, M.S, money maker etc...we are all immigrants if we are lucky we get green cards otherwise not. Nobody deserves a green card because they are at some level in a society. I think the system is fair that is why I am going to get green card just like you. -----
scatcat said:
My Reply - Finally, I agree that we are all immigrants and the level of society we belong to should have no bearing on getting a GC or not. We should all be considered equally. But having done everything the right way, paid taxes, followed the laws and maintained our legal status for close to 10 years gives us immigrants (No matter what strata of society we may be from) to be fairly considered for the GC. I do not agree that we "LEGALS" will be "PURELY LUCKY" to get the GC, we would have EARNED it. "LEGAL" immigrants earn their rights to a GC, they earn their right to citizenship. If at the end of all this I get my GC I would have earned it and so would all of you. I would consider myself "fortunate" and "thankful" not "lucky". There is a very subtle difference between these terms. If I don't get the GC, I would also not consider myself purely "UNLUCKY", I did what I had to do but things didn't work out. Thats it.

scatcat, our views are different about this issue. I have no issue with your views. I was just stating mine and then this whole thing spiraled out of control to a personal level. That is not healthy for any of us.

As much as I wanted to stay away from posting this I just had to .. its my weakness I guess :)


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kudos to Saras

saras76 said:
scatcat said:
------ No hard feelings if you make more than me or less than was taken out of wrong context if you read saras's response and my response...I was telling him that I am no garbage and silly immigrant with no knowledge etc...." -----
scatcat said:
My Reply - I did not call you garbage, I stated that you are listening to the garbage that is being being fed to you by politicans and other sources. I thought that was silly.

scatcat said:
I wanted to tell him that I am in a position which is respectable and yet I do not feel that US govt or this country or this world would even care that I exist. I am telling you there might be so many other members of this community who make more who are more smarter and more mature but they are all like one of us ---
scatcat said:
My reply - Ofcourse the US and the world doesn't care that I exist. But my friend, the point was that I CARE that I exist, and I CARE how I am treated and if I am treated unfairly then I shall protest or state my views or lobby or do what I have to do to protect my own interests. More than anything this would make me feel better about the situation.

As for the contract comment. Okay .. I applied for a Visa at the US embassy, they checked my info, offer letter and thought that I could be let in. They issued a visa for 3 years that can be renewed for another three. This visa has stated functions, there are restrictions, if I maintain those and do not break the law I can stay in the US for the duration of the visa. So there are two parties (US govt, INS .. whatever and me) and we have agreed on something. They give me the right to work here while I follow their rules .. is that not a contract my friend? Yes I was not invited here and the US would not stop functioning without me but I took the initiative to get a job, apply for a visa, go thru the hassle and the US let me in. Am I fortunate to get here, YES I AM but should I let the US govt, INS and DOS do anything they wish while I am here just because they let me in. JUST AS YOU SAID THAT I WAS NOT FORCED TO COME HERE .. let me ask you scatcat, DID I FORCE THE US TO TAKE ME IN? They should have rejected me right of the bat but they didn't. They let me in not because I am "SPECIAL" or "BETTER THAN OTHERS", the only difference was that I did something things right and was a little more fortunate than another person to get a job with a US company and was also successful in convincing the US govt that they should let me in. There was effort along with good fortunes there. Its as simple as that.

I also know that there are millions ready to replace me at the drop of a hat but they are not replacing me are they. This does not make me better than them but I did somethings right to get here and continue to do some things right to stay here. This is a totally separate issue from the unfairness of the immigration system. Just because a million people can replace me does not mean that this system treats me in any way they please. Those are my beliefs. It has nothing to do with me thinking to much of myself.

scatcat said:
----- Finally my point does not matter who you are Ph.D, M.S, money maker etc...we are all immigrants if we are lucky we get green cards otherwise not. Nobody deserves a green card because they are at some level in a society. I think the system is fair that is why I am going to get green card just like you. -----
scatcat said:
My Reply - Finally, I agree that we are all immigrants and the level of society we belong to should have no bearing on getting a GC or not. We should all be considered equally. But having done everything the right way, paid taxes, followed the laws and maintained our legal status for close to 10 years gives us immigrants (No matter what strata of society we may be from) to be fairly considered for the GC. I do not agree that we "LEGALS" will be "PURELY LUCKY" to get the GC, we would have EARNED it. "LEGAL" immigrants earn their rights to a GC, they earn their right to citizenship. If at the end of all this I get my GC I would have earned it and so would all of you. I would consider myself "fortunate" and "thankful" not "lucky". There is a very subtle difference between these terms. If I don't get the GC, I would also not consider myself purely "UNLUCKY", I did what I had to do but things didn't work out. Thats it.

scatcat, our views are different about this issue. I have no issue with your views. I was just stating mine and then this whole thing spiraled out of control to a personal level. That is not healthy for any of us.

As much as I wanted to stay away from posting this I just had to .. its my weakness I guess :)



saras, you are just a gentleman.
My hats off to you.

Ok got your point....

One more clarification...

"Lucky" -- To me this word means the following about getting a GC.

1. There are no changes to the current immgiration system. Meaning they do not tighten their laws. They can if they wish to, I am sure you understand very well. For instance we cannot do anything but sit and see without a GC while the retrogression dates do not advance.

2. Your employment stays as is while GC is being processing. Your company does not go under.

3. We will be alive to see GC in hand.

The list is never ending....

"Fairness in the system" -- To me this phrase means the following.

1. They issue gcs based on a fair policy that has been existing even before I was born or applied for GC. I guess I agreed to that fact their policy is good enough for me to apply. Mind you I have also agreed to the fact that they can change their policy at any time. There is nothing I can do about it.

2. I can see that this system is fair because it is still issuing GCs. There are people waiting I am sure in BECs or in name checks etc. It is all part of a system that wants to run and be fair to all kinds of people citizens, immigrants etc. Make sure that there are no terrorists in this know for a greater cause. Poor chaps they had issued students visas to terrorists and they were I understand if they want to tighten the rules. But still they care about their economy and $ value, so people like you come here and both you and the country benefit. Maybe this country benefits more than you...

Bottom line as you have said I am an immigrant waiting to get GC but if I get upset with this system and take it on my mind all the time then I am never going to be happy. For me happiness is being content with what I have...I feel God has given me more than I have asked for. I will try to ask or aspire for things that I do not have...if I do not get it no worries.

I am trying to reach that state, although I am no good or better than anyone else.

No hard feeling once again keep going.....

saras76 said:
My Reply - Finally, I agree that we are all immigrants and the level of society we belong to should have no bearing on getting a GC or not. We should all be considered equally. But having done everything the right way, paid taxes, followed the laws and maintained our legal status for close to 10 years gives us immigrants (No matter what strata of society we may be from) to be fairly considered for the GC. I do not agree that we "LEGALS" will be "PURELY LUCKY" to get the GC, we would have EARNED it. "LEGAL" immigrants earn their rights to a GC, they earn their right to citizenship. If at the end of all this I get my GC I would have earned it and so would all of you. I would consider myself "fortunate" and "thankful" not "lucky". There is a very subtle difference between these terms. If I don't get the GC, I would also not consider myself purely "UNLUCKY", I did what I had to do but things didn't work out. Thats it.

Regarding earning your way into GC might be true in the most idealistic society. What will I do tomorrow if they give all illegals a chance to citizenship? Personally to me it means it is slap on my face. There is no meaning to it. Again if that is a reality to which this society is moving towards then I believe I should feel lucky to get the final GC in hand. Imagine the 30 mill applns that land in INS before the retro dates move there will be total chaos just like it is happening in BEC labor dept because of 245(i)
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my 2 cent

I am not expert or guru but as far as I can understand US policies ...Those are totally driven by DEMAND AND SUPPLY..

1. Govt. do not think high tech GC's are important as they think there are americans who can feel that job which was not case in 1999/2000(because of artificial boom) when so many my friends got GC in 1-2 years ( including labour). So demand was there so they supplied GC quick.

2. Regarding GC's to illegals, These low profile jobs which americans not interested. These guys not paying taxes so let give them some relief in GC ( or just show them) and start collecting taxes/votes from them.

Purely demand and supply equation .. I strongly believe that in year or two govt. will decide to give some more visa numbers once baby boomers get retired.

It is diffcult to digest when we are paying all taxes but not getting considered and those came illegaly getting attention.

That is way it is.
Here is my 4 cents on this ongoing dbate

No offence to anyone here....

I believe Mr. Rajiv started this forum with some of these goals...
1) Help immigrant community
2) Give a platform where people can post there issues & concerns
3) A place where One can share there experience and thought on any subject relate to immigration.
4) Here created this forum to promote the idea of be a resource of each other.

And in opinion Rajiv ji very much successful, let’s not fight here and be helpful to each other…..
Another personal view

Not in reference to any other users views but my own.

Just because God put me in a situation like I am in. I should not feel proud. For others it could mean circumstances or personal efforts. Again I am refering to my own views. I am not sure if I have put in that much efforts like others did to live in this country and enjoy life...maybe I did who knows.

I could have been born in a country stricken with poverty, wars etc where there is no value for life. Forget about education...Here I am sitting and enjoying the wealth of this country. I am not sure if I deserve it ...but when I compare myself with citizens of those countries, their wars, deaths....

I feel very relieved. If I get GC it is good if not I am still alive and flourishing. But I live in a society which is sane and courteous. That is how I look at things.
2 cents on ScatCAT and Saras

I am also a EB3 victim of this worst immigration system of this country. Still in these hopeless times I value SARAS post as his post makes sense the most.

I read SCATCAT posts and it seems his only intention was to provoke SARAS. First of all he is writing that is PD is 2001, I never came across his post in the past which says that. Also he is saying that he earns 250k. To me it is absolutely childish.

Scatcat has to understand a simple fact that country does not have a fixed policy. They change the policy to suit their own. They issues H1B and still does as they are short of technical people. Now when they bring people legally here it is there duty to give them green card in a reasonable time. They cannot exploit them.

They deliberately delaying the GC process as they can earn via EAD/H1B/AP renew process. It is very simple. I don’t know how a person who is himself a victim can call this process still working. It is dead.

Yes nobody is holding us to stay here (unless I am earning 250k) :p
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SWAS is absolutely right…
SARA’S comments are more reasonable. I am not supporting SARAS as I am also PD 2001 EB3 victim.

Scatcat.. please don’t make this forum as personal opinion's forum.
immigration victims will get lot of information and support from this forum.
Don’t side track this.

If you like immigration system somuch then keep it to your self.
Your comments shouldn’t hurt others who read this forum.
You look at it anyway.this IMMG system is not at all fair. . :mad:

I think you got plenty of free time + 250K :) :)

I think its better to stop this discussion here itself.

I understand your frustration. But I don't think its their duty to give you a green card. When you made your trip to the US embassy in India to get your H1 stamping, did you tell them that you wanted to apply for a GC and settle there? Try saying that....this forum would cease to exist soon.
We came here on a non-immigrant visa to work for a specific amount of years but during that time, we found that we could make our lives better and also the company we worked for realized their business need to have us here for a longer period. Hence we applied for a GC. Whether we qualify for a GC is upto their discretion. I do respect their framework/process to validate our intention to stay in this country.

But the implementation is so screwed up (offlate) that we are kinda in a **** hole now.
Hang in there...Its going to be a long journey!!
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