• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

All Ethiopian 2015 DV Winners Meet Here!

Dear all
Today is may first, dv2016 result will be announced so soon, hope the winners will join the forum right in a couple of days, kindly request the members to share our experience and providing all the neccassary documents as well.
By the way anyone has got any idea how to creat ethiopian 2016dv winners thread please do or inform us.
Together we can make a difference .
wish luck for fellow ethiopians.
Dear all
Today is may first, dv2016 result will be announced so soon, hope the winners will join the forum right in a couple of days, kindly request the members to share our experience and providing all the neccassary documents as well.
By the way anyone has got any idea how to creat ethiopian 2016dv winners thread please do or inform us.
Together we can make a difference .
wish luck for fellow ethiopians.
http://forums.immigration.com/threads/all-ethiopian-dv-2016-selectee-join-here.326049/. Your will my hands Mrs @rolex123
Dear all
Today is may first, dv2016 result will be announced so soon, hope the winners will join the forum right in a couple of days, kindly request the members to share our experience and providing all the neccassary documents as well.
By the way anyone has got any idea how to creat ethiopian 2016dv winners thread please do or inform us.
Together we can make a difference .
wish luck for fellow ethiopians.
The draw is announced May 5
Hi Friends,

I entered US on April 18th, 2015 but still did not get my social security or the green card. Should I wait or report to the office?
Do I need the green card to be hired in any company?

Thank you for your answers.
Hi Friends,

I entered US on April 18th, 2015 but still did not get my social security or the green card. Should I wait or report to the office?
Do I need the green card to be hired in any company?

Thank you for your answers.
SSN may take up to three weeks and the green card can take up to 60 days but you can start working once you receive the social secruity
Hi Friends,

I entered US on April 18th, 2015 but still did not get my social security or the green card. Should I wait or report to the office?
Do I need the green card to be hired in any company?

Thank you for your answers.

You already have a temporary green card (the stamped visa in your passport is now a temporary I551). I'd suggest go into the nearest social security office and follow up, they are usually pretty quick with the SSN card. You may at least be able to get your number, which is often all you need - the only place that wanted to actually see my SSN card itself was the DMV.
Hi Friends,

I entered US on April 18th, 2015 but still did not get my social security or the green card. Should I wait or report to the office?
Do I need the green card to be hired in any company?

Thank you for your answers.

Read the third line from the bottom of the visa sticker on your passport. It says "UPON ENDORSEMENT SERVES AS TEMPORARY I-551 EVIDENCING PERMANENT RESIDENCE FOR 1 YEAR". "Endorsement" is the stamp you get at the PoE that @SusieQQQ has said. By the way Susie, does DMV mean "Division of Motor Vehicles" or ???
Read the third line from the bottom of the visa sticker on your passport. It says "UPON ENDORSEMENT SERVES AS TEMPORARY I-551 EVIDENCING PERMANENT RESIDENCE FOR 1 YEAR". "Endorsement" is the stamp you get at the PoE that @SusieQQQ has said. By the way Susie, does DMV mean "Division of Motor Vehicles" or ???

Dept of Motor Vehicles, yes. They wanted to see our SSN cards and our green cards for identification for doing our drivers licenses.
do I really need to authenticate birth certificate at MOFA b/c I met 3 visa approved people who did not authenticate it at MOFA

what is the problem of authenticating the birth certificate? the process is easy and it takes no time.
after all having an authenticated birth certificate does not cause you any problem at your interview, on the
contrary having an unauthenticated birth certificate may cause you a problem at your interview

so, rather than arguing over instructions and principles go and authenticate your birth certificate at MOFA.
it is better to authenticate your birth certificate than arguing over its need
what is the problem of authenticating the birth certificate? the process is easy and it takes no time.
after all having an authenticated birth certificate does not cause you any problem at your interview, on the
contrary having an unauthenticated birth certificate may cause you a problem at your interview

so, rather than arguing over instructions and principles go and authenticate your birth certificate at MOFA.
it is better to authenticate your birth certificate than arguing over its need

I think there is no need for authentication of birth certificate.You can found the guideline about the required documents from the American Embassy at Addis.
I think there is no need for authentication of birth certificate.You can found the guideline about the required documents from the American Embassy at Addis.
I think it is not good to advise this kind of things. If you are confident enough to take your BC/MC then you can go there and pro0f other like myself for future interview otherwise people who went before informed us to authenticate these documents. I become a memeber of this forum to read the experience of other and learn from them to be well prepared for the interview. For me personally, I agree what MB1xx write about need of authentication of documents. If you have an experience of applying a visa to other countries not only the birth certificate you may be asked to authenticate the police certificate(I think USA embassy don't ask this, since they will take the original). So over preparation will not harm anyone as everybody in the forum said. To avoid 1 hr/2hr and some 300 birr may be you will risk being AP my friend.
Hello guys ,
would handing-over the AOS with my work experiences be helpful as such ?
Thanks !
Dear ethSelam what people said they didn't give to the CO/even didn't show to them. So they said no need to give these documents unless you are asked to provide them. So far no one was asked to provied AOS and work experience at Addis embassy. Ofcourse if you are qualified on work experience, you need to provide it. otherwise you don't need to show them. But take them with you, actually if you have any document which you think will help during your interview take with you. So when you will be asked to provied them, then you don't need to go another day to give the documents.
please help me.dear friends today was my interview day.I gave the embassy's officer all the necessary doucuments .i was with my hasband and my 5 month child.on the front window the embassy officer was called as and asked if a child has been taken with us .and we answer no .the person who asked us was shouted.at the moment the child passport has not handled on us .after that the the embassy man gave us a paper which states "this office regrets to inform you that it is unable to issue a visa to you at this time because you have been found inleligible to receive a visa under section 221(g).our interview was not conducted but we were paid $330.may you tell me whether we pay the money again for the next appointment.
please help me.dear friends today was my interview day.I gave the embassy's officer all the necessary doucuments .i was with my hasband and my 5 month child.on the front window the embassy officer was called as and asked if a child has been taken with us .and we answer no .the person who asked us was shouted.at the moment the child passport has not handled on us .after that the the embassy man gave us a paper which states "this office regrets to inform you that it is unable to issue a visa to you at this time because you have been found inleligible to receive a visa under section 221(g).our interview was not conducted but and ds260 form to child medication we were paid $330.may you tell me whether we pay the money again for the next appointment.[/QUOTE]
please help me.dear friends today was my interview day.I gave the embassy's officer all the necessary doucuments .i was with my hasband and my 5 month child.on the front window the embassy officer was called as and asked if a child has been taken with us .and we answer no .the person who asked us was shouted.at the moment the child passport has not handled on us .after that the the embassy man gave us a paper which states "this office regrets to inform you that it is unable to issue a visa to you at this time because you have been found inleligible to receive a visa under section 221(g).our interview was not conducted but we were paid $330.may you tell me whether we pay the money again for the next appointment.

Your post was rather difficult for me to understand, I'm not sure if someone else is able to get the full gist of what you're trying to say. So here's what I'm able to make out:

You attended your interview today with your husband and your 5 month old baby, handed over all your documents. The person who recieved the documents noticed the baby's passport wasn't included (?) following which they asked if the child was traveling with you and you said no. Then they gave you a denial paper based on INA212(g). Is this correct?

The denial paper that was given to you, did it state which document was missing and were you asked to present it on another day or they basically said its over with your case? It sounds to me like your denial has to do with missing documents, and people in such situations are usually given an opportunity to present the documents.
please help me.dear friends today was my interview day.I gave the embassy's officer all the necessary doucuments .i was with my hasband and my 5 month child.on the front window the embassy officer was called as and asked if a child has been taken with us .and we answer no .the person who asked us was shouted.at the moment the child passport has not handled on us .after that the the embassy man gave us a paper which states "this office regrets to inform you that it is unable to issue a visa to you at this time because you have been found inleligible to receive a visa under section 221(g).our interview was not conducted but we were paid $330.may you tell me whether we pay the money again for the next appointment.

I'm not quite clear on what happened but you have been placed on AP pending production of documents - you should have a list of what they want you to provide.

The statement that you don't want to take your child is probably what is causing the issue. It is generally a plan made by people that don't understand their options. The DV process is cheap and fast. If you plan to take the child later you would have to sponsor the child which is not cheap or fast. It just doesn't make sense...

You will only pay the $330 once per person.