After first interview, where does the case go?


Registered Users (C)
Hello fellow members, I have this question in my mind all the time, but I keep forgetting to put it on here. After the initial/first interview, where would the case go? Local district office or back to one of the service centers? Thanks.
if approved, you don't have to worry about where it's going. If AOS is not approved, I would think it stays in the local district until it adjudicates it.
I see. The officer told us it was pending security check, so she couldn't approve it, I guess it's still at the DO then. Thanks.

AMG_Driver said:
I see. The officer told us it was pending security check, so she couldn't approve it, I guess it's still at the DO then. Thanks.


All approved files are stored in a cave in Afghanistan. The mullah's process them and electronically send the images to Vermont SC where they are saved on a hard drive the size of Alaska... :rolleyes:

You file is still at the DO, but once you name check is cleared, then will be shipped to Afghan on a horse's ass... :eek:
Al Southner said:

All approved files are stored in a cave in Afghanistan. The mullah's process them and electronically send the images to Vermont SC where they are saved on a hard drive the size of Alaska... :rolleyes:

You file is still at the DO, but once you name check is cleared, then will be shipped to Afghan on a horse's ass... :eek:

Nice, can't wait to get my application approved by you-know-who himself in Afghanistan. LOLZ

Anyway, I had my Infopass today, as others had stated, my case is still at the DO, but instead of the usual BS on security check, here's a new one, "the officer is allowed 180 days to make a decision on my case." What!? On what I got from the officer who interviewed us, she put a cross next to the one says another 90 days are needed, since when does she need the extra 90? The biatch there didn't answer my question, just told me to wait til 180th day is up before making another inquiry. It clearly shows that they are slacking way off as we know, and because of her "nice/friendly" attitute, I've decided to file WOM through my lawyer tomorrow, it maybe expensive, but if a problem could be solved with money, then it's not a problem at all. ;)
AMG_Driver said:
Nice, can't wait to get my application approved by you-know-who himself in Afghanistan. LOLZ

Anyway, I had my Infopass today, as others had stated, my case is still at the DO, but instead of the usual BS on security check, here's a new one, "the officer is allowed 180 days to make a decision on my case." What!? On what I got from the officer who interviewed us, she put a cross next to the one says another 90 days are needed, since when does she need the extra 90? The biatch there didn't answer my question, just told me to wait til 180th day is up before making another inquiry. It clearly shows that they are slacking way off as we know, and because of her "nice/friendly" attitute, I've decided to file WOM through my lawyer tomorrow, it maybe expensive, but if a problem could be solved with money, then it's not a problem at all. ;)


He is going to approve it very soon...OBL... He is in the business of approving all whose cases are approved here in the US. After all, he hates us(jews) and all infidels... :confused: solver a whole lot of issue.... :p My jewish brother, Abramoff, bought washington, dc for himself... :D So, since he paid with kosher money, you better be ready to get some kosher lawyer to fight the USCIS on your behalf.... :mad:
AMG_Driver said:
Nice, can't wait to get my application approved by you-know-who himself in Afghanistan. LOLZ

Anyway, I had my Infopass today, as others had stated, my case is still at the DO, but instead of the usual BS on security check, here's a new one, "the officer is allowed 180 days to make a decision on my case." What!? On what I got from the officer who interviewed us, she put a cross next to the one says another 90 days are needed, since when does she need the extra 90? The biatch there didn't answer my question, just told me to wait til 180th day is up before making another inquiry. It clearly shows that they are slacking way off as we know, and because of her "nice/friendly" attitute, I've decided to file WOM through my lawyer tomorrow, it maybe expensive, but if a problem could be solved with money, then it's not a problem at all. ;)
You're filing WOM only 90 days after the interview? Or am I mistaken here? If you are I think you might be jumping on the WOM bandwagon a little quickly.
dr_lha said:
You're filing WOM only 90 days after the interview? Or am I mistaken here? If you are I think you might be jumping on the WOM bandwagon a little quickly.

Well, that's one of the options I am going to take, but whatever it is, have to wait until what my lawyer says at tomorrow's meeting. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Being as you're well within the processing times right now, I doubt a WOM would be possible, honestly. Most people are filing WOM around the 2 year mark, not 90 day. Just my opinion obviously, your lawyer I'm sure will give you good advice.
Wait a little...longer...

AMG_Driver said:
Well, that's one of the options I am going to take, but whatever it is, have to wait until what my lawyer says at tomorrow's meeting. Keeping my fingers crossed.


I will side with Dr. Lha on this one. I think the filing of WOM will be easily dismissed by US attorney as not having merits before the court, and he will be justified and the judge will approve this motion without hearing your side of the issue. Remember that the courts always seek to correct injustices inflicted on the public by anyone or institutions.... :rolleyes:

I am afraid that your case doesn't rise to the level which can draw sympathy from the judge. In all fairness, the judge will see your case as an attempt to bully USCIS. USCIS can claim FBI has jurisdiction on your matter, name check is pending and USCIS can't force FBI to clear a name while they are doing an investigation.... :eek: As such, you ought to sue the FBI, and will be curious to find out what will be the basis of your lawsuit against the FBI.

Also, 120 days statute was instituted to force adjudication of naturalization cases. For other applicants of other immigration benefits, people are yet to have their rove vs wade of those petitions... ;) However, filing a WOM should be your last recourse, after writing letters to USCIS like twice a month, to inquire about what is eating and holding the conclusion of your case. When you go to court, you ought to prove that you exhausted all remedies available to you.

For example, someone rear-ended my car couple of weeks ago, lied to his insurance company and they denied my claim. So, I have written to the claims dept of this Co, twice, wrote a letter to the person in charge of their claims depart, and to the CEO. I also wrote to the Commissoner of Insurance in my state, but I was not happy with the resolution or mediation of the matter. So, what I did was that I prepared the lawsuit against the driver, his company, and the insurance company. I am serving lawsuit to three parties in the new year, so that I can blast them.... As such, when I go before the court, I have a record of all the steps that I took to seek remedy before filing a case in a court of law, rather be seen as filing frivilous lawsuits... :eek: Smoking gun in my case: there is a video surveillance in the area which caught the entire accident on tape, and I was able to get a copy of from the company, so when I get to court... I am going to be vindicated...and paid for damaging my baby.... :eek:
Thanks for the comments, I'm going to see my lawyer about this, and I shall take your ideas as a consideration, hopefully my lawyer will give me some better options before I rush into anything. Thanks!
Good course of action....

AMG_Driver said:
Thanks for the comments, I'm going to see my lawyer about this, and I shall take your ideas as a consideration, hopefully my lawyer will give me some better options before I rush into anything. Thanks!


Point to remember, steps that I took to seek remedy on this matter will be different from the ones you and your attorney will take dealing with USCIS. However, no matter the steps, it is important to have taken some steps to show course of action, so that the court is confidant and eager to hear your case... :)

It seems as if your attorney is one sane person, I have read of people who have some horrible lawyers who need to be send to Afghanistan to file all approved petitions... :rolleyes:

I can only wish you success and speedy resolutions.... :p
Thanks, Al.

Met with my lawyer today, despite how anxious he was to leave town for New Year, he was patient enough to listen to my story, anyway, he didn't suggest to file WOM at this point, but he will follow up with it once a week with Newark's DO, he also said writing a letter to the director of the DO should help, if the director doesn't respond, write something to NJ's Senator and work my way up. He also said I should give it another 30-60 days see what happens before writing anything to the senator, but I shall proceed with writing a letter to the director, which I already did and sent right after. That's all we could do for now, and hopefully it will come soon. I'm not trying to let it beat me down by putting my concentration towards my beloved cars, which should help to bring my spirit back up. :)