Addresses lived in last 5 years


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Sorry if this was answered previously:
Applying on the 4+1 rule based on reentry permit. Was out of country for >1 year 3.5 years ago for finishing up school.
While listing placed lived in last 5 years do I list my india address or should just list my US address ?
thanks in advance
you should include ur indian address for the time you have been outside.

what are the proof you'r going to show u maintained ties , taxes? mortgage? utilities?

fyi, wait out the whole 4 year and 1 day, there is no 90 day head start!
You can't use 4 year +1 day rule if you were out > 1 year 3.5 years ago. You'll only be able to use 4 years +1 day rule after you returned from that long trip. For example, if you returned in August 2007 after long trip > 1 year, then you can only apply 4 years + 1 day after your return in 2007.

You'll need to provide India address if you didn't maintain a US primary abode at the time.
thanks bobsmyth
Sorry I was out >1 yr >4 yrs ago (back into the US in 11/06)
Re. maintaining primary US abode back then i lived with my uncle so did not have mortgage or a lease. I did file taxes.
Should I just but down my india address to be safer? The only concern I have is will I then need police verification from India?
Thanks for your help guys
In that case put your India address. Make sure to mention on N-400 that you are applying under 4 year + 1 day rule (8 CFR 316.5 (c)(1)(ii) ).
Police reports are only required if your FP are rejected twice due to poor quality.
you should include ur indian address for the time you have been outside.

what are the proof you'r going to show u maintained ties , taxes? mortgage? utilities?

fyi, wait out the whole 4 year and 1 day, there is no 90 day head start!


One only has to "show ties" when trying to overcome the "rebuttable presumption of a break" between 6 months but less than a year under 8 CFR 316.5(c)(1)(i)(A-D).

For a "confirmed or admitted break" whether a shorter one or over 1 year, they just wait it out as described in 8 CFR 316.5(c)(1)(ii). There two classes of breaks, one can be fought and possibly overcome, the other cannot (UNLESS qualified under a different section of the INA that does not apply here) when there is a break, there is only one affirmative remedy that is the same for either break.