ACTION travel freedom - RTD regulation change


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ACTION travel freedom - RTD regulation change!

This one is a continuation of “asylee is refugee” thread. Please check it for full information what happened so far! I believe title was too vague and that now, after we have had enough clear suggestions how to proceed we should be clear in what we want and how we want it so why not try with the title of the thread also.

Thoughts of our members on issue so far:

The issue we need to address is mainly the RTD expiration issue. We should propose at least three (3) to five (5) years validity in new, 48 pages Travel Document,

While the immediate issue facing us deals with RTD. There are other important issues (i.e. Refugees vs. Asylees-processing timeline). The focus of our "Watch Dog/Special interest" group should be aimed at ALL issues that are of interest to asylees,

I also concur with your suggestion to strategize and think through our actions and consult with AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association) and their affiliated entity, the American Immigration Law Foundation (AILF). Someone has suggested that we should also discuss this with Mr. Khanna, the head of the law firm that is sponsoring this forum. We can also think of others to talk to,

Why do we demand these? Because:

1. the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution gives us the right to freedom of movement free from unreasonable restrictions and to earn a livelihood, if our means of earning a livelihood entails international travel; and

2. the United States has treaty obligations to afford reasonable travel documents (within a reasonable time) under the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees,

few links for your consideration regarding the above: - Declaration of Independence Universal Declaration of Human Rights INA Sec. 101(a)(42) definition of refugee
Also Amendment Ninth is interesting

Nominate a committee to represent us (say about 4-5 people). One of these people will act as the group coordinator, and will be the link between the other group members and the rest of us here. To this person, we shall all send an email with our 1st. name, email address, and last name initial. This person will then communicate with other committee members and reply back to the rest of us here to update us on what's going on...

To Whom It May Concern:
(please include everyone you think may be relevant for this purpose, comments or inside info about already chosen, critics, whatsoever...)
Eduardo Aguirre, Director of
USCIS Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

Saxby Chambliss, Chairman
United States Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Cc: Edward M. Kennedy, Ranking Democrat is member also.

AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association)
(need names and the pyisical address)

OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, everyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)
1. hatari999
2. baianolindo (Roman Latkovic, granted asylum on January 13, 1998)
3. asluser
4. karina
5. bringslite
6. Gebre
7. TortFeasor (Dan W.)
8. pedrop
9. ukulele
10. one-of-u

baianolindo said:
ACTION travel freedom - RTD regulation change!

This one is a continuation of “asylee is refugee” thread. Please check it for full information what happened so far! I believe title was too vague and that now, after we have had enough clear suggestions how to proceed we should be clear in what we want and how we want it so why not try with the title of the thread also.

Thoughts of our members on issue so far:

The issue we need to address is mainly the RTD expiration issue. We should propose at least three (3) to five (5) years validity in new, 48 pages Travel Document,

While the immediate issue facing us deals with RTD. There are other important issues (i.e. Refugees vs. Asylees-processing timeline). The focus of our "Watch Dog/Special interest" group should be aimed at ALL issues that are of interest to asylees,

I also concur with your suggestion to strategize and think through our actions and consult with AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association) and their affiliated entity, the American Immigration Law Foundation (AILF). Someone has suggested that we should also discuss this with Mr. Khanna, the head of the law firm that is sponsoring this forum. We can also think of others to talk to,

Why do we demand these? Because:

1. the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution gives us the right to freedom of movement free from unreasonable restrictions and to earn a livelihood, if our means of earning a livelihood entails international travel; and

2. the United States has treaty obligations to afford reasonable travel documents (within a reasonable time) under the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees,

few links for your consideration regarding the above: - Declaration of Independence Universal Declaration of Human Rights INA Sec. 101(a)(42) definition of refugee
Also Amendment Ninth is interesting

Nominate a committee to represent us (say about 4-5 people). One of these people will act as the group coordinator, and will be the link between the other group members and the rest of us here. To this person, we shall all send an email with our 1st. name, email address, and last name initial. This person will then communicate with other committee members and reply back to the rest of us here to update us on what's going on...

To Whom It May Concern:
(please include everyone you think may be relevant for this purpose, comments or inside info about already chosen, critics, whatsoever...)
Eduardo Aguirre, Director of
USCIS Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

Saxby Chambliss, Chairman
United States Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Cc: Edward M. Kennedy, Ranking Democrat is member also.

AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association)
(need names and the pyisical address)

OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, everyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)
1. hatari999
2. baianolindo (Roman Latkovic, granted asylum on January 13, 1998)
3. asluser
4. karina
5. bringslite
6. Gebre
7. TortFeasor (Dan W.)
8. pedrop
9. ukulele
10. cchong (Chee C.)


I just added myself on the list.
baianolindo said:
ACTION travel freedom - RTD regulation change!

This one is a continuation of “asylee is refugee” thread. Please check it for full information what happened so far! I believe title was too vague and that now, after we have had enough clear suggestions how to proceed we should be clear in what we want and how we want it so why not try with the title of the thread also.

Thoughts of our members on issue so far:

The issue we need to address is mainly the RTD expiration issue. We should propose at least three (3) to five (5) years validity in new, 48 pages Travel Document,

While the immediate issue facing us deals with RTD. There are other important issues (i.e. Refugees vs. Asylees-processing timeline). The focus of our "Watch Dog/Special interest" group should be aimed at ALL issues that are of interest to asylees,

I also concur with your suggestion to strategize and think through our actions and consult with AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association) and their affiliated entity, the American Immigration Law Foundation (AILF). Someone has suggested that we should also discuss this with Mr. Khanna, the head of the law firm that is sponsoring this forum. We can also think of others to talk to,

Why do we demand these? Because:

1. the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution gives us the right to freedom of movement free from unreasonable restrictions and to earn a livelihood, if our means of earning a livelihood entails international travel; and

2. the United States has treaty obligations to afford reasonable travel documents (within a reasonable time) under the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees,

few links for your consideration regarding the above: - Declaration of Independence Universal Declaration of Human Rights INA Sec. 101(a)(42) definition of refugee
Also Amendment Ninth is interesting

Nominate a committee to represent us (say about 4-5 people). One of these people will act as the group coordinator, and will be the link between the other group members and the rest of us here. To this person, we shall all send an email with our 1st. name, email address, and last name initial. This person will then communicate with other committee members and reply back to the rest of us here to update us on what's going on...

To Whom It May Concern:
(please include everyone you think may be relevant for this purpose, comments or inside info about already chosen, critics, whatsoever...)
Eduardo Aguirre, Director of
USCIS Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

Saxby Chambliss, Chairman
United States Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Cc: Edward M. Kennedy, Ranking Democrat is member also.

AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association)
(need names and the pyisical address)

OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, everyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)
2. baianolindo (Roman Latkovic, granted asylum on January 13, 1998)
3. asluser
4. karina
5. bringslite
6. Gebre
7. TortFeasor (Dan W.)
8. pedrop
9. ukulele
10. one-of-u

Removed myself for the time being
I’m hesitating to propose a letter regarding the Refuge Travel Document regulation change in a rush given the fact that establishing a new government entity, Department of Homeland Security is the most significant transformation of the US Government in over a “half-century”. They are changing rules – EAC validity change, [BCIS No. 2152-01] RIN 1615-AA63; rule effective from yesterday, July 30, 2004 – even in our favor!

Therefore I’d like us to ponder this over a little bit more and to find a right path; how to change this regulation in a most effective way! Our issue is not of an enormous importance (human rights wise; we are having asylum in the USA, we do have right to travel, only the regulation is totally ridiculous ergo, this may be an error, overlooked issue in a maze of regulations) for overall immigration issues but is seriously interferes with lives of every and each of us.

For example, should we try first to contact people at DHS like
Pearl Ching, Branch Chief
Adjudication Division
Department of Homeland Security, BCIS
Room 3214
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536
phone: 202 514-4754
in order to get some help or guidance?

Please bear in mind – rules and regulations (within DHS, my remark) are subject to the Administrative Procedures Act (5 U.S.C. 553). It is not necessary for every provision of law to be interpreted or implemented by a federal regulation” – i.e. Director Eduardo Aguirre, Director of USCIS Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services is responsible for such changes. Therefore, my own proposition of contacting Mr. Saxby Chambliss, Chairman United States Committee on the Judiciary does not make any sense in this phase of our action. Same stays for law suit; it makes no sense in this phase.

I’d like to have your opinion on this. Please tell me what do you think.

OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, everyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)
2. baianolindo (Roman Latkovic, granted asylum on January 13, 1998)
3. asluser
4. karina
5. bringslite
6. Gebre
7. TortFeasor (Dan W.)
8. pedrop
9. ukulele
10. one-of-u

To Whom It May Concern:
(please include everyone you think may be relevant for this purpose, comments or inside info about already chosen, critics, whatsoever...)
Eduardo Aguirre, Director of
USCIS Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

Saxby Chambliss, Chairman
United States Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Cc: Edward M. Kennedy, Ranking Democrat is member also.

AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association)
(need names and the pyisical address)
Coalition of the Willing

I decided not to clutter this particular thread with a law review-like article on the constitutional and legal basis for our possible claims. For those of us interested to continue the dialogue on the finer points of constitutional law, the trumping power of the U.S. Constitution over statutes and agency action (or in our case "inaction" to be exact!) and the applicability of international law within our legal system, I have established a new thread called : DISCOURSE ON OUR RIGHTS.

Here, let us focus on the practical issues. I welcome the differences in our strategies. I am sure we will reach a consensus that will allow us to take a concerted and useful approach.

Baianolindo, I support your initiative to approach the Adjudications Division's Chief first and then to write our letter to the Director. I am fine with taking those steps as we work our way to addressing our concerns. As you rightly stated, this is an agency action issue which may be solved by instituting a change to: (1) have the RTD be valid for five years or more; and (2) expedite RTD issuance within four to six weeks of application. The change to the Code of Federal Regulations with regards to the EAD shows that this is possible and that we actually have a good and promising precedent for our request.

You also think that a law suit may not be a good strategy at this point. I concede that we may have to try the non-confrontational route first. On the other hand, I strongly believe the constitutional and legal underpinnings of our request must be clear. We will have to prepare for the fact that the agency will not take our requests seriously and therefore we should hedge our positions with an alternative strategy. That strategy is to seek injunctive relief from the courts through a writ of mandamus, an action to compel the agency to act. That must be our stick if all else fails!

For now, lets get the true "Coalition of the Willing" set up and organized. I think we have enough ideas to get the ball rolling. What we need is some structure and organization. I suggest the following:

1. Get a Steering Committee set up. Baianolindo, I assume you accept our nomination to be our chair. Why do not you set up a private forum for the Committee members to plan a conference call? I will try to set up conference call capabilities in the interim. If you are as technologically-challenged as I am, maybe someone else can take the lead in setting up a private forum.

2. The initial Steering Committee members may be from list below who will send a private message to Baianolindo accepting such membership. If you do not want Committee membership but still want to be involved, great! I think we should get started with as many people as we can gather. Of course I am in. Baianolindo then sends a message to the forum announcing who is in the Committee. The private forum may will allow a more discreet communication amongst the Steering Committee members. So as not to leave anyone out, anyone interested to join the Committee should be free to do so until August 13. If there is a better alternative to this, let us hear it and we will work on it. Those in the proposed Committee members (taken from the volunteers list): (1) baianolindo; (2) asluser; (3) karina; (4) bringslite; (5) Gebre; (6) TortFeasor; (7) pedrop; (8) ukulele; and (9) one-of-u.

3. Once we have a Steering Committee, we will discuss alternative strategies, draft and circulate letters, and present it for comments and advice (or even ridicule, if that is warranted!) from the forum participants. We will act on items we believe have achieved wide consensus. If people agree with our work products, they sign the letters or petitions, if not, we will go on with what we have.

baianolindo said:
ACTION travel freedom - RTD regulation change!

This one is a continuation of “asylee is refugee” thread. Please check it for full information what happened so far! I believe title was too vague and that now, after we have had enough clear suggestions how to proceed we should be clear in what we want and how we want it so why not try with the title of the thread also.

Thoughts of our members on issue so far:

The issue we need to address is mainly the RTD expiration issue. We should propose at least three (3) to five (5) years validity in new, 48 pages Travel Document,

While the immediate issue facing us deals with RTD. There are other important issues (i.e. Refugees vs. Asylees-processing timeline). The focus of our "Watch Dog/Special interest" group should be aimed at ALL issues that are of interest to asylees,

I also concur with your suggestion to strategize and think through our actions and consult with AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association) and their affiliated entity, the American Immigration Law Foundation (AILF). Someone has suggested that we should also discuss this with Mr. Khanna, the head of the law firm that is sponsoring this forum. We can also think of others to talk to,

Why do we demand these? Because:

1. the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution gives us the right to freedom of movement free from unreasonable restrictions and to earn a livelihood, if our means of earning a livelihood entails international travel; and

2. the United States has treaty obligations to afford reasonable travel documents (within a reasonable time) under the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees,

few links for your consideration regarding the above: - Declaration of Independence Universal Declaration of Human Rights INA Sec. 101(a)(42) definition of refugee
Also Amendment Ninth is interesting

Nominate a committee to represent us (say about 4-5 people). One of these people will act as the group coordinator, and will be the link between the other group members and the rest of us here. To this person, we shall all send an email with our 1st. name, email address, and last name initial. This person will then communicate with other committee members and reply back to the rest of us here to update us on what's going on...

To Whom It May Concern:
(please include everyone you think may be relevant for this purpose, comments or inside info about already chosen, critics, whatsoever...)
Eduardo Aguirre, Director of
USCIS Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

Saxby Chambliss, Chairman
United States Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Cc: Edward M. Kennedy, Ranking Democrat is member also.

AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association)
(need names and the pyisical address)

OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, everyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)
1. hatari999
2. baianolindo (Roman Latkovic, granted asylum on January 13, 1998)
3. asluser
4. karina
5. bringslite
6. Gebre
7. TortFeasor (Dan W.)
8. pedrop
9. ukulele
10. one-of-u

I agree with baianolindo, we need to be very careful with our strategy not just rushing into it.

baianolindo said:
I’m hesitating to propose a letter regarding the Refuge Travel Document regulation change in a rush given the fact that establishing a new government entity, Department of Homeland Security is the most significant transformation of the US Government in over a “half-century”. They are changing rules – EAC validity change, [BCIS No. 2152-01] RIN 1615-AA63; rule effective from yesterday, July 30, 2004 – even in our favor!
baianolindo said:
Somehow, I feel like they make this 'miracle' change not because of the formation of dHS, but as a response of the lawsuit, but this is a "voluntary improvement" they made under the pressure of the court order. Please refer to
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Steering Committee for Action Travel Freedom

Hello everyone,

my opinion is that we need to move on with our issue(s). I believe in order to keep things moving we have to establish a Steering Committee for Action Travel Freedom as proposed on this Thread.

In negotiating process that should take place with the USCIS and its Director Eduardo Aguirre and Pearl Ching, Branch Chief Adjudication Division we’ll have to display seriousness and readiness to workout those issues on negotiating path first. Steering Committee shall work on it and approve the Draft Letter requesting changes in the procedure as discussed before and will be discussed publicly on this Thread. Once when we are satisfied with the approach will move to the next level – sending a written request for the change to the USCIS.

Therefore I’m urging, primarily our participants from the volunteers list included bellow and everyone else willing to help to change this ridiculous procedure of issuing Refugee Travel Documents, to send me a private message if they are willing to participate as members of the Steering Committee. This would keep the Thread focused on the core issues. All Committee decisions in the future will be publicized and publicly discussed. This is a serious matter concerning all of us so let us move on.


To Whom It May Concern:
(please include everyone you think may be relevant for this purpose, comments or inside info about already chosen, critics, whatsoever...)
Eduardo Aguirre, Director of
USCIS Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

Saxby Chambliss, Chairman
United States Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Cc: Edward M. Kennedy, Ranking Democrat is member also.

AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association)
(need names and the pyisical address)

OUR Participants so far:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, everyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)

1. baianolindo (Roman Latkovic, granted asylum on January 13, 1998)
2. asluser
3. karina
4. bringslite
5. Gebre
6. TortFeasor (Dan W.)
7. pedrop
8. ukulele
9. one-of-u
10. Irina_c
baianolindo said:
ACTION travel freedom - RTD regulation change!

This one is a continuation of “asylee is refugee” thread. Please check it for full information what happened so far! I believe title was too vague and that now, after we have had enough clear suggestions how to proceed we should be clear in what we want and how we want it so why not try with the title of the thread also.

Thoughts of our members on issue so far:

The issue we need to address is mainly the RTD expiration issue. We should propose at least three (3) to five (5) years validity in new, 48 pages Travel Document,

While the immediate issue facing us deals with RTD. There are other important issues (i.e. Refugees vs. Asylees-processing timeline). The focus of our "Watch Dog/Special interest" group should be aimed at ALL issues that are of interest to asylees,

I also concur with your suggestion to strategize and think through our actions and consult with AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association) and their affiliated entity, the American Immigration Law Foundation (AILF). Someone has suggested that we should also discuss this with Mr. Khanna, the head of the law firm that is sponsoring this forum. We can also think of others to talk to,

Why do we demand these? Because:

1. the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution gives us the right to freedom of movement free from unreasonable restrictions and to earn a livelihood, if our means of earning a livelihood entails international travel; and

2. the United States has treaty obligations to afford reasonable travel documents (within a reasonable time) under the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees,

few links for your consideration regarding the above: - Declaration of Independence Universal Declaration of Human Rights INA Sec. 101(a)(42) definition of refugee
Also Amendment Ninth is interesting

Nominate a committee to represent us (say about 4-5 people). One of these people will act as the group coordinator, and will be the link between the other group members and the rest of us here. To this person, we shall all send an email with our 1st. name, email address, and last name initial. This person will then communicate with other committee members and reply back to the rest of us here to update us on what's going on...

To Whom It May Concern:
(please include everyone you think may be relevant for this purpose, comments or inside info about already chosen, critics, whatsoever...)
Eduardo Aguirre, Director of
USCIS Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

Saxby Chambliss, Chairman
United States Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Cc: Edward M. Kennedy, Ranking Democrat is member also.

AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association)
(need names and the pyisical address)

OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, everyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)
1. hatari999
2. baianolindo (Roman Latkovic, granted asylum on January 13, 1998)
3. asluser
4. karina
5. bringslite
6. Gebre
7. TortFeasor (Dan W.)
8. pedrop
9. ukulele
10. one-of-u
13 TiredOne

Please guys, only quote the names and then add yours if like, so as to avoid cluttering the post.
OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, everyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)
1. hatari999
2. baianolindo (Roman Latkovic, granted asylum on January 13, 1998)
3. asluser
4. karina
5. bringslite
6. Gebre
7. TortFeasor (Dan W.)
8. pedrop
9. ukulele
10. one-of-u
13 TiredOne
14. AsyleeUs
accurate list of participants

sorry for doing this but hatari999 removed himself and we omitted few others. so I took the liberty to post full and accurate list so far, having everyone included in order we entered the list. feel free to send me a private message if you'd like to participate in the Steering Committee work. our next steps are:

a) having a draft letter ready,
b) Steering Committee set up,
c) public discussion about the letter, once we publish it here on Thread,
d) sending out the letter requesting the change.

any imput would be of great help. thanks girls and guys. let us do it!


OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, everyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)

1. baianolindo (Roman Latkovic, granted asylum on January 13, 1998)
2. asluser
3. karina
4. bringslite
5. Gebre
6. TortFeasor (Dan W.)
7. pedrop
8. ukulele
9. one-of-u
10. cchong (Chee C.)
11. Irina_C
12 TiredOne
13. AsyleeUs
ACTION TRAVEL FREEDOM - Committee Announcement

We would like to announce a set up of the Steering Committee for the ACTION TRAVEL FREEDOM that would coordinate our efforts to change RTD issuing procedure.

The Members of the Steering Committee are:

1. Abe Elmamoun
2. Chee Chong
3. Daniel Woubishet
4. Roman Latkovic

Our Thread screen names are “bringslite” (Abe), “cchong” (Chee), “TortFeasor” (Daniel) and “baianolindo” (Roman). It has been decided that from now on Roman would act as Committee’s Chairman.

The Committee is working on a Draft Letter of a request for changes that will be presented to Mr. Eduardo Aguirre, Director of USCIS and Pearl Ching, Branch Chief Adjudication Division for beginning. The letter will be here on the Thread available for public discussion and critics until the end of August 2004. I urge our volunteers and all other members of the Thread to participate with their ideas, suggestions etc. Moreover it would be of a great help if we find right people in our respective States within the US to inform them about our concerns and the action, i.e. representatives, senators, media, public figures sympathetic to our issues. Please post any contacts of those you might have.

I would like to thank Mr. Rajiv S. Khanna and his Law Offices for providing us with such a valuable virtual space where we can express our problems, discuss our issues and even start such an Action like ours.

OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, everyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here)

1. Roman Latkovic
2. Abe Elmamoun
3. Chee Chong
4. Daniel Woubishet
5. aluser
6. karina
7. Gebre
8. pedrop
9. ukulele
10. one-of-u
11. Irina_C
12 TiredOne
13. AsyleeUs
Call for Information

Ladies and Gents:

As was announced by our chair Roman yesterday, the Steering Committee has been set up. We had a chance to have a very informative conference call late this week to discuss overall strategies and next steps. Believe me, we are well motivated and organized. The first order of business, among others, is drafting a letter (not very long we promise!) that will articulate our grievances and seek regulatory change and backlog elimination.

We intend to circulate a first draft by the end of August so that we will be able to get your comments and concerns addressed. This is where your input is crucial.

We have a general sense of what this ridiculous process has cost us - lost professional and business opportunities, missed social and family reunions or events in safe third countries, and in general, a feeling of "imprisonment" in the most free nation on earth. But we need more! Therefore our Committee will like you to post on this post (or send a private message to me if that makes you more comfortable) describing concrete and specific examples of the harm caused by the current set up. We do not necessarily want dates, names or places but descriptions of purposes of planned trips, how significant and important such trips were to each of you, and how the administrative screw up has complicated your life.


Immigration Contacts

Here is a list of some of organizations and individuals that are concerned with or pro-immigrations. Please add to the list as necessary:

1. The American Immigration Law Foundation (AILF)

2. Committe on The Judiciary
Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship

3. Diane Feinstein (D-CA)
United States Senator

4. Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA)
United States Senator

5. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX-18th District)
Dear Thread Members,

bellow please find a Draft Letter intended to start a process of change in the RDT regulation process. As promissed, we are posting it here to get as much opinions, insights, suggestions and help possible so our Action would result in a real change.


Mr. Eduardo Aguirre
Director (with a rank of Under Secretary)
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”)
Department of Homeland Security
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

Re: Petition to Seek Regulatory Change and Expedite the Processing of Applications for Refugee Travel Documents

Dear Director Aguirre:

We, the undersigned, are members and supporters of the Steering Committee on Travel Freedom, a volunteer unincorporated association of current and previous asylees or refugees. By previous asylees or refugees, we are referring to those of us who have become permanent residents after having adjusted from a prior asylee or refugee status.

We sought the protection of the United States of America from regimes or societies that persecuted us. We live in our adopted country, paying taxes, obeying its laws and contributing to its economic and social life. Pursuant to Section 223.2(b)(2) of Title 8 of the Code of Federal Regulations (the "CFR"), we are required to apply for and secure a Refugee Travel Document ("RTD") from the USCIS to travel outside the United States on business or for social occasions.

On numerous occasions, you have stated that the basic mission of the new USCIS is to ensure that "the right applicant receives the right benefit in the right amount of time, while preventing the wrong individuals from obtaining benefits." Currently, we encounter the following:

1. It is taking a minimum of six months for the USCIS to process RTDs.
2. Pursuant to 8 CFR 223.3(a)(2), RTDs are valid for only one year.
3. Pursuant to 8 CFR 223.2(c), we cannot apply for a new RTD while a currently valid RTD is in our possession.
4. A number of countries require that, in order to grant entry visas, RTDs should be valid for at least six months from the date of visa application.

The cumulative effect of the processing backlog and the provisions of the aforementioned regulations is that for at least six months out of every year, it is effectively and practically impossible for us to travel overseas.
We have been forced to forego numerous business and professional opportunities that were essential for our livelihoods, when, as is usually the case in such an interdependent and globalized economy, our work obligations would require us to travel oversees. Furthermore, we have also missed numerous family and social events in safe countries. This issue is particularly pertinent to us as we cannot travel to our respective countries of origin. One of the few occasions for our loved ones to meet and see us in person is to arrange for such meetings in safe countries. In general, we feel "imprisoned" in the most free nation on earth.

We believe that the current scheme of things infringes on our due process and equal protection rights to travel and earn a livelihood, free from unreasonable restrictions, that have been afforded to all persons by the United States Constitution. We also believe that the current process violates the spirit, if not the letter, of Article 28.1 of the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (the "Refugee Convention"), as made applicable to the United States by its accession to the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees.

We ask you to use the powers of your good offices to effect regulatory and administrative changes that will go a long way in mitigating our situation. Specifically, we ask that the USCIS amend 8 CFR 223.3(a)(2) and make RTDs valid for five years or more. One of the reasons for the current backlog is the fact that we have to apply for RTDs every year. Prolonging the duration of RTDs for five years or more will reduce the workload for USCIS, thereby reducing the processing backlog significantly. Furthermore, the reduced backlog would result in faster processing of RTD applications, allowing such applications to be processed, hopefully, in less than four weeks.

By way of comparison, the British equivalent of RTDs is issued for up to ten years while the Canadian equivalent is issued for five years. On numerous occasions, you have promised to review and reform procedures that create unnecessary backlogs. USCIS’s recent decision to amend 8 CFR 274a.12 by extending the duration of validity of certain employment authorization documents by up to five years is a good precedent the USCIS should follow with regards to RTDs.

We will be more than happy to discuss these concerns in detail with you and/or your delegate(s). We look forward to hearing from your agency on this issue of immense importance to all of us.