ACTION travel freedom - RTD regulation change

15. Kalvar

I admire your work guys and I'll do my best to join the common effort.Let's work as a team!!!
I'll keep checking to see the next necessary steps.
baianolindo said:
ACTION travel freedom - RTD regulation change!

This one is a continuation of “asylee is refugee” thread. Please check it for full information what happened so far! I believe title was too vague and that now, after we have had enough clear suggestions how to proceed we should be clear in what we want and how we want it so why not try with the title of the thread also.

Thoughts of our members on issue so far:

The issue we need to address is mainly the RTD expiration issue. We should propose at least three (3) to five (5) years validity in new, 48 pages Travel Document,

While the immediate issue facing us deals with RTD. There are other important issues (i.e. Refugees vs. Asylees-processing timeline). The focus of our "Watch Dog/Special interest" group should be aimed at ALL issues that are of interest to asylees,

I also concur with your suggestion to strategize and think through our actions and consult with AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association) and their affiliated entity, the American Immigration Law Foundation (AILF). Someone has suggested that we should also discuss this with Mr. Khanna, the head of the law firm that is sponsoring this forum. We can also think of others to talk to,

Why do we demand these? Because:

1. the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution gives us the right to freedom of movement free from unreasonable restrictions and to earn a livelihood, if our means of earning a livelihood entails international travel; and

2. the United States has treaty obligations to afford reasonable travel documents (within a reasonable time) under the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees,

few links for your consideration regarding the above: - Declaration of Independence Universal Declaration of Human Rights INA Sec. 101(a)(42) definition of refugee
Also Amendment Ninth is interesting

Nominate a committee to represent us (say about 4-5 people). One of these people will act as the group coordinator, and will be the link between the other group members and the rest of us here. To this person, we shall all send an email with our 1st. name, email address, and last name initial. This person will then communicate with other committee members and reply back to the rest of us here to update us on what's going on...

To Whom It May Concern:
(please include everyone you think may be relevant for this purpose, comments or inside info about already chosen, critics, whatsoever...)
Eduardo Aguirre, Director of
USCIS Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

Saxby Chambliss, Chairman
United States Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Cc: Edward M. Kennedy, Ranking Democrat is member also.

AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association)
(need names and the pyisical address)

OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, everyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)
1. hatari999
2. baianolindo (Roman Latkovic, granted asylum on January 13, 1998)
3. asluser
4. karina
5. bringslite
6. Gebre
7. TortFeasor (Dan W.)
8. pedrop
9. ukulele
10. one-of-u
14- Juniorr1