ACTION travel freedom - RTD regulation change

This letter is great. Good work. It is so reasonable, I don't know why they wouldn't consider it. I feel very optimistic about it.

Good luck to us all :)
i think u guys should mention more about the controdiction between current regulation and consititution stuff...try to make this issue seem to be more serious but not just all about ur personal opinion like "we feel like..."

btw, count me :rolleyes:
baianolindo said:
Dear Thread Members,

bellow please find a Draft Letter intended to start a process of change in the RDT regulation process. As promissed, we are posting it here to get as much opinions, insights, suggestions and help possible so our Action would result in a real change.


Mr. Eduardo Aguirre
Director (with a rank of Under Secretary)
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”)
Department of Homeland Security
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

Re: Petition to Seek Regulatory Change and Expedite the Processing of Applications for Refugee Travel Documents

Dear Director Aguirre:

We, the undersigned, are members and supporters of the Steering Committee on Travel Freedom, a volunteer unincorporated association of current and previous asylees or refugees. By previous asylees or refugees, we are referring to those of us who have become permanent residents after having adjusted from a prior asylee or refugee status.

We sought the protection of the United States of America from regimes or societies that persecuted us. We live in our adopted country, paying taxes, obeying its laws and contributing to its economic and social life. Pursuant to Section 223.2(b)(2) of Title 8 of the Code of Federal Regulations (the "CFR"), we are required to apply for and secure a Refugee Travel Document ("RTD") from the USCIS to travel outside the United States on business or for social occasions.

On numerous occasions, you have stated that the basic mission of the new USCIS is to ensure that "the right applicant receives the right benefit in the right amount of time, while preventing the wrong individuals from obtaining benefits." Currently, we encounter the following:

1. It is taking a minimum of six months for the USCIS to process RTDs.
2. Pursuant to 8 CFR 223.3(a)(2), RTDs are valid for only one year.
3. Pursuant to 8 CFR 223.2(c), we cannot apply for a new RTD while a currently valid RTD is in our possession.
4. A number of countries require that, in order to grant entry visas, RTDs should be valid for at least six months from the date of visa application.

The cumulative effect of the processing backlog and the provisions of the aforementioned regulations is that for at least six months out of every year, it is effectively and practically impossible for us to travel overseas.
We have been forced to forego numerous business and professional opportunities that were essential for our livelihoods, when, as is usually the case in such an interdependent and globalized economy, our work obligations would require us to travel oversees. Furthermore, we have also missed numerous family and social events in safe countries. This issue is particularly pertinent to us as we cannot travel to our respective countries of origin. One of the few occasions for our loved ones to meet and see us in person is to arrange for such meetings in safe countries. In general, we feel "imprisoned" in the most free nation on earth.

We believe that the current scheme of things infringes on our due process and equal protection rights to travel and earn a livelihood, free from unreasonable restrictions, that have been afforded to all persons by the United States Constitution. We also believe that the current process violates the spirit, if not the letter, of Article 28.1 of the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (the "Refugee Convention"), as made applicable to the United States by its accession to the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees.

We ask you to use the powers of your good offices to effect regulatory and administrative changes that will go a long way in mitigating our situation. Specifically, we ask that the USCIS amend 8 CFR 223.3(a)(2) and make RTDs valid for five years or more. One of the reasons for the current backlog is the fact that we have to apply for RTDs every year. Prolonging the duration of RTDs for five years or more will reduce the workload for USCIS, thereby reducing the processing backlog significantly. Furthermore, the reduced backlog would result in faster processing of RTD applications, allowing such applications to be processed, hopefully, in less than four weeks.

By way of comparison, the British equivalent of RTDs is issued for up to ten years while the Canadian equivalent is issued for five years. On numerous occasions, you have promised to review and reform procedures that create unnecessary backlogs. USCIS’s recent decision to amend 8 CFR 274a.12 by extending the duration of validity of certain employment authorization documents by up to five years is a good precedent the USCIS should follow with regards to RTDs.

We will be more than happy to discuss these concerns in detail with you and/or your delegate(s). We look forward to hearing from your agency on this issue of immense importance to all of us.
That is a great letter but i suggest that it should be also directed to local representatives and senators
let us do more!

hello everyone,

I would like to welcome our new participants (Punjabi Munda, kelvin2088) and encourage all of us here to be even more active. Join the action, comment, share experience, add your real names if you wish. Hoping to create a real, vigorous action that would change this silly RTD regulation (just read other Threads on the same issue; this RTD procedure is causing so many problems to so many of us, let us articulate them, let us use it as evidence that the change we are requesting is absolutely essential indeed) we should do more. Please, when comment, like shamson did, try to do even more. Very helpful comment, already discussed, but in such case, it would be great to have name(s) and contact(s) of “local representatives and senators” in our respective States.

Kelvin2088, I agree with you, but would like to steer all of us to add a bit more. If you feel like you have something to say about “contradiction between current regulation and constitution stuff” like you stated, please expand this statement, quote the contradictions help us and help our main author of the Draft Letter, Daniel (TortFeasor to whom we owe real thanks) to improve it even more and to make it undeniable for the USCIS.

Let us do it, folks.

OUR Participants so far:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, everyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick and / or real name here...)

1. Roman Latkovic
2. Abe Elmamoun
3. Chee Chong
4. Daniel Woubishet
5. aluser
6. karina
7. Gebre
8. pedrop
9. ukulele
10. one-of-u
11. Irina_C
12 TiredOne
13. AsyleeUs
14. Punjabi Munda
15. kelvin 2088
16. ...
Hi Everyone,

Many of us have experienced a major delay in receiving his or her RTD. Based on my observation, the RTD issues have been raised many times on this forum. It indicates that people are interested in having thier RTD applications process in a timely manner.

It is time for us to unite together. I believe If we unite together, our chances of achieving something out of the expediting request effort will be greater. I urge all of you who have concerns to participate.

Thank you.
Let's make history!

O.k., let's keep it alive. This issue concerns all of us. Have some faith and join in! Let's make history!
Let's do it

O.K. guys, many ppl in this forum whine and moan about why RTDs take such a long time, yet many of them seem to be interested in doing something about it. I can only reason this to one of the following:

a. Too scared to bring out issues or concern for fear that the INS may deny their case or deport them. To those chickens, I say you will not make it in this country, and might as well go back to where you came from.

b. Too lazy. To those I say you need to be more proactive, and again you will not make it in this country, and might as well go back to where you came from.

c. Too selfish and opportunists who want others to do things on their behalf. This type is hopeless, and should not even exist on this planet because they are using valuable and scarce recourse. They are more like parasites that invades the body.

Please join and let's do something. After all what’s there to loose?
1. Roman Latkovic
2. Abe Elmamoun
3. Chee Chong
4. Daniel Woubishet
5. aluser
6. karina
7. Gebre
8. pedrop
9. ukulele
10. one-of-u
11. Irina_C
12 TiredOne
13. AsyleeUs
14. (Muhammad Waseem) Punjabi Munda
15. kelvin 2088
16. ...
Frankly speaking as initiator and acting Chairman of the Steering Committee for the Travel Freedom I’m surprised that there are no more contributions from the Thread members regarding our proposed Action. Daniel (TortFeasor) asked you all to share your experiences, describing concrete and specific examples of the harm caused by the current set up. It was on August 15, 2004 and NOT A SINGLE reply!? Not a single person has nothing to say, nothing to share, even anonymously, during a whole month? Are we all satisfied with the current situation? If yes, why the change?

Abe’s (bringslite) words from the other day were harsh asking are you all Too scared to bring out issues or concern for fear that the INS may deny their case or deport them. To those chickens, I say you will not make it in this country, and might as well go back to where you came from. – but I may ditto them. Do you REALLY think that the USCIS would act against anyone who tries to improve his or her status in legal, allowed and offered way?

If someone fights for a Bill of Rights, for example, to end of slavery or for any other injustice sure that he or she does not need ALL repressed (and all potential beneficiaries for the favorable outcome) to join him or her (or them). Once when the Committee enters its legal fight for this small but still imporatant matter it would be fighting for all asylees and refugees rights regarding the RTD!

What if we, at the Committee, are wrong? What if we omitted some crucial issues in our approach? Does this not concern you that a small group of people would try to change the regulation that affects you all and you have nothing to say? It for sure concerns me to speak out, to seek the regulation change for all of us if I have no idea what you guys are thinking about!?

For one, Abe was right. A courageous people made this country. Having chosen the US instead of your respective native countries has been an act of courage for everyone and each of us. No matter how difficult or dangerous the life was before. Everyday needs some courage also! I just cannot accept that almost none has anything serious to contribute to this issue?

The Steering Committee would continue with its work. But I would challenge the silent majority out there on the Thread to vote at least! Should we ask for the change this silly RTD regulation or we are happy with it and it should stay like it was – RTD valid for one year, waiting time of six months etc., etc., etc.!?

Tell us what do you think?
Count me in...

I like the letter. It's very objective and it is very targeted about the issues that we wish will be improved.

I think this organization (association of immigration lawyer) could also be a good contact!

Follow up

In the spirit of contributing to the discussion on the draft letter, I wanted to explain some of the thinking on how we intend to proceed with the letter. This hopefully will explain some of the questions raised and hopefully generate further discussion on the issue.

The letter is addressed to the Director because the problem and its solution are at the hands of the USCIS. Unlike the arbitrary 10,000 statutory cap on the number of asylees who may adjust to permanent resident status, the process of issuing RTDs, the term of validity of the document and similar administrative issues are committed to the discretion of the agency. There is no need for legislative change. The agency can act to change the regulations and improve its efficiency.

It will be a good idea to send copies of the letter to our respective representatives in Congress. One way to do it is once we have the final version of the letter, each of us can download that letter, enclose a short cover note and send it to the offices of the two Senators and the Congresswoman/man for our jurisdiction. I think it makes sense for each of us to shoulder that responsibility, rather than have a list of 100 Senators and 435 representatives copied on our letter. If you live in a jurisdiction that has moderately responsive representatives, you may get a follow up mail and some contact person who may actually call the USCIS and push the reform issue. If you live in a jurisdiction that has hostile pinheads like Congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado, you may decide not to waste your time!

On the other hand, the Steering Committee will send a copy and try to initiate contacts with other more seasoned advocacy groups to see if such groups can extend their support in term of strategy, contacts, technical assistance and just plain old moral support. Some of these groups are the American Immigration Law Association/American Immigration Law Foundation (AILA/AILF), the ACLU (of which I am a proud card-carrying member) and the Washington Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs.

Let the comments pour in.


New processing time

Our valuable Steering Committee member, Chee (nick: cchong) provided us with the newest processing times @ NSC!

Here are the links:

This looks like the USCIS has cut processing times for the RTD. This may be a good sign, an encouraging one for us to seek a real change – having at least five (5) years validity of the document instead of current one (1).
3 or 5 year travel document

I have written a letter to mr. Eduardo Aguiree, Director of USCIS, requesting a 3 to 5 year Travel document. I have heard he himself waas once an asylee.Therefore , he should have some symptahy. Will let you know, if get any response.
I think we need to write a letter signed by at least 5oo asylees. My letter may not have any effect. I can post the content of my letter for comments.
Ashok vaghjimal, MD
an update

This Thread was silent due to the Election and subsequential changes in the (new) administration. Moreover I as the Committee for Travel Freedom Chairman have suffered an accident and was unable to participate for some time. Having forgotten my password for the “baianolindo” nick here (associated e-mail address doesn’t function anymore) I adopted a new nick – GreyGhost – more suitable to me than the “baianolindo” (beautiful baiano) might be after the accident J

Kidding aside, both beautiful and the ghost are still having the same problem with the Travel Document regulation(s). Ergo, I’m kindly urging you all to think a little bit more, to check the Draft Letter for the DHS Director Aguirre and for the Pear Ching the Branch Chief of the Adjudication Division, to participate with your experiences and suggestions.

And of course, if you like how the USCIS adjucates this and other processes, please let us know.
content of letter for comments kind request :))

would you mind posting your letter, please?

I have written a letter to mr. Eduardo Aguiree, Director of USCIS, requesting a 3 to 5 year Travel document. I have heard he himself waas once an asylee.Therefore , he should have some symptahy. Will let you know, if get any response.
I think we need to write a letter signed by at least 5oo asylees. My letter may not have any effect. I can post the content of my letter for comments.
Ashok vaghjimal, MD
Sign off to a new thread

While we are awaiting for the nail-biting episodes of HR 1268/418 (to be made into a hit TV series "Desperate Asylees and their Senators"), I want to give you updates on another initiative we started a while ago. We will be starting a new thread named "RTD Regulation Change" but wanted to officially transition out of this thread. The Steering Committee on Travel Freedom forwarded a letter requesting changes to the current RTD issuance system. A copy of the letters sent to both the Director and Ombudsman of the CIS as well as proposed future activities will be chronicled in the new thread.

We waited for a while to see if the dust has settled on departures and arrivals in the second Bush term. When we thought all was settled, voila, a new change - the President nominated Eduardo Aguirre (current CIS director) as the new Ambassador to Spain. Even if his days at the agency may be numbered, we will coordinate with his office so that our petition is forwarded to the appropriate person in the agency. On the other hand, we believe that our communications with the Ombudsman may provide a real alternative in effecting systemic change.

I will like to thank all the co-coordinators of the Committee for the great work they did over the last few months. We have been having repeated conference calls to map out our strategies and refine the letters. Our chair, Roman ("Bainalindo" or "GreyGhost") has been very instrumental in coordinating our efforts. He is now taking a leave of absence (hopefully temporary) while he is pursuing some professional opportunities that have put more demands on his time.

Going forward, the co-coordinators, i.e. Abe ("bringslite"), Chee ("cchong") and myself will push our agenda and see how far we can go to effect the regulatory change. Please check the new thread on how you may help.


Join action travel freedom-RTD

baianolindo said:
sorry for doing this but hatari999 removed himself and we omitted few others. so I took the liberty to post full and accurate list so far, having everyone included in order we entered the list. feel free to send me a private message if you'd like to participate in the Steering Committee work. our next steps are:

a) having a draft letter ready,
b) Steering Committee set up,
c) public discussion about the letter, once we publish it here on Thread,
d) sending out the letter requesting the change.

any imput would be of great help. thanks girls and guys. let us do it!


OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, everyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)

1. baianolindo (Roman Latkovic, granted asylum on January 13, 1998)
2. asluser
3. karina
4. bringslite
5. Gebre
6. TortFeasor (Dan W.)
7. pedrop
8. ukulele
9. one-of-u
10. cchong (Chee C.)
11. Irina_C
12 TiredOne
13. AsyleeUs
14. Shuke