Acceptable tax transcript

You should be able to get Tax Transcripts for 2005-2007, which are more detailed.

Account Transcripts, which are summarized, are available for 2003 and 2004.

However I read on this forum that Account Transcripts should be fine too.

I got the detailed report for the last three years this morning.. At least I am done with that part :)
How long to recieve tax transcripts?

I ordered tax account transcripts on the phone 8 days ago, but haven't received anything yet. How long does it take to receive them usually? I have read from this thread that it took about a week for someone to receive it in mail? I have not filed N400 yet, but want to get everything ready.
It look 10 days for me. Initiated the request on Apr 1st and got the transcripts today Apr 11th. You should get it in a week or so.
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I initiated the request on April 3rd and got the tax transcripts April 10th. I am just waiting for the Selective Service System status letter, which I believe I do not need since I am 31, and then I should be ready for the interview.

Thanks for the replies. Today is the 10th day after I requested the transcript. I will give it another week.