AC-140, Mumbai, January CP interview ---lets start a new thread here

never -

As per my knowledge, AC-140 covering letter can be prepared by you. But I got it prepared by my attorney as I had payed to him anyway. Anyone differing on this ???

Also, you NEED the original I-140 approval notice. Attorney certified I-140 approval won\'t do, not atleast for Mumbai consulate. Check their website and go to question "How do I request consular processing of a pending employment-based case?"

Hope this helps.
Hi Sunil -

For me, Mumbai consulate did not return the AC-240 application as I had submitted original I-140 approval & original I-824 receipt notice.

What they told me was, "...they have sent me P3..." and that I have to fill it up and sent it back. I got such a reply eventhough I had included P3.

So, I only sent them my P3 (DS/OF 230 Part I, OF 169, ...)

But for you, you will have to wait till you get the original application back. Hope you get it back soon. Good Luck !
Thanks for the reply!

Hey Waitnwatch,

Thanks for the reply, man.

Looks like I will have to learn the art of being patient to a fine degree (;-)

Thanks for all your help.

Packet 3 received by Mumbai US Consulate.

Just now I called Mumbai US Consulate. The lady told me that they received my packet 3 on 11/15/2001 and I should get my interview in later part of January or February. She did not tell me clearly which month exactly.

Actually according to courier records packet 3 was delivered on 11/08. So does this mean that they entered my details in there system on 11/15/2001?
December dates for Mumbai are finally out!

Just checked the mumbai web page and saw that they have posted the December interview dates.
What are the papers we have to submit while attending the CP interview ?

Is it necessary we have bring our original /copy of our education and experice letters.

I really appreciate your prompt reply


AshishV: I think you should get Jan interview date, since...

my P3 reached them on 11/13 and they sent me an email saying that they plan to schedule me for a Jan interview.
Mumbai consulate confused me ...

My AC140 reached to Mumbai Consulate on 13 Nov. Last night I spoke to them and I got the case number. But she told me that she has mailed a packet and I have to fill it and return it then only they will give interview date. Now the question is , My attorney has sent Packet 3 along with AC140 application, then what is this new packet Mumbai consulate has sent? Any Idea ?

ap2001 -

You have got two options:

1) Try calling the consulate tomorrow morning and hope that you get another operator. Talk to them and try to convince them that they already have P3 and ask them to change the records.

2) Send a another P3 with OF169 having your case # and in the meantime keep trying (1).

Hopefully you should be fine because sometime the operators don\'t exactly tell you the right thing. They told me the same thing, but till now I have neither received the P3 at my India address nor in US.

Also, make sure if you want to send the P3 again, send it today or tomorrow so that it will reach by Monday.

Good Luck !

ps : Check earlier posts in this discussion also.
Any updates guys?

Did anybody get in touch with the consulate? Any word on the interview dates? Please keep us posted. Thanks and have a good Thanksgiving!
Mumbai acknowledged P3 on phone

I called last night and go through right away betn 2PM and 4PM IST.
Thye said they received P3 and will schedule a first or second week of Jan interview.
Good luck to all
MJ1-When did your P3 reach Mumbai?

I know you must have already mentioned this, but when did your P3 reach the consulate? Yours is not AC140, right?

My P3 reached Nov 6 and my attorney sent one that reached Nov 13.
The one that reached on Nov 6 was entered into the system the next day. Yes, mine was not AC-140 case.
Good luck.
Any updates guys?

Just posting the message to keep the tread alive. Hope everybody had a good thanksgiving break!
They found my packet 3

First time, when I spoke to Mumbai consulate, lady told me that they have sent a packet and I have to fill it and return it. Last night I called again and told that my packet 3 is already included in the packet. Then she ask me to hold and verified . Then she told me that either I \'ll get interview date in January end or in Feb. I\'ll call again around mid december.


Congrats and good luck.
You will most definitely get a January interview.
Called the consulate this AM regarding appt date

and the lady said that they have not scheduled an appt as yet...

Did she say when appointments would be scheduled?
I need info to buy tickets.

No, the lady was rude. All she said was that they will send me a letter as soon as the interview date is fixed and how to get the ticket is my problem.