AC-140, Mumbai, January CP interview ---lets start a new thread here

Got the date

With reg to my previous message. Heard from Mumbai consulate about my i-date. so this is how it works in Mumbai. For december interviews, they accumlate cases until end of october and run them thru some kind of deciding system to come up with dates. My case was entered in Oct 25 and I got the date in December.
Krishnan MK & others: Can you please clearly mention in your posts

whether your case is regular NVC or AC-I140. It will help everyone, espl. AC-I140 applicants.
A couple of quick questions:-
1. Are you a regular NVC applicant or AC-I140?
2. What #/date/time did you reach the consulate?
I too tried between 2pm and 4pm IST on the following #s, 91-22-363 7407, 7408. All I got was dull engaged tones. Hope the next 2 days (oops, nights) turn out to be better.

FYI, I sent my packet-3 (AC-I140), which was delivered on Oct. 15th. No response from consulate to e-mail queries so far.

No Title

In my case too, the AC-140 consular application was filed with just the receipt of I-824. I think you should pursuade your lawyers to not wait but file a.s.a.p. In my case there was a little resistance to this idea by the lawyers initially, but after I pointed them out a few websites like and and asked them to do more research they relented...
Info for waitnwatch - AC 140 in Delhi

Hi Guys,
they have received my Packet 3 on 9th Oct. I again send P3 which reached Delhi on Oct 29th. Called yesterday and they still say that they are waiting for Packet 3. I literally argued with the lady. Then she went and checked and said that let me update my records and expect Jan interview. I lost one month thinking that they are working - I was wrong - you have to call and make them work.

So, waitnwatch, please call them again and tell them that you already mailed packet 3 - please update your records. Otherwise you will be waiting forever.
Just received an email from Mumbai consulate

It says that they hope to schedule an interview in Jan 2002.
The case was received by the consulate on Oct 29th and the case number was generated on Nov 6th
ud -

When did you send them email?

I sent it on 5th November and I haven\'t received any reply.

Thanks AKS1234, I will try calling them tomorrow.

I sent Mumbai consulate email on 11/7 and I\'ve not heard either.
My p3 reached Mumbai on 11/6 and my attorney sent another P3 which reached them on 11/13. No response yet.
Hi waitnwatch, MJ1

I had sent the email on Nov 2nd. which the consulate replied today. The consulate also sent an email to my attorney with my case number on the 6th. Hope that helps.
Hi ud/MJ1

That means, I should wait another 3 days. Looks like they reply after 10-12 days.

I am planning to call tomorrow morning as per AKS1234\'s advice.

ud - Did they mention anything like whether they have sent you P3 or something similar? I guess your\'s is also an AC-140 case, right?

No, they didn\'t mention anything else. All they said is that they are hoping to schedule an interview for me in Jan 2002. No mention of P3.
waitnwatch and ud

Mine is also AC 140 but is new delhi. My experience is if they are saying the status is "waiting for packet 3" and you have already mailed packet 3, do not listen or wait - just tell them that you have evidence (Fedex delivery date) that it has reached the consulate and ask to check. Tell them that you can wait/hold until you check. It will save some time for you.

ud - make sure that they have your packet 3. It is very confusing. Come january, they will say that your packet 3 is not there.
Has anybody looked into tickets?

What if you get an interview date in the first week of Jan? Say- Jan 2nd or 3rd. I just inquired with my travel agent and found out that Tickets are available only after Dec 30th. Any thoughts- suggestions?
Hey ud & others -

I have kept my option open for travelling from last week of December to first week of Jan. I want (and hope that happens) the interview to be approximately in middle of my vacation.

I think tickets should be available before 30th December. Its too early to say (still 6 or more weeks to go). Try after one week.

My travel agent tells me not to worry. So, just wait :)
Help!! Mumbai Consulate has no record of my packet 3

Help! Has this happened to anybody recently. MY AC-I140 packet3 was mailed on Oct 19th and delivered to Mumbai consulate on Oct 23rd (UPS receipt).

Called the consulate numerous times the last 2-3 days, they claim that they have not received any application, and their system has no record.

Any clue what\'s going on ? Should I ask my lawyers to resend packet3.

Sunil Kosalge
waitnwatch, who is your travel agent?

Can you please give his contact info? I have requested the consulate to schedule me in the first week of Jan and if I can\'t get the tickets, I\'ll be in trouble. I am really worried.
Hi Sunil -

Same thing happened to me. My AC-140 reached Mumbai on 29th October and when I called them on 5th November, they told me that they don\'t have my P3 and sent me one.

Just to be on safe side, I resent the packet-3 which reached them on 9th November.

When I called up today morning, they said they have my P3.

So, my advise to you is to resend it again. No harm in doing so !

And you better hurry, because unless they have your P3 they won\'t cosider you for interview.

Hope this helps.