AC-140, Mumbai, January CP interview ---lets start a new thread here


What number for the Mumbai consulate did you call and at what time?
How did you get through?
Please advise.
Which menu option to choose?


Last time I called the Mumbai consulate- I realized it was holiday therefore I got through easily.

Upon calling I got a voice menu. Can you guys tell me which of the options did you guys choose to get to the operator?

BTW: Great discussion guys and gals! Keep it going..
E Mail Id and Phone no. of Mumbai Consulate?

Can anyone tell me E Mail Id and Phone no. of Mumbai Consulate?

P3 reached Mumbai Consulate...

on Nov 13. I sent them an email on Nov 13 and heard from them today, i.e., Nov 16. They just said that they hope to schedule an interview in Jan 2002. I\'ve sent them an email asking them to mail the P4 to my parents in Mumbai. When do you think I (we) can expect to hear a firm date from them?

Congrats! You get a response from Mumbai consulate.
I sent one on Nov 7 and no response yet!
Can anyon provide phone numbers for Mumbai consulate using which they could get through and what options they used to get through?
Good luck
MJ1, ap2001 and others -

The email id is

I sent them an email on 5th and got reply on 16th saying they hope to schedule me for Jan 2002. If you are lucky like skarecat, then you might get an early reply !!

The phone # I try is 363 7408. I have tried for 3 times and have been successful all the time. Usually try around 4am. There is no menu option you have to select. If you get through during 2-4 pm (IST), then it will simply say to the effect "...wait for an operator...".

The other number is 363 7407. I would advise you to just keep trying one number. That will increase the probability of getting through instead of alternating the # :)

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the update.
I am having my folks follow up on Monday.
Will keep you updated.

I too had my folks contact them from Mumbai- but they wasted so much of time and still didn\'t get any helpful info from the consulate- I think, we are better off contacting the consulte directly from here- at least that\'s my experince.

I had exactly the same experience.
My folks checked but could not get past the recorded message.
The only problem is that we are running out of time and if the consulate does not have our P3 in their system, then we have lost our chance of a Jan interview.
I am hoping Mumbai consulate has already entered our cases, esp. since I had one delivered on 11/6 and my lawyer sent one which was delivered on 11/13.
The whole thing makes me nervous though.

did you check with your attorney? In my case, the consulate sent an email to my attorney with my case number. Perhaps things may have gotten a bit delayed at Mumbai due to Diwali.
Ud : Please check private messages

I expect a Jan intervioew date too .. just wanted to
be in touch with otheres who will be in bombay at the same time ...
ud, mine is not a AC-140 case.

So I already have a case number.
But I will check with my attorney and see if they heard anything.
Expecting Jan Interview

I dispatched my P3 on Oct 22, 01. I received an email from Mumbai Consulate that my application has been received and they will schedule a Jan Interview.

Given the time frame, making travel arrangemwnts now is imperative. How does one find out the exact date ? Dis anyone call up Mumbai and did they tell u a date ?

Ash Cool, wantAgc, ud & others -

I have also been informed by Consulate to expect Jan Interview.

I have started looking around for tickets for end of december as I have some family matters. I expect an early date, but if not, then I will have to extend my vacation.

ud/wantAgc, check your private messages, I am sending you one to be in touch !
waitnwatch, wantAgc,

I did not get any private message from either of you. You can send me message on the following address:
never mind...

I saw your messages and have replied to bot of you. Thanks!
Let\'s keep each other posted with the progress.

CP Gurus\'s Please Help. Does the AC-140 covering letter need to prepared by the Attorney? Is it ok if I send my own covering letter?
Also is original I-140 approval notice required? Is attorney certified approval notice sufficient?
Hi WaitnWatch Question for you.

Hi WaitNWaitch,

My Attorny Certified CP application was returned by Mumbai Consulate because the lawyers forgot to include the I-824 receipt. They have posted the application back to the lawyers but they have not recevied it yet.

I am trying to get the lawyers re-submit the application ASAP.
My question is this:
The Mumbai Consulate says that they require original copy of the approved I-140. So, I see no way of resending the AC-I140 application, until I get the rejected application back (which may take many days)

How did you handle this situation when you resent your application.

Any help will be appreciated...


Here\'s the secret of Skarekat\'s quick reply. I guess it worked!!
Patta Hara "Experts, need your opinion on my faux pas..." 11/12/01 1:12pm
Should we also give a try like this?. It is a pretty scary technique. I guess I am not ready for this too. skarekat also did it accidentally. But as long it works, its good.
BTW congrats skarekat for getting the reply. I am sure u will get a january interview.