A small tool for preparing for interview


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Hi Everybody, I wrote a small program for preparing myself for citizenship test. If you are also waiting for interview, take a look at this tool.

How to use this tool in Windows?
- Ensure that java is installed and java is in your path
- Unzip all files into a directory (say c:\cittest)
- edit citquest.txt and change answers to question 27, 36 and 37 for your state
- run test.bat
(I have tested this program in XP only)
good luck
Wow, what a cool java applet... I'm going to use it to make practice flashcards for other subjects as well. Is that ok?
ok hold on a second. i won't open anything on my laptop as i am a total ditz when it comes to computers and if i install something and my laptop goes bananas and i lose all my work i'll be in major trouble, but since you brought up the naturalization test. . .do you guys study from that booklet with 100 questions or are you reading history books and such. please say going through those 100 questions is enough. i can't imagine doing more reading unless we're talking about romance novels :). so?

I went over the booklet and did just fine. 10 out of 10 questions right and most are easy.
Only on the 13 States I would likely have stumbled, but then - accepting a risk is just life, isn't it?
thanks martinaub,
good to hear that. yeah the 13 states...and i guess i have it in my blood too. throughout my education years i have always left a part unprepared for either testing my luck or hoping i won't get asked about it. i will try it again this time. the names of senators/congressmans and chief justice...those names are a total soup for me right now :)
Hi Everybody, I wrote a small program for preparing myself for citizenship test. If you are also waiting for interview, take a look at this tool.

How to use this tool in Windows?
- Ensure that java is installed and java is in your path
- Unzip all files into a directory (say c:\cittest)
- edit citquest.txt and change answers to question 27, 36 and 37 for your state
- run test.bat
(I have tested this program in XP only)
good luck

I hope this is not virus ....I would be very cautious in opening it ...

BS, works just fine and by what CIA, FBI and what have you not is sniffing around in my life, I am open to a little more excitement :)
the 13 states

the first 13 states by far is the most difficult question of the test. To prep I put the states in groups I could remember:

First the South all ending in A and the two Carolinas:
North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia

Second the New's:
New York, New Hampshire, New Jersey

Third the two M's:
Massachusetts, Maryland

and last R C D P:
Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, Pennsylvania

it helped me, so there ya' go
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My trick was to put the list in alphabetical order >>

CDG (Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia)
NNNN (North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York)
MM (Maryland, Massachusetts)
PRSV (Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia).

CDG is the airport code for Paris, then
4 Ns
2 Ms
PRSV was easy for me, because they are the common initials in our family)

Good luck.
Jojo that is exactly how I remembered them
lol that is funny...great minds think alike huh... I also liked ravi's method
CDG Charles de Gaulle, very clever too :D I should mention I used to work for a prominent US Airline so I am somewhat obsessed with three letter airport codes, lol
A story on how to remember 13 original colonies

Here's a story someone came up with with how to remember the 13 original colonies..just don't say it out load during the interview as the IO may find you crazy :D

There’s a cow named Georgia (Georgia)
It’s a Jersey cow (New Jersey)
She’s sitting on top of the Empire State Building (New York)
She’s singing a couple of Christmas carols (North and South Carolina)
Under her arm is a Virginia ham (Virginia and New Hampshire)
The cow is wearing a pair of yellow underwear (Rhymes with Delaware)
In its hoof is a pencil (Pennsylvania)
The cow is making a Connect-the-dots drawing (Connecticut)
Of Marilyn Monroe (Maryland)
Walking down a road (Rhode Island)
Going to mass (Massachusetts)
How many of you get asked these 13 states question? It will take a while to write it out or say it...and does the interviewer ask it and wait long enough? :)

Plus you need only 6 questions correct out of 10, right? :)