A small tool for preparing for interview

I think people tend to panic when it comes to quizzes that might ask questions that require a list of answers.
Ha Ha Ha

Jojo & Ravi,

I hope you realize that both of you listed DIFFERENT 13 states as the first 13 states :D :D :D


PS: One of you is correct, I will let the board figure it out... :D
Jojo & Ravi,

I hope you realize that both of you listed DIFFERENT 13 states as the first 13 states :D :D :D


PS: One of you is correct, I will let the board figure it out... :D
Jojo lists Vermont as one of the orig 13. But missed Rhode Island.
Ravi listed them correctly.
My trick was to put the list in alphabetical order >>

CDG (Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia)
NNNN (North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York)
MM (Maryland, Massachusetts)
PRSV (Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia).

CDG is the airport code for Paris, then
4 Ns
2 Ms
PRSV was easy for me, because they are the common initials in our family)

Good luck.

or It is easy to remember if you know geographical map of USA. start from north to south on most eastern USA. Just do start from New Hampshire to Georgia and then cross out maine, vermont, and florida. Hope this helps. :) Good luck!
if you want to learn about 13 colonies, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirteen_Colonies

I always visualize the Eastern US map starting from north to south. Perhaps you can do it. I know it is not easy to visualize if you don't know US geographical map.. Otherwise, you can do Ravi's method. I like Ravi's method.

Yeah, jojo, where did you get Vermont? heh. Vermont was part of New York (it was province, not state) before it splitted into two states: New York and Vermont.
you guys are right about Vermont ( sorry hubby went to University there and was just on their website ) Freudian Slip. Yes I was wrong thanks for correcting me it is RCDP:
Rhode Island
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Nice discussion!! And, I liked Bobsmyth's story to remember the 13 colonies.

For me, I have to mouth the formula before I answer - for example, I would say CDG,2Ms, 4Ns, PRSV before I start actually listing the coloines. I am visualizing the IO's face when we start telling him the story in response to his question!! Hilarious.

Bobsmyth! What do you do if you forget the storyline?
Nice discussion!! And, I liked Bobsmyth's story to remember the 13 colonies.

For me, I have to mouth the formula before I answer - for example, I would say CDG,2Ms, 4Ns, PRSV before I start actually listing the coloines. I am visualizing the IO's face when we start telling him the story in response to his question!! Hilarious.

Bobsmyth! What do you do if you forget the storyline?

cheat sheets :)