A new visa, H-5A and H-5B -- New Bill


I just drafted a letter and sent to my 2 Vermont senators, 1 Vermont Congressman, Senator McCain, Senator Kennedy, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Perhaps if enough of us send enough letters, our collective voices wil be heard. Since we are taxpayers in various states, at least we can pursue our US Sanators from our states and get our message across. Since we pay taxes and contribute to the local and national economy, they should listen to us even if we are not citizens or permanent.
Supporting to this bill (and if bill pass) may solve number of our problems, including retrogression. It includes almost double the employment based immigrant visa numbers (which may solve retrogression) and if they include H1B/H4 visa (with H5), almost all of us would eligible to apply adjustment of status as most of us working (and paying taxes) in US since last 4 years. This is my interpretation.

So everyone should take this chance to write senators to inform issues of legal immigrants like us and support to Mr.Rajiv.

baby_mde said:
I think it is better we address the present problem - retrogression.
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CarolVA said:
Orisssa: My church helps thousands of illegal aliens with ESL classes and free immigration help. These people is poor people that as you said, are just looking for a better life and help their families. Maybe they did not have the opportunities that I had, no family to pay for their education and no money, but they are not criminal nor terrorists.

And I feel ashamed of people that thinks that a person is less than a person because he/she cleans a toilet or babysits. Every job is necessary, and it dignifies the person. Is really fascist think that you are superior to someone else just because your family had money to send you to college. Shame on the people that minimizes any human being.

CarolVA: Thank you very much for your concern. I do not like even when people here indicate "toilet cleaner". They are same like all other human. the reason why they becomes "toilet cleaner"? They born and bought up in poor family, their parent not afford to send them school. From day one they are fighting to fill their stomach with food and have shelter, what all human deserve in this world.

There is no low level or high level job, its wrong thinking of people. Here in usa you will find a college graduate doing part time delivery dirver job for extra money, nothing worng with that.

We all born to middle or rich family, our parent send us to school and our mom provide us good food, then college, university, BS amd MS and finally here in usa with H1B visa, and enjoying Toyotta Honda ride. But if we would have born to a poor family, I think we might be doing now some menial work back home country.

Toilet cleaning also a job like computer programer. The only difference is one is unskilled and another one skilled. Please learn to respect all human regardsless their color, religion, nationality or their occupation.
GCBy2010 said:
Hi Guys,

I am not sure if any of you attended the conference call hosted by Rajiv today. I attended and brought this bill upto him. I asked him if he would be interested in taking this up.. He said he is willing to go meet Senator Ted. Kennedy in Boston if about 10 guys are interested.. This might a slim chance to try and include H1-B holders in the Bill .. ( see my posts above to check the wordings..). If we can make this happen, this will help the community as a whole and not just people who are processing green cards now.

Are any of you from the North east region who can travel to Boston if Rajiv needs. If so please post your email addresses to me or here.. we can inform Rajiv about this and see if he or any of us can schedule an appointment with the senator.

I live in Dallas. So I can't make it to Boston. I hope the quorum would be met if guys from Tristate area and MA are willing to join and meet the senator.

My email address : sanukum@hotmail.com


I am prepare to accompany Rajiv to go to Boston whenever needed. my email id is njd702@yahoo.com
sainwa said:
Basically the equation is :
H1B=Modern Day American Slavery
America has proven history of addiction for slavery. There's no place for sympathy.
America's in today's world managed to sustain the slavery by putting it in nice legal terms called H1B visas to make corporate world happy.
Only way you can get out of this slavery is if we unite our demands/voice. Other continue the way things are ..and don't complain. :mad:

I pitched a "foreign scum sick-out day" action on this forum before. Any takers now?

GC_Lover said:
I don't think cleaning toilets and babysitting is less dignified job, its a job, you can still make money which will pay your bills, put food on your table and buy you things I want to and I know being illegal is very hard, lot harder then waiting for LC while being legally on H1B. It would be fair to give them new visa and Green Card after few years, but they should make them to wait in line for green card. What would be wrong is if they are allowed to jump ahead of line for green card, that would surely be unfair.
I don't think this rule clearly states how should they proceed with GC for illegal people, but I think its fair to have them wait in line and give H5 extensions while they are waiting.

Let's not talk dignity. Let's talk cash. Who contributes (involuntarily it may be) to the gummint/society more - a professor paying taxes on 100K a year or a toilet cleaner NOT paying taxes on 10K a year?

From another angle, I can do toilet cleaner job. Can a toilet cleaner do mine?
CarolVA said:
As far as I know,and the way the bill is written, the will go and wait to the end of the line, and I also think is fair to make them wait until all of us get our GC, the same way we are waiting. Also they will have to pay $2K on penalties per person.

My post referred to an earlier post that quoted " Why a toilet cleaner should have it asy, while the university professors have to wait on line"....

Still fascist in my opinon. Closed subject.

2K in penalties is SIGNIFICANTLY less than what I paid in attorney fees (hasten to add, he earned every single penny of that). AND, you STILL haven't shown me where the bill EXPLICITLY states the "end of the line" bit.
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I suppose we need to submit the same post at VSC related threads where we have more people from the North East who will be willing to attend.

GCBy2010 said:
Hi Guys,

I am not sure if any of you attended the conference call hosted by Rajiv today. I attended and brought this bill upto him. I asked him if he would be interested in taking this up.. He said he is willing to go meet Senator Ted. Kennedy in Boston if about 10 guys are interested.. This might a slim chance to try and include H1-B holders in the Bill .. ( see my posts above to check the wordings..). If we can make this happen, this will help the community as a whole and not just people who are processing green cards now.

Are any of you from the North east region who can travel to Boston if Rajiv needs. If so please post your email addresses to me or here.. we can inform Rajiv about this and see if he or any of us can schedule an appointment with the senator.

I live in Dallas. So I can't make it to Boston. I hope the quorum would be met if guys from Tristate area and MA are willing to join and meet the senator.

My email address : sanukum@hotmail.com

Call me Shrek said:
2K in penalties is SIGNIFICANTLY less than what I paid in attorney fees (hasten to add, he earned every single penny of that).

I think you should call the government and protest. Have all those illegals deported, like let's say in trains, concentration camp style.
CarolVA said:
I think you should call the government and protest. Have all those illegals deported, like let's say in trains, concentration camp style.

And that would be different from current practices... how?

The truth is, why did I have to go through pains of making sure I comply with the law, while all I needed to do is quit school and go work as a roughneck illegally? I don't mind them having their amnesty, as long as I get the same - or better - deal.
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orissa said:
We all born to middle or rich family, our parent send us to school and our mom provide us good food, then college, university, BS amd MS and finally here in usa with H1B visa, and enjoying Toyotta Honda ride.

Speak for YOURSELF. My mom still makes under $2000/year, I have no idea how she would survive without me helping her, and I am proud to state that I have earned every single penny I spent on my education myself. CarolVA - take heed, and I suggest you apologize for your earlier statement re: family having money to send me through college. And while you're at it, crack open your dictionary and find the definition of "fascism". The slur for self-made, self-sufficient and proud individuals, like myself, is "elitism".
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I think it might be good to get reporters involved. Once the news agencies report about this the politicians will have to deal with it or face public pressure. Best would be if some 'celebrity' businessman would put this topic in one of his speeches (like Barrett & Gates talking about immigration recently).

Anyone know any reporters/newspeople?
Received 6 supporters so far

I have 5 people that responded to my email, 4 willing to attend. I have just replied to all of you. I also see nashgreat giving his email address above. that makes the total 5.. I will wait to see about 5 more people respond and send an email to Rajiv.. Or post it here to catch his attention..

Thank you all for responding to this call.

In the short term all of this backlog reduction etc.. may sound better, but still I think there will be a lot many people whose underlying problems are never addressed by backlog reduction effort in the near future. It will require lobbying and an amendment to existing bills to take care of long term interests.

My labor has been pending for 4 years now, but I still want to go ahead joining hands with you, to see if this can materialize in some form.

Any thoughts/feedback welcome.


thanks for your involvement. your 2 points are noted. can anyone help ?

1. Making this thread a sticky and spreading information to other threads so that more people notice it.
2. Getting this to newspapers..
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Sent letter to CNN

Hi guys,

FYI - already mentioned in a previous post about sending the letter to Lou Dobbs CNN and he said yesterday on his show he will be talking about the bill next week. Pls send as many emails to him as possible so he can address the legal vs illegal immigrant issue at www.cnn.com/lou.

I moved to DC area from Boston not too long ago, otherwise I would have definetely gone, too bad...

We really need to do something about it, it's outrageous!
GCBy2010 said:
I have 5 people that responded to my email, 4 willing to attend. I have just replied to all of you. I also see nashgreat giving his email address above. that makes the total 5.. I will wait to see about 5 more people respond and send an email to Rajiv.. Or post it here to catch his attention..

Thank you all for responding to this call.

In the short term all of this backlog reduction etc.. may sound better, but still I think there will be a lot many people whose underlying problems are never addressed by backlog reduction effort in the near future. It will require lobbying and an amendment to existing bills to take care of long term interests.

My labor has been pending for 4 years now, but I still want to go ahead joining hands with you, to see if this can materialize in some form.

Any thoughts/feedback welcome.


thanks for your involvement. your 2 points are noted. can anyone help ?

1. Making this thread a sticky and spreading information to other threads so that more people notice it.
2. Getting this to newspapers..

spreading information to other threads is taken care.. I hve posted this thread info in other 10 to 15 SESA/DOL/I140/485 threads related to North East..
400 more visted this thread from noon..
we need to ask.. Vijay Durgam, usnycus to make this as sticky..,

I do not know which country you belong.

Anyway adding more visas (289000) does not help for big counties like india and china.
if this bill pass then for EB3 india get aroung 6000 visas every year. This number not enough to get PDs current. Because there 300000 GC labor cases are pending at BEC.
Guess how of which from EB3 India? May be 25000 or 30000 or even more.
So it takes more than 5 YEARS to become PDs current.

The only cure for retrogression is THERE SHOULD NOT BE ANY PER COUNTRY LIMIT and INCREASE NUMBER OF VISAS TO 289000 from 140000.

Any thoughts?
GCBy2010 said:
Please send emails to include H-1 Visas in above provision of Immigration Bill. Letter format can be copied from one of the posts in the thread above.

1.Senator McCain


2.Senator Ted Kennedy


3.Congressman Luis Gutierrez


4.Congressman Jeff Flake

5.Congressman Jim Kolbe -- accepts messages only if you are
from 8th district of Arizona.

"I wrote to Senator McCain and Mr. Lou Dobbs on CNN. Other links did not work. I used the following format.

I am an alien working legally in US on H1-B since 2000. Have contributed to American Economy with more than 100K USD Taxes. No violations of any kind. Yet there is no clear and easy way for me to file for green card. My wife on H4 visa can not work. I can not travel in and out of US at will without going through hassles of visa stampings at American consulates overseas. Can not change the employers at will. My permanent labor certificate is pending with DOL for past 4 years.

Request you earnestly to include H1 in your H5 immigration bill that will help me and thousands others like me who are suffering with this same plight."

Unfortunately I am in California and in the middle of changing my job otherwise I would have definitely volunteered to fly to Boston.
My points are:

1. Remove per country limit and this will help to cure retro.....
2. Increase number of visas to 289000 from 140000 visar.