A finding of fraud is entered into the record


New Member
A finding of fraud is entered into the record, and the matter will be referred to the United States Attorney for possible prosecution as provided in 8 C.F.R. 5 245a.21(c).

In general If someone received a denial letter for his I-485 application with the above sentence:-
1-What is the penalty will be by the United States attorney?
2-Will that person be able to apply for another immigration benefit?
Does a finding of fraud for immigration benefit considered a civil or criminal crime?

It can be prosecuted criminally, if a serious case. Depends what the US Attorney's office wants to do. It might be enough simply to deport with a lifetime re-entry bar.
Can I report someone whom I know lied about his status, got asylum status and is now a naturalized citizen? if so where and how.
Can I report someone whom I know lied about his status, got asylum status and is now a naturalized citizen? if so where and how.

And what would you gain from that? What would it do for you to try ruining someone's else life?