Commiserations to my fellow selectees that have fallen above the cut off number. While I think a lot of us knew since some months ago there was little to no hope for the excessively high CN's (e.g. 2000+), I'm genuinely stunned that there was no movement at all this month.
For those who have a dream of moving to the US, I encourage you to pursue that dream - you never know when and where opportunities will present themselves. For the Australian's, we have the wonderful E3 visa (if you qualify) and after dreaming of moving to the US for a very long time now I was successful in getting mine a few weeks ago. Not gloating, but just pointing out that dreams do come true if you work for and chase them hard enough.
I also hope nobody bears any ill feelings towards the US or the process as a result of this. While no doubt emotions will be running high, it was a double-stage lottery process (being selected, then being interviewed) with no guarantee of getting that magical visa until the passport was back in your hands. That aside, it is an excellent process and it does work for people as well, and in OC we statistically have the best chance out of any region. So keep on applying each year and hopefully everyones number will come up sooner or later.
It's been a fun 15 month ride so far, and a special thanks to everyone that participated in this thread and people like britsimon etc. that spend a lot of time crunching data, explaining processes, and providing realistic levels of reassurance and motivation to all of us.