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2012 dv lottery result

the DV website says it will be on July 15,
there are some rumors that it will be canceled
keep in faith
the DV website says it will be on July 15,
there are some rumors that it will be canceled
keep in faith
@ memma............ Please whats your source to back your claims that July 15 result will be canceled
it is just another unfounded rumor... You know, to launch a rumors all you have to do is to just mention it in a forum & let the forumers do the job
Hahaha...Nah, I don't think July 15th results will be cancelled again! U know, even if it means selecting the new winners manually in other to make it random, DOS will do just that, just to prove to the world that the result can be random afterall, and how the former result were indeed not random!

P.S: My advise to the 15 july winners is, do not state here u won and received the e-mail DOS sent out concerning confirmation # (18th or 19th) because that could be the next possible reason for a lawsuit again against DOS....Hahaha!, on how DOS sent e-mails to a few who were winners but claimed they sent the e-mails to all those who checked their status before the site went down!

And hey hey guys, I'm not trying to say those that received the e-mails are the new winners, but one never can tell the way these DV2012 is going.......
picking up 100k manualy? dude, come on, they takes 6 months for drawing 100k with a computer but could pick manualy 100k?
we will know in less than 24hours... because only the judge has the last word
picking up 100k manualy? dude, come on, they takes 6 months for drawing 100k with a computer but could pick manualy 100k?
we will know in less than 24hours... because only the judge has the last word

Ahh!!! Jayo2k, read between the lines! That picking 100k winners manually, i meant it literally! Of course they wouldn't do that, cruiserbox was talking about possible cancellation again, then I was trying to let him know that DOS would do anything humanly possible to make sure the result is random this time around, so as not to put them on the spot light again!
am guessing all those who got the emails are the lucky winners

Stop posting the same comment on all the 2012 threads. Can we just keep this mess on one thread. Wish the moderator would lock alot of them. Hopefully it will all be over soon (touch wood).
@odikro nah not those who got the email are the new winners.Actually the email was the fastest way to reach all qualified DV entrants/entries to inform them about the cancellation of the results and about a new redrawer to be done which has been done and date of announcing the results, are you okay now?
am guessing all those who got the emails are the lucky winners

Seems like u r off-d forum this while. DOS sent those email to those who check their status on the ESC between May1 – 5th & were mis-informed that they aren’t selected. Sensing that those mis-informed might have discard their confirmation # immediately, hence the email few pples received. Many issues r also debated, browse tru old threadz 4 details.

Personally, i registered 4 peoples & got email for all 'em. its very unlikely or rather impossible to say all of them won...so man, less than 48hrs to July 15th 00hrs(if atall)