2004 Consolidated Tracker ONLY (140/EAD/AP/FP/485)

Hello EveryBody..


I have applied for I140/485/EAD/AP on March 6th 2004

I updated the tracker and am attaching the updated tracker...

Thanks for all
Seems EB2 and EB3 cases are intermixed. I guess top part was supposed to be used for EB2 and lower for EB3. This separation is imp.

LC_Virginia - can we have formulas for averages, sum etc as in 2003 tracker?

Thanks for your efforts LC_Virginia.

Hi, everyone:

It seems like most people want to update the tracker themselves, and there have been several mistakes committed.

I am not going to keep correcting the tracker. I am not swearing off this task, but I am tired of trying to check if the update has been made in the right place and finding that I need to make corrections.

I don't mind continuing to update the tracker if people send their info to this thread, but I will not check for validity if people update it themselves.

Here is my last attempt to correct it:
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Whenever you upload the tracker, please put a line something like this:

Let me know if you want to get tracker updated with your info. I will updated it. Do not update tracker directly.

joyd - is there any way in which other can be restricted in uploading file in one thread except one designated person?

People - please try to appreciate LC_Virginia's efforts. We need a clean tracker.

Congratulations Slick on a faster 140 approval. Only RFEs had faster approvals than yours. What about your EAD and AP. Good Luck with the rest of the process.
Updated tracker

I have corrected the Time Summary section.

Several rows did not have any formula to calculate the number of days.

I have also added the Average calculation.

Let me know if you want to get the tracker updated with your information. I will update it. Do not update tracker directly.
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Re: Updated tracker

Originally posted by LC_Virginia
I have corrected the Time Summary section.

Several rows did not have any formula to calculate the number of days.

I have also added the Average calculation.

Let me know if you want to get the tracker updated with your information. I will update it. Do not update tracker directly.

Thank you for your great service.
Mine is EB2.By mistake I entered as EB3.
Labor is from VA and PD is 12/04/2001
Thanks again
Updated tracker

Hi, Just got the receipt notices from INS.
congratulations on the I 140 aprovals.
wish the best !!!!!!:)
Updated Tracker


I guess people like you just do not read the previous posts. I definitely do not mean to be rude, but I had this in bold:


and you still went ahead and updated it. ::confused:

Anyway, here's the updated tracker with ndnori moved to EB2 and perico's record put in the right order
I am frustrated.

Sorry LC_Virginia for putting you in this mess. Feel free - perhaps we do not deserve a clean tracker.

Sorry I haven't checked this thread lately, I guess I should.

I am not aware of any such feature by which only one person is allowed to upload a file. I guess people have to be more responsible in uploading files. But it's good to have one person who is very active in a thread to do the updates, there will be occasional bumps on the road, but patience is the key as I have realized by maintaining the 2003 tracker :)

Updating Tracker

Hi LC_Virginia

There is a feature in MS Excel using which you can password protect the the excel sheet. There are work arounds to fool it but I guess It will serve our purpose of keeping the tracker clean.

Following are the step :
1. After update do a Save as from the file menu on Excel.
2. Click on the Options button on the Save As dialog.
3. Specify a Password to modify ( Leave the password to open blank)
4. Check Read-only recommended

Every time somebody tries to make changes, will get message that It is read only.

Take Care
Golden Rule for updating tracker

I say before we resort to such measures, let's give everybody another chance, everybody is responsible enough. Occassional glitches do occur. Let's all be responsible towards updating the tracker, remember the golden rule:

1) Get the latest valid tracker,
2) Add/update your record based on the EB category and Notice Date,
3) Press CTRL+Home,
4) Upload the new tracker.

After all it is everybody's tracker so we shouldn't restrict it to just one or two members, but we can have a few members who keeps an eye one it and restore it whenever a glitch occurs. Hope it doesn't happen again. Guys show that you are responsible enough!


PS: Remember, we will be using these trackers in the 485 forums too and there's a 2 year wait there, so it's in your best interest to maintain it.
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I understand the frustation on this forum in updating the excel spread sheet but is it realistic one person updating the tracker?
I guess we should write instructions and put the instructions in the attachement it self. And add a note there saying who ever is not sure to follow the simple instructions should ask LC_Vergina to update the attachement.

I really appriciate LC_Vergina , Jharkhandi, joyd and Hidden_man effort and time.
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Originally posted by inferno
I understand the frustation on this forum in updating the excel spread sheet but is it realistic one person updating the tracker?
I guess we should write instructions and put the instructions in the attachement it self. And add a note there saying who ever is not sure to follow the simple instructions should ask LC_Vergina to update the attachement.

I really appriciate the LC_Vergina , Jharkhandi, joyd and Hidden_man effort and time.

I agree! It's not practical for one person to update the tracker.
Originally posted by inferno
I understand the frustation on this forum in updating the excel spread sheet but is it realistic one person updating the tracker?
I guess we should write instructions and put the instructions in the attachement it self. And add a note there saying who ever is not sure to follow the simple instructions should ask LC_Vergina to update the attachement.

I really appriciate the LC_Vergina , Jharkhandi, joyd and Hidden_man effort and time.

The problem is inferno that no one will take responsibility for any goof up. Just take a look of couple of versions here and there, you will be able to appreciate LC_Virginia's effort of keeping it clean.

However, at this point - I would step back and suggest another measure - let us not not stop anyone from making entries. Someone should come forward in helping LC_Virginia in keeping the tracker clean on a periodic basis.

I would have offered to do it myself, but my machine has no excel and I have to do a remote log-in to see Excel sheet. inferno, would you like to join in keeping tracker clean along with LC_Virginia?
Please update 2004 tracker

I140/485 concurrent RIR EB3

ND 01/26/04
RD 01/29/04 (both 485 and 140)
AD ????

Not applied for EAD and AP.

AP approved, but online status not updated.

Hi Friends,
My AP is approved (Received through postal mail) but online status still remains the same.

Filled on 01/09/04.

EAD approved.

Waiting for 140.........

LC_Virginia, Please update the tracker and thank you for taking this responsibility.