2002 Jan/Feb/Mar RD/ND - The optimists

Just had my finger prints done this afternoon.. Went alright

There are some bunch of idiots working there who really can\'t
speak english
Come onn guys!! I see some people who had theit RD 05/20/01

got apprpved. I would say 6 months from now..
What do you think???
Hey Ram

I am not posting to psyche the hell outta u. The fact is all categories bcame current sometime in June 2001. So applications from Jan99 wud have flooded the NSC. So extrapolating the same time lines wouldn\'t be really prudent. Just my humble opinion. I pray to be wrong outright !!!!!

Definitely appreciate u\'r enthu for this otherwise sagging thread which started with tonz of optimism.

RD Oct28
ND Nov 24
EAD/AP Dec 24
FP ???
AD Hopefully God knows !!!!
City : Minneapolis


Thanks for ur posting.. Even though it became current in June
it will mainly affect the EB3 processing. I don\'t think EB2 will be
affectd..What do you think??
Talking about fingerprinting and all that\'s going with Fingerhut etc, just waiting for FP

notice. Nobody knows what\'s next, all these looming on air.
GCAR when is your 180th day? Do they need to have a fulltime job or consulting job like you have been doing works, in case INS wants an RFE on a job letter etc?
Ram !!!

Once a 485 application enters NSC, there is nothing called EB2 or EB3. It all boils down to the RD and ND. Only when dates weren\'t current, EB2 had an advantage over EB3. I hope I have answered your question


I now have a full time job with a consulting co and of course am on a project too. Hopefull they wud just need paystubs(if at all there is a need!!!). As for 180th day

It is Apr\'28th if I go by RD
May 24th If I go by ND

Ram !!!

Once a 485 application enters NSC, there is nothing called EB2 or EB3. It all boils down to the RD and ND. Only when dates weren\'t current, EB2 had an advantage over EB3. I hope I have answered your question


Did anyone outside IL also get FR done?

I heard that IL is moving pretty fast for FP, Ohio is slow (about 6 mos from RD to FP)!

How are the other states in NSC area?

RD 1/9/02
FP - waiting
Receipt Notice received RD 08-MAR-02 ND 27-MAR-02

RD 08-MAR-02
ND 27-MAR-02
She also told me my EAD has been mailed. I will post an update once I
receive this
Is this true??

It must be a miracle that you finished your FP and your RD is 01/02/02 ?

So you complete your FP in 2 monthes!?

Could you confirm it, or I don\'t understand correctly?

Recd FP Notice too !!!!

Guys I received my FP notice yesterday.
FP on May 7th.
RD : Oct 28
ND : Nov 24
City : Minneapolis.

Believe it not! It is true!!!

I could not believe my eyes when I got my AP, EAD...

Believe me I could not believe my eyes once again when it said FP on 3/5/2002...

Well with A PD of July 99 and getting used to the INS speeds, these were totally out of league...

But I think now starts the wait..
Done with FP

Finished FP last friday at chicago ASC, They were using both computer and ink, so depends on your number which one will you get.