140-NVC-StLouis-Consulate Tracker Part 3

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In item 14, I beleive you have a choice.. You can give family name (present name which has been changed after marriage) OR the name at birth. I would go with the name in the passsport in item 14. In item 17, you dont have a choice. You have to provide your mom\'s name at birth.

For your wife, you will provide her name at birth in her DS-230 in item 2 (other names used).
WhiteRose, did ur P3 reached NVC

y\'day I talked to operator, they said they haven\'t received my case form STL ... let\'s follow each other because STL sent date is close to mine. Does anyone has sent their case to STL after 25th April???
please advise:regarding question 21a of form , list people travelling with you

My wife is applying with me. Our daughter is travelling with us but she is a usa citizen. Do i need to list my daughter also?
Mine is sent after 25th April.

Mine is sent to St. Louis last week.
How long does it take to encash the cheque?
Has your check been encashed?
I asked same question to my attorny....

and she said that since he, my son, is us born, his name doesn\'t need to be added in the list .....
Mine sent on 29th and ..

have no idea no idea about check, since my company sent it. According to other CP guru\'s case should reach from STL to NVC within 2 weeks. I\'ll check status of my case on Monday.. so till now we are 3 whose cases sent after 25th APril, subbu55, WhiteRose and me. Anybody else????
svj, my case is also not reached from STL to NVC..

Checked with the operator today, my case is not yet reached from STL, she told to call end of next week to find status.
Packet 3 sent to St.Louis on 04/25

My attorney sent the packet3 to St.Louis on 04/25 and it hasn\'t reached NVC yet. It is already 2 weeks (14 days) and hopefully it will reach atleast next week.

Let\'s pray for the best.
Pkt3 reached NVC on May 7 from St louis at Last !!

P3 sent to St Louis : 04/16
NVC got it on May 7.(21 days), They say review has started and will take 6-8 weeks.

I think STL-> NVC is no longer 14 days. So BlessmeGC, yours should reach NVC by May 15th
Mother\'s name spelt differently in Birth Certificate - How serious

Hi CP gurus,
I just noticed that in my birth certificate my mother\'s name is spelt differently.
Can any of you tell me what to do? Is this serious? Do I need to take any affidavit?

Thanks watchTSC - what should be Affidavit format if I were to take one

Just to be on safe side If I were to take an affidavit what format should it be.
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My review will be completed by May end and sent to consulate hopefully in first week of June. Expecting date in August.
There is a possiblity that I may get laid off in June end. My company says thay will work out something so that I can go for the interview.
I will be leaving around July 1st week in case I am laid off.
I sit ok if the last pay stubs/employment letter are dated June 30 for August inetrview ?
Those who got their P3 created/sent on Apr. 29...

Have you received your P3 yet? I haven\'t received mine yet. I am going to call NVC again tomorrow morning, but I am getting little concerned. It\'s been 2 weeks! Please let me know what your status are.
Called NVC today morning

.. and found out that my case not reached to them. Lady told me that generaaly it takes 10-14 business days to get packet form STL. Hopefully they should get it by the end of this week .. anybody has another update ....
Before leaving US take ...

employment letter from company which is required for CP and take all paystubs with you(for last 4-8 pay period) and then leave. I think this should be ok since you will be leaving for India. You can say that since I left US in june only I don\'t have recent pay stubs. CP gurus .. any thoughts???? I know someone who was laid off(2 months before CP interview) and didn\'t have any recent pay-stubs and had successful CP. If you have employment letter that means company still have job for you when you complete CP .. but be careful not to bring laid off thoughts at time of interview ..... Best of luck....