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    H1 extended beyond 6 yrs

    Hi Swetha.. As per your situation you can secure 7th year extension , based on I140/ LC approved of old company. You can contact me at for more info.. rgds, SG!
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    H1 extended beyond 6 yrs

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    H1 extended beyond 6 yrs

    Yes..The LC/I140 (filing copy)very from my prev employer.. And also my labor was filed in January of this year!! It was a border case..i mean i filed for 6months vacation time i took out of US (didnt yet receive it) and on Aug 9th my H1 expired and i heard (sameday) from attorney that 1...
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    H1B extension and company bond

    sign it Even.. i signed a; you need u repay 100% if within a year u leave company. For 2yrs my company charges 40% fees to be paid back and after 2yrs its free. So check if you can change ur company to be more flexible.
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    H1 extended beyond 6 yrs

    got my 7th ext Aproved!!!!! Just came to know from attorney that 7th year was approved via premium 10 days. I had used former comp LC and filed I140 cert.. But i didnt get my vacation time out of US (~6months) for which i had filed another earlier ext and it was...
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    Need clarification please- 6 yrs H1B expiring

    im have the same case My H1 expires in Aug 02, im claiming 6months of extension time. + 1yr on prev approved LC and 140 filed by old company. According to post by NY banker its ok to file as INS director posted a article.
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    What is AC-21? Can I use it?

    yes u can Yes under AC_21 u can file 1 yr extension. When did u file ur labor?>
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    Old LC and I-140 and 7th year ext.

    new law This is a new law..see the letter attached by Nybanker..i think its clearly stated .
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    Old LC and I-140 and 7th year ext.

    yes u can! Friend, Read the mail posted by NY Banker.. with attached letter. Get ur LC/I140 from prev employer and ask ur attorney to file 7th yr extension.. Im doing the same .. good luck.. h1laborer!
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    180 days limit

    heres what my attn told me! my attn says that..if your extension is pending you can work till they(INS) make decison... check for any vacation time out & file extension.
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    My H$ is expiring on 10 th June.

    hi Pl reply me at
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    VSC 7th Year Extension Tracker

    location which centre is this..?
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    All H-1B\'s with 6yrs ending --- Pls do yourself a favor and read this

    my case fits this category friends! Friends, In my case, I worked for Company A and my Labor was approved and I140 filed in yr 2000 but unforntunately i got laid off.Joined company B and then moved into Company C in 2001(year). Now they again filed Labor and still pending.. Now my...
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    Recapturing time spent outside US

    I have the same issue My Company has applied for H1-ext for the timeperiod i spent out of the US.. I spent 5.5 months ( vacation /unpaid) They have applied at CSC centre.  I have time until Aug 1st week..(6 yr expires)  My attorney says it can be claimed back...
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    7th year extension

    extension apply for time of of US.. Im doing the same..thats the only way to extend for more time. good luck.
  16. S

    Vacation time out of US!! HELP!

    Hello people.. My Company has filed for my vacation time i took out of US.. Now its 5 1/2 months that i was out of US  a) Has anyone obtained any extensions due     to vacation taken outside.  b) Is it true that recently INS is not extending...
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    TSC -- H1 7th year extension approved!!

    dont run into conclusions! Firstly, thanks to NYBANKER!!! Others do not run into conclusions.. I spoke to attorney and they say that my case can be extended..since comp A got LC approved and I140 recipt was obtained.. Comp B labor is pending..( 365 days.. therefore 7th yr extension...
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    7thyear extension

    A similar border case !! Hi All.. I have 6 yrs expiring expiring in Aug 9th 2002 My company has filed for 5 1/2 months extension for vacation taken outside US. Now , my LC( received by Labor Authorities ) is Jan 14th 2002 so if i get back the vacation time out of US!  a) if...
  19. S

    Any 7th year extension approvals?

    RE: 7th yr approval For I-140 receipt ( Did u get use receipt obtained from the actual office..) or the receipt from FEDEX ..( can you use this to file?)