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  1. S


    hi JoeF Sorry that you misunderstood me. I am not a gold digger, there were tension in our marriage from the very beginning and this time when we came to India to give interview for GC, the involvement of his parents in our relationship made it worse. It is he who doesn't want to take me to US...
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    please help

    Hi This site has helped me in all ways to get Green card. I have huge problem in front of me please help me. We got green card few days ago. My husband and me both are still in India and will enter soon. Now there is a problem in that. I can't follow my husband to US at the same time. We...
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    Hi This site has helped me in all ways to get Green card. I have huge problem in front of me please help me. We got green card 10 days ago. My husband and me both are still in India and will enter soon. Now there is a problem in that. I can't follow my husband to US at the same time. We filled...
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    Likely CP Candidates for November 2003 @Mumbai Consulate

    hi i140limbo My interview is also scheduled for Nov 24 2003 . i will also do my medicals from Hinduja on 19th , wed . i have caled them and booked an appointment at 7:00 am but they didn't give me any reference number . did they give you any number?
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    Likely CP Candidates for October 2003 @Mumbai Consulate - To Do List

    hi i will be doing my medical from hinduja hospital . dose anyone know if they take credit card or they take only cash ? i don't live in Bombay so to carry a huge amount for cash( even not sure if the hotels take credit card or not) will not be safe . i will be leaving for Bombay in 9 days...
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    Likely CP Candidates for November 2003 @Mumbai Consulate

    thanks a lot kd1403 i have kept 2 days for medical exams? do you guys think 2 days are sufficient ? i have my interview on 24th Nov , monday . I have planed to do my medical on 20th and 21st Nov , thursday and friday . is this ok or i should keep few more days in hand . i will reach on...
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    Likely CP Candidates for October 2003 @Mumbai Consulate - To Do List

    hello i have my interview on 24th Nov , monday . me and my husband are planning to do our medical on thursday and friday i.e 20th and 21st nov . do you think if this is ok or we should keep some more days in our hand ? i am planning to do our medical through Breach Candy Hospital . do they...
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    Likely CP Candidates for October 2003 @Mumbai Consulate - To Do List

    hi ! i have my interview in novenber 2003 . can anyone give name of some hotels which is near to US consulate and is not too costly . I want to stay near to the consulate as i have no idea about Bombay . any information in finding a hotel will a great help . thanks
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    Likely CP Candidates for November 2003 @Mumbai Consulate

    Hello Everybody, I got my interview scheduled at Mumbai US consulate on 24th Nov, 2003. I need to know few informations. 1. Which photo studio would be the best for Green card purpose. Please let me know their name, address and phone number. I would prefer to get it from some studio who are...
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    Likely CP Candidates for November 2003 @Mumbai Consulate

    Affidavit of Support hi to get the Affidavit of Support ( I-864) can we download the form from the website or do we have to get original form from INS ? does the download form works the same as the original from INS office . any help ?
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    Likely CP Candidates for November 2003 @Mumbai Consulate

    hi my employment based visa case (E3) has been sent by NVC to Mumbai consulate on 18th sep 2003 . i wrote a mail to mumbai consulate yesterday about my interview date and to change the address to indian address where my "Packet4 " will be send . In some thread i have seen some cpgurus...
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    Mumbai interview

    My case has been send to Bombay consulate on 18th september 2003 . when can i expect my interview date ? does Bombay comsulate reply to the e-mails we send them asking about our interview date? I have wrote many mails asking them different question but they havn't replied me once . Now i am...
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    **Likely** August 2003 interview - chennai - Track here

    thanks a lot Booker , i have also gone through luxGC s reply . but i am confused that does we get a new passport because of this change or they just enter spouse's name in the current passport ?
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    **Likely** August 2003 interview - chennai - Track here

    Booker , thanks a lot for your reply. what is the process we have to do to endorse my name in my husbands passport ? does he has to change the passport and get a new one done or is there any easier way to do that ? can u please guide me through this . can he change his passport from US ...
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    Cp ( Mumbai)

    Thanks a lot to all of you . you all have been a great help . all your answers are agreat help for me and my husband. I have a few querys . hope you all will help me . 1) I don't have my Birth Certificate . i got one done from Indian Embassy in US . Yesterday i got my packet 3 where it says " A...
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    Name in Birth Cerificate/Beta Consular Post

    cbeguy, how did u get PCC from japan? does they have Japanese Consulate in US and do they give PCC ? can anyone tell me that PCC obtained from a consulate will do or not . I worked in Burma (Myanmar) for a year. Myanmar consulate in US is ready( we took a lot of trouble) to give a statement...
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    CP @ Mumbai

    how do I know that my case has reached Mumbai from NVC. do i have to call NVC for this information or I have to call Mumbai consulate . It is hard to get a chance to talk to Mumbai consulate . How long does Mumbai consulate take to relpy a mail . I have send 4 - 5 mail in last one month but they...
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    Police Clearance certificate from Myanmar(Burma)

    I worked in Burma ( Myanmar) for more than a year but never stayed there at a stretch. i went in and out of the country and every time i made a new visa . after every 3 - 4 months i will go back to India , stay there for 1 month and made a new visa and went to Burma. In such a case do i need...
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    Cp ( Mumbai)

    thanks spulapak i will take both my passports with me just in case they ask . do they normally ask ? do i have to give both the passports along with the papers ? or wait till they ask . what does people generally do ? thanks
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    Cp ( Mumbai)

    thanks a lot for your help . do we have to submit our current passport as well as old one . I have one before marrige and the other one with my last name and address changed . do i have to submit both passports at the time of interview or only the recent one . will they ask for the old one...