Name in Birth Cerificate/Beta Consular Post


Registered Users (C)

I recently got my I-140 approved and I have opted for CP. I am trying to ready all the documents for the CP interview which I guess should happen in the next 5-6 months or so.

My question is :

In my birth Certifictate my name is not in the expanded form and has an initial associated with it - Like J. ABCXYZ. THe same applies to all my university transcripts and other certificates. My passport has initials expanded and my name in all my INS petitions are in expanded format also - Do I need to do fix this before the CP interview??


Before coming to the US I stayed in the UK and Singapore and I have opted to do my CP in Singapore which I understand is considered a "Beta Post".
How different is the CP process in Beta Posts as against Alpha posts, are there any advantages or disadvantages associated ??

Would appreciate your inputs.

In my birth Certifictate my name is not in the expanded form and has an initial associated with it - Like J. ABCXYZ. THe same applies to all my university transcripts and other certificates. My passport has initials expanded and my name in all my INS petitions are in expanded format also - Do I need to do fix this before the CP interview??

Answer: Try to fix it before the CP interview. I had something similar where my mother's name was not full and complete in my birth certificate. To play safe, my attorneys advised me to get 2 affidavits of birth from my family members/ close relatives, preferrably family. So I went ahead and got affidavits from my dad and mom.

attached you will find a sample affidavit that you will need to fill out and then your folks in india will get to get it on stamp paper and then notarized.

Could any senior member like raju595 or CPdelhi help answer my question on Beta Consular Post above?

Again my question is -I should most likely be doing my CP interview in Singapore towards the year end and my question is how how diffrent will the process be for Beta Consular posts such as Singapore ? Any experiences ??

Also a question on PCC: Is the US consulate specifically requesting the PCC to be less than 6 months old from the date of issue ? I have already got my PCC from Singapore and UK in Jan this year and I should be expecting my CP interview towards the year end- Will this pose a problem ??

Thanks in advance,
Originally posted by RK_0629

Could any senior member like raju595 or CPdelhi help answer my question on Beta Consular Post above?

Again my question is -I should most likely be doing my CP interview in Singapore towards the year end and my question is how how diffrent will the process be for Beta Consular posts such as Singapore ? Any experiences ??

Also a question on PCC: Is the US consulate specifically requesting the PCC to be less than 6 months old from the date of issue ? I have already got my PCC from Singapore and UK in Jan this year and I should be expecting my CP interview towards the year end- Will this pose a problem ??

Thanks in advance,


Our silence is not because we don't want to help you but because
of our lack of knowledge about the issue on hand.

So what I say is pure speculation, but if it helps you in some way
I will be glad.

As I said above I do not have any experience nor have I read any experiences about Singapore Consular post.

About the PCC: We have read several posts where the consulates are indicating through emails (in response to specific query by email) that the PCC should not be older than 6 months when it is presented to the Consular officer.

But what surprises me is, I don't remember reading one post where someone said, they have been denied the VISA solely on the basis of carrying a PCC which is older than 6 months.

So it is my impression that with some explanation one can get away with a PCC older than 6 months but not older than 1 year.
Since this seems to be a new change ( we started reading about this only from about Jan or Feb 2003) then the Consulates might be adopting a lenient view.

If there is anyone out there who was turned back because of the
PCC validity I would like to hear from them.

Having said this I know this is a big problem to get fresh PCCs from the other countries. So it is my belief that you can carry the
PCCs you have and explain the fact that after getting them you never re-visited those places.

...will be using Japanese PCC thats
more than a year old, at Chennai in Aug.
- Rationale being - haven't been to Japan
in a few years.
It takes two trips to the Japanese Consulate
to get a PCC (once for fp, one more after 4
months to pick up "sealed" pcc).

Have read that US CGs in India want recent
PCCs. - dont know if this for India PCCs
or all PCCs.
Hi folks,

I found the following details from web site @ this is wrt Beta Consular Post question raised earlier and probably you senior members can comment if this makes sense.
It seems with Beta Consular Posts Packet-3 review by NVC is skipped and the applicant mails the packet-3 directly to the US consulate. Would it be fair to assume this process saves a lot of time ??
See the details below:

Beta Posts:
All the consular posts not listed above in either Alpha or Alpha plus posts are considered beta posts.

These posts process IV cases in the traditional manner through NVC, which sends applicants the Instruction Package for Immigrant Visa Applicants (formerly Packet 3) and instructs them send the Packet 3 to the consulate directly when they are ready for interview.

NVC will not review any documents for beta posts. When the consulate has has received the Packet 3 forms, an interview may be scheduled. The consulate will collect the $260.00 per person application and processing fee on the day of the interview.

This paragraph only for family based petitions. Cases being processed at a Beta posts will be instructed to send the completed affidavit of support to the applicant, who will present it to the consular officer on the day of the interview. No affidavit of support fee will be charged. If the agent is also the petitioner, he or she should have already received instructions for completing the Form I-864 and sent it to the applicant. The consulate will review the affidavit of support at the time of the applicant's interview. No fee should be collected for the affidavit of support review.

By sending Packet 3, you really inform them that you have had all the documents for Consular Processing and you are ready for the interview so they can schedule it as soon as they can. Also, you provide biographic data so that they can do different checks.

The use of Form DS-2001 by the applicant is optional. This form is provided as a simple way for applicants to communicate by mail or fax. Post should accept any reasonable notification from the applicant, signed or unsigned, in determining qualification for further processing. Electronic means of notification are equally acceptable.
In other words, by returning the DS-2001, its electronic equivalent or other communication with post, the applicant may declare that he or she is documentarily qualified and prepared for interview.
how did u get PCC from japan? does they have Japanese Consulate in US and do they give PCC ? can anyone tell me that PCC obtained from a consulate will do or not .
I worked in Burma (Myanmar) for a year. Myanmar consulate in US is ready( we took a lot of trouble) to give a statement that i was not realated to any crime there . does this kind of statement be considered as PCC ?
I am going for CP( Mumbai) . yeaterday i got my packet3. it is written that if stayed in different country for more than a year , PCC is required from Police authorities of that locality . i am now not sure that the statement given by Burma Emnassy will work for me or not or i need a local police certificate?
Do i have to go to Burma to take a local PCC ? we don't have any relative or friend there .
Can anyone please help me to clear my query .
thanks a lot

More question on PCC:

Getting the Indian PCC from local consulate is a time consuming process. In Houston CGI it takes more than 1 month. In order to avoid delay I got my PCC issued from the regional passport office in India when I visited last time and it took me just one single day! Of course my PCC by now has passed 6 months period and I need to get them again and I may decide to do them in India if thats OK.

The question is it is necessary that PCC has to be issued only the local Indian Consulate (in the US) or any Indian mission or regional passport office is OK ?? I personally think this should really not matter to the US consulate from where you get your PCC's as long as the right issueing authority has issued it.

Any comments...
