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  1. S

    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    RD: 9/16/02, Remanded: 6/30/03, Returned: 12/19/03 Current status: Returned after a remand.
  2. S

    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    Nkelkar, I am seeing exactly the same behavior - when I punch in my case # it gives the status of some recently received case and when I punch in my company # it gives a 'no more cases' message. AVM was working till Dec 31st and I think it got broken since Jan 1st. Looks like they have a Y2K4...
  3. S

    California DOL (Regional) Tracking

    re: runaway73 runaway73, I was not replying to your post. I was asking for a clarification from Titan01 who responsed to cal97's post about "remanded to state" cases. Sorry if it confused you.
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    California DOL (Regional) Tracking

    Titan01, Are you sure about the fact that the RD is preserved at DOL? I am under the impression (from of what my lawyer said) that we lose DOL's RD but we get to keep SWA's PD. The remanded case will be treated as any other non-RIR case filed on the same date as our PD. So we will get a new...
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    California DOL (Regional) Tracking

    california_gc, Its not impossible for DOL to give already remanded cases a second chance. I can think of lazyness as the only reason why DOL would not (want to) pull remanded cases back from SWA. I asked my lawyer if AILA-DOL dicsussions are featuring any proposals for already remanded cases...
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    California DOL (Regional) Tracking

    I think we should do more than just pray, although I honestly don't know what to do. I asked my lawyer about the change in DOL's auto-remand policy. All that he said was that his firm and AILA are in disucssions with SF DOL and DOL has not yet changed their policy. I then asked if these...
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    California DOL (Regional) Tracking

    stan01, Theoretically it is possible for SWA/EDD to return remanded cases to DOL and I am sure they'll be more than happy to do so because of their huge work load. It all depends on how DOL ultimately decides the fate of already remanded cases, or in other words how AILA and other lobbyists...
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    California DOL (Regional) Tracking

    Already remanded cases I don't know if anybody whose case is already remanded is reading this thread anymore. My case was remanded to state about a month back. If DOL does an about turn of their policy on remands, it is very unfair to us who got screwed. Can we do something about it? Seriously...
  9. S

    Revalidation in Chennai

    rajesh22, My wife received her passport on June 4th with H4 visa stamped. It is taking well over 2 weeks. Last time when we did her H4 (about an year back), it took just 3 days. Makes you think twice to get the revalidation done in Chennai.
  10. S

    Revalidation in Chennai

    rajesh22, My wife applied for H4 stamp at Chennai consulate thru TTS Hyderabad on May 20th 2003. We are also in waiting mode. Please post if you hear anything about your wife's stamp. Thanks~