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  1. F

    Greencard stamping experience

    Can you tell exactly what kind of photos? just regular passport photos or immigration ones? Thx.
  2. F

    RD 12/11/2001 Approved

    No, I did not change my job nor home address. My lawyer got the employer letter from the company and I just sent her copies of my paystubs. The employer letter is basically to verify your continuous employment and your current base salary. It doesn't have to be the same as in labor pertition. a...
  3. F

    RD 12/11/2001 Approved

    Still cannot believe it, but it is surely approved, verified both online and via telephone. After such a long long painful waiting with full of frustration, I am now speechless... Just wanna thank you all for share your info/experience and more important, encouraging support to each other...
  4. F

    I wonder when the Dec 2001/Jan 2002 approvals will really begin !!!

    Seems 50% Nov cases been touched by BCIS so far according to rupnet. I see Dec right on the corner. Ring the bell!
  5. F

    Called IIO 04/02 8:30 AM

    VSC runs in diff. time zone. :p
  6. F

    No new approvals in Rupnet

    Or VSC celebrating another good Friday. ee.. :eek:
  7. F

    I wonder when the Dec 2001/Jan 2002 approvals will really begin !!!

    Damn it. It's like you tried to get out of woods, they then bury you in sands...
  8. F

    anyone of the 064 series ....

    I run script on 064 cases - looks like only up to 50450, I then got invalid case# error. among total 180 I-485 cases: 2 approvals 1 denied/withdraw 14 transferred 16 received all others are resume/FP received I am actually tracking 064 cases as sign of Dec cases start
  9. F

    Nov 30%(4/30/2003)... 10 more for Dec to move

    Your case is a Dec RD not necessarily meaning all cases are Decs. It could be a mix of Dec and Nov or even earlier RD. As 063 and 064. I am not convinced that Dec starts yet, but it is close. :o
  10. F

    Another Dec approval

    doubt it confusing RD with ND. No case# to confirm
  11. F

    got ref letter

    follow ur lawyer
  12. F

    eac02063 -cases started !

    Not really. 063 cases are pretty much mix of Nov and Dec. hardly tell if they are Decs. 064 cases, BTW, I have not seen much movement. guess now 35-40% Nov cases touched according to rupnet. May need another couple of weeks to see Decs start. :o
  13. F

    what is the prevailing wage rate in NJ?

    really depends on your job catagory. computer is now 32K, for example. That's right - free falling from ~90K in 1999!! take it easy man. ;)