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  1. M

    New York SESA Tracker

    My case was non-IT. The occupation is mechanical engineer. I have never checked AVM. Good luck to the rest of you! It is been a long wait for everyone.
  2. M

    New York SESA Tracker

    Next time I see him I will ask if he knows the exact dates. Our paralegal is saying that she was getting NOF for october(2001) cases in june/july. So she is assuming that my case was moved to the regional office in june/july. Now they are getting NOF for December/January cases. I hope this...
  3. M

    New York SESA Tracker

    Guys, Good news. My RIR was filed with NY SESA on October 12, 2001. My lawyer called me today saying that it has been approved. We can move on to the I-140 and I-485 stage. mike1000
  4. M

    New York SESA Tracker

    My LC was filed on 10/12/2001 with NY SESA. No news yet. You can add me to the tracker. As soon as I have any updates on my case I will post.
  5. M

    New York SESA Tracker

    NY Sesa has updated their phone message. (212-621-9330) They are saying that they are processing April 30th and will be processing it for several months more. Let's hope for the best !
  6. M

    New York SESA Tracker

    My lawyer says that NY SESA has started to work on June 2001 professional cases !:)