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    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    How long do I have to wait after status becomes Final Review Dear all, I think I am one of the longest here (My case is 10/2001 MD). My status shows "Finale Review". How long do I have to wairt for it to become "Certified" or "denied"? Thanks
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    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Any 2001 Maryland Sufferers Are there any one with PD 2001 from Maryland that is still waiting patiently here?
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    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Anyone there with Priority Date of 2001 in MD Just checking in to see if I am the lonely waiting victim now. Please respond if you are with me. My PD is: Oct, 2001
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    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Help Needed This is my situation: Labor applied in Oct 2001 from MD. Currently on 8-year H1-B extension. Current company A recently bought by another company B. Question: What options do I have if company B does not sponsor green card application? Can I find another company that does...
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    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Is is possible that these applications are under special investigations that takes much longer? Otherwise what could be the reasons? Have you guys/girls consider PERM route? Since I see quite a few approvals in the year 2002 already, those who still waiting in 2001 should be alarmed. Something...
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    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Am I the Only One Now? My PD is end of October, 2001 from Maryland. Case is still pending at PBEC. Am I the only one that has a PD in year 2001? Who else has a PD of year 2001 and is still waiting?
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    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    I have sent you a private email. please check it out.
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    Maryland SESA Tracker

    My case went to regional. I thank and appreciate all who contributed their efforts and time on this site. Hold on!
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    Maryland SESA Tracker
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    Maryland SESA Tracker

    The DOL has been pressing ahead its long-term strategic plan to operate the wagon, named "backlog reduction," in two wheels: One is the launch of the reengineered labor certification program named "PERM," and the other wheel is the reduction of backlog cases which remain in the pipeline at the...
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    Maryland SESA Tracker

    Quote: Now, unconfirmed sources indicate that these reduction centers have just started their operation and the backlog cases are being transferred to the centers for processing. It is expected that sooner or later, the DOL will announce the launch of these centers. Please stay tuned to this...
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    Maryland SESA Tracker

    Oct_labor: Would you please share your information? How did you check your status with MD? Thanks
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    Maryland SESA Tracker

    gc_waiter_2003, I have a similar situation (My case filed in Late October, 2001). No information whatsoever. My lawyer tried to contact MD over a month and with no answer. He sent out another fax a couple of days ago. I will update this thread once I get anything. I think perssimistic also...
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    Maryland SESA Tracker

    pessimistic and others, My lawyer is querying MD regarding my case. Will let you know the findings. Please share your information and experiences. Thanks
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    Maryland SESA Tracker

    Thanks pessimistic, At least I know mine is not an exception. But what does "philly is still processing june cases, so wait until they are processing december cases" have to do with MD processes? Really Frustrating, really!
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    Maryland SESA Tracker

    Case get lost in MD? What is happening? My case was filed in MD in October, 2001 (MD is processing Jan. 2002 cases now). However, I have not heard anything from my lawyer or MD since. Regional office does not have my record either. What should I do? Anybody has any ideas? Thanks
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    Maryland SESA Tracker

    Any way to check the status My LC application was submitted Oct. 26,2001 RIR As of today, I or my laywer has nevered received any thing from MD office. Since MD is processing Dec, 2001 RIR, I thought initially that my case may have been sent to the regional office. Howerver, the recording...
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    Maryland SESA Tracker

    7 year extention from " Sections 106(a) and (b) of AC21 set forth the following two requirements for such extensions: first, a labor certification application must have been filed for the person at least one year prior; and, second, either the...
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    Maryland SESA Tracker

    About Hi-B 7-year Extension Can some friends please clarify the following? 1. 7-year extension eligibility: As long as one filed LC in Maryland at least 365 days before one's H1-B expires and no other set condition/resttiction; 2. When is the appropriate time to file 7-year extension...
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    Maryland SESA Tracker

    I read news days ago about Labor Certificate application in Chicago. Lots of the application have been denied due to the economy slump. Anyone head that news? What will be the effects on MD?