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  1. S

    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker

    Nirvan It is definitely possible to change the company as well as file the 7th year extension with company C. The simple fact is there is no difference between B and C. The rule is you can file for extension if the labor is pending for more than 365 days. It need not be with the same...
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker

    Nirvan You can apply for a H1 transfer after 6 years, only if the labor is pending for more than 365 days. After you transfer your H1 your previous employer should not cancel your labor petition. If he/she cancels the labor petetion then you will be out of status. You can file for...
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker

    Certified Friends Finally I heared the sweet news from my attorney. I got the 3 options letter last month and my company chose to re-test the market. Placed one ad waited for 2 weeks and replied to DOL on Monday. They certified it on Tuesday. Really very quick. My DOT code was ...031...
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    Virginia SESA Tracker

    If he has received only now for Feb 2003 then what does the June 16 RIR mean. I think we call them every Friday and they give a date. Things are very confusing.
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    Dask_1 I wil keep you updated about my case. My lawyer said they are going to place an ad this weekend, wait for 2-3 weeks, select few resumes if they get anything and then reply with the result. But by all means they messed up initially. They applied with BS+0 years even though I had BS+10...
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    I will be getting the copy in a couple of days and I will let you guys know what it exactly says. The lawyer told me that they are going to re-advertise soon because they have only 60 days to re-test. Let us see what happens. Very frustrating after 2.5 years of waiting.
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    gp111 Thanks for an encouraging reply. I appreciate your response.
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    Retest labor My employer got a letter from DOL to retest the market. My receipt date was 2/19/2002 and the DOT code was ....031. Can anyone help me telling what is the next step. My company is going to place a ad this week and may be wait for 2-3 weeks. After that ??? what is going to...
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    Mine is 2/19/2003. Thats why I am nervous.
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    dryheat Could you please tell what does it say. Whether it say something or not.
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    AVM reply Does the AVM says still received if it is not approved or given a 3 options letter. Thanks
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    He is the right person to send the mail. Let us draft an email and send it to him and see whether DOL wakes up or not. It is really a pain.
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    Remanding again!!!! It is not a good news that they have started remanding the cases again. Just now they are about to complete the remanded applications process again. Now another set of remanding. What is going on in SFO DOL.??????????????
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    What happened to 1/2003 cases. It is surprising to see that the processing jumped all of a sudden from mid Dec 2002 to Feb 2003
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    I think people got frustrated and started making fun. All of a sudden how could they jump to Feb 2003 . We haven't heared any approvals for Jan 2003 cases and also anything after Dec 16, 2002 cases. I do not think DOL can work so fast all of a sudden. If this is real then everyone is happy...
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    Virginia SESA Tracker

    I donot know what is going on with Virginia Labor. It really sucks. They process one month's application in 3 months whereas other states are trying process 3 month's application in one month.
  17. S

    Virginia SESA Tracker

    Virginia labor Is there any idea whether VA RIR is going to speed up. How to address this issue to make it faster. At this speed it will take 7 years to process one year's applications