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  1. V

    Travelling to Germany

    I happened to travel to France last week with just passport stamping I 551. Being in chicago I could go to French counulate personally and get Schengen visa on spot. They are very understanding when you explain. But you need to go to the first Schengen country you are visiting for visa. If they...
  2. V

    Damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Guys my case has been approved per online RD 11/14/2001 LIN LIN020495XXXX RFE 03/10/03 Employment letter with proffered wages, Current EAD RFE replied on 03/20 and approved on 03/26 I just looked now. catch 1: wife no rfe no approval yet catch 2: I need to travel abroad next thursday
  3. V

    Any one see this message before?

    you gotta think as a programmer .... phew...
  4. V

    How would processing times be affected by March 1st DHS take over of INS ?

    How would processing times be affected by March 1st DHS take over of INS ? Will INS go into hibernation or is already in that mode ? Any news ? How about changes to name/ titles , and ofcourse the training period that will furthur delay processing ?
  5. V

    How would processing times be affected by March 1st DHS take over of INS ?

    How would processing times be affected by March 1st DHS take over of INS ? Will INS go into hibernation or is already in that mode ? Any news ? How about changes to name/ titles , and ofcourse the training period that will furthur delay processing ?
  6. V

    NSC rejects 485

    what kind of RD this come to ? any ideas ? This seems to be old case, possibly August. So they approved first then found something about this guy like FBI checks/ bad info about company and rejected it ? not so sure.
  7. V

    NSC rejects 485

    Thats a very good point, a revocation of approval could mean more RFEs or possible transfer. We need to wait and see until this guy shows up on the forum (chances are slim) or more people report of such situation.
  8. V

    How often do you guys check the online message??

    As many times as I mas***bate
  9. V

    EAD Approved.....I am going crazy!!!

    our lives must be really miserable, even an EAD approval can be blissful these days!!!
  10. V

    Lets Pray together

    I suggest you folks to give a $500 charity to poor, that may do a lot of miracles!!
  11. V

    Tons of approvals will burst out on the day the process will be resumed.

    kphang I share thy views, out of many ironies of life is when someone is desperately waiting it desperatley hurts and when it comes there is a deluge. Can't help it.
  12. V

    EAD approved at NSC

    finally the online message says: 'On December 11, 2002, after approving your application, we ordered you a new card. Processing normally takes between 60 and 75 days. Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready' My EAD renewal RD Oct 24' 02 at NSC hang on guys
  13. V

    Ead Tracker @nsc: Rd After Oct 21 '02

    Please post your EAD/EAD at renewal at NSC here for dates with RD OCT 21 '02. Mine EAD RD OCT 24' 02. Waiting for approval.
  14. V

    noticed change in #days to process EAD

    hi guys, my online status for EAD renewal no says: "It is taking between 60 and 75 days for us to process this kind of case. " Till yesterday it used to say 90 to 120 days. Did any one notice it ?
  15. V

    Indianapolis EAD.

    I live in Chicago, since Indianapolis is a sub office to Chicago will they allow me to have walk in for EAD renewal, since Chicago office does not take walk in cases ?
  16. V

    EAD renewal after expiration (I-485 pending)

    Could you tell which processing center your EAD was renewed at and did you check this info online ? thanks
  17. V

    AP at Chicago office

    Could you tell me the procedure to take appointment at chicago INS, as my EAD at NSC is pending and no reply yet ? thanks
  18. V

    Travel after PP stamping

    Murugan2 if i were you i would be on the beaches of florida, not in this god forsaken place. Or do you want some fun out of us ??
  19. V

    travel without 485 receipt notices

    I came back from India on 11/11/02 on AP, the immigration officer looked at my AP papers and asked if my case is in process, he did not asked for receipt copy though I was ready. In my opinion coming back on H1 is much easier, no questions asked at port of entry where you need to explain AP...
  20. V

    INS not Renewing EAD

    shows how pissed off is this lawyer, I wonder why !!!