travel without 485 receipt notices


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I am currently on H1. My wife and I have EAD and AP but we have not used them yet. We did not get our 485 receipt notices (my employer is not providing us our receipt notices but I am not in a position to argue with them). If we travel abroad and come back, would the immigration officer at Port of Entry definitely ask for 485 receipt notices? i would like to maintain my H1 status. Is it safe to enter with AP (for my wife) and H1 ( in my case) when we do not have receipt notices.
1. If you and your wife have valid H1B and H4 visa stamped on your passports EAD not used by you or your wife you can enter H1 or H4

2. According to Lawyer Murthy ( You should have I-485 Reciept Copy with you if you use AP ( read murthy chat)
Chat User : What document does one need carry who is
re-entering on advance parole?

Attorney Murthy : The original AP. Also, the I-485
receipt notice in case the INS inspector asks for it
at the airport.

3. You should request your Employer to provide you the copy of I-485 filling as it belongs to you, play some trick or show him the printout from Murty Chat and inform him that new HomeLand security bill has been passed and POE inspectors can ask for any documents and now they will be more strict.
thanks for your reply and tips. from the chat log you provided it does appear that 485 receipt can be asked by the officer at POE. I have to pursue harder with my employer i guess.
485 receipt

for your own safety you can pursue the receipt
I had the same problem earlier. None of my acquaintances were asked for it
I was taken to INS secondary at SFO this time for extended checking - at least two different inspectors at different point of time looked at the receipt and could not make head or tail out of it
they were more interested in looking at the I 797 receipt
I came back from India on 11/11/02 on AP, the immigration officer looked at my AP papers and asked if my case is in process, he did not asked for receipt copy though I was ready. In my opinion coming back on H1 is much easier, no questions asked at port of entry where you need to explain AP process for an unlucky moron.

other word, you better get your 485 rcpt copy, perhaps you could explain them that you need it for travel.