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  1. M

    Talked to an IIO - You gotta read this :)

    Guys, In my previous posting I meant "illiterate", not "illitarate"... Just thought I would make the correction before some of you guys accuse me of being illiterate, just like an IIO :)
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    Talked to an IIO - You gotta read this :)

    pcsowhat, Is it any "human" to treat people like shit? Is it "human" for someone to make your life stop for 2-3 years like this? My anger is towards the whole immigration system in this country, not towards some red neck illitarate high school drop out that answers the phone for the...
  3. M

    Talked to an IIO - You gotta read this :)

    GCHopeless, Good thoughts! Make your words mine! What makes you think that we are "scheduled to be approved" in December. That would be really nice, but it seems like NSC gave up on working on Sept/Oct cases and are only working on August cases right now. So it could be still another...
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    Talked to an IIO - You gotta read this :)

    Not about being polite or nice Sethurg, I'm not talking about being polite or nice. A jerk/bitch can be very polite and nice. These INS guys are laughing at you and at your situation. Right after that woman hung up on you, I can bet you she thought: "Another f#%cking immigrant into...
  5. M

    Talked to an IIO - You gotta read this :)

    Folks, I decided to call an immigration a**hole just for the fun of it! He asked for my receipt number. I gave it to him and he said: “It shows that your fingerprints were received” Then I said: “yes… and…” ( I was actually thinking, “Yes, f%#cker, that was back in January, I...
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    Dear NSC: Happy Veterans Day!!!

    Another f*%#ing RED NECK HOLIDAY!!! Do not expect any approvals today. So nice to know that the very hard working and dedicated employees of NSC can take another break and relax from their daily routine. Oops… I mean, does it really make a difference to those f*%#ers whether it is a...
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    Any idea what's going on with NSC?

    Folks, NSC seems to be slower than ever. Any idea what might be going on? Any documents out there explaining what they are doing? Why have they almost stopped processing?
  8. M

    Spoke to an IIO..and got the same BS

    Hey Jack! Yes, it is total BS. They are sick liars. We know that they are currently approving August and September/2001 RDs, so the 4-month period wait she gave you is bull crap. With your RD you can be approved any time now... or it could still take another month... Hang in there...
  9. M

    Unbelievable!!! I-485 approved in a month

    fernleon, I totally agree with parshu and Jack. There is absolutely NO personal information on the online case status page. Furthermore, if the INS did not want us to know the status of other case numbers they would have come up with a security feature. There's not even a password to access...
  10. M

    Unbelievable!!! I-485 approved in a month

    It is. Just enter this number in the online case status and you will see. Something really rotten in the INS toilet bowl!!! Just wish I could sue their a**es
  11. M

    ND: Nov 30, 2001 case approved!

    T-Rex, I don't think this might be the case. According to the "official" processing dates from NSC, which we know it is total BS, the employment based I-485 is supposed to be faster than the other categories... This is very weird. Guys, how do we bring this to the knowledge of the...
  12. M

    ND: Nov 30, 2001 case approved!

    parshu, this is very suspicious and SERIOUS!!! How can they approve an I-485 in 4 days?!!!! Maybe there's some special treatment to some people ($$$$$)... this is very serious... it would not surprise me though... what do we do, guys? should we make this public?
  13. M

    ND: Nov 30, 2001 case approved!

    Congrats, wigreen! Would you please post your details on GCHopeless, Nice spy job, dude! Those INS f%#kers keep messing with us when it comes to processing dates, but you went there and got the info! Very cool, keep us informed on any other case you find out!
  14. M

    Sep/Oct'01 post here please!

    Thanks Jack, Let's hope NSC speeds up and we all get approved before Christmas! Hang in there! Marc
  15. M

    Celebrating INS inneficiency: I-485 1st YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!

    Folks, Today's the anniversary of my I-485 Receipt Date. (RD 10/30/01). 1 year later and absolutely nothing done by the INS. It's simply nasty the way worker immigration is handled in this country. How can it be possible to take over 1 year to go over a simple stupid application? This is...
  16. M

    10/29/01 RD approved?! Message to user "Wishfulthinking"

    I've seen that user "Wishfulthinking" has posted his approval on rupnet. His RD is 10/29 and ND is 11/23. Is this for real? Can user "Wishfulthinking" please post his LIN number? thanks, Marc
  17. M

    Is NSC taking collective vacations?

    Are these fu%@ers taking vacation all at the same time? Gee, this seems to be an awesome job! We have not seen any significant move for the last month or so... Great Job, USA!! Keep growing the love!!!
  18. M

    Talked to IIO

    Did you tell him he is a f%#king liar? How can he tell you that they are processing June when we know for a fact that they are processing August and September?!
  19. M

    Any approval today?

    GCHopeless, My RD is 10/30 and I do expect to get my approval before Christmas. NSC must be taking a break right now. They are really hard workers, you know:D :D :D Marc
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    approved - LIN-02-007

    Congratulations, brother! Enjoy your freedom!!! Marc