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  1. L

    LA Area - Stamping & Plastic Card Tracker

    question on which address, INS sent card frineds, i have question, if you moved and changed address with INS , your 485 approval notice is sent to the new address, does that mean your card will be sent to the address where you received you 485 approval notice?? please confirm this ...
  2. L

    LA Area - Stamping & Plastic Card Tracker

    please help me with a question Hi, TenseGuy, I have a question for you, have you changed your adress formally through the 1-800 customer service? if yes, they should have your new home address in file should have sent the card to that changed new afdddress? please confirm this,. thanks
  3. L

    howmany day's after 2nd fingerprint

    2 nd FP july 27, approved august 11
  4. L

    can someone help please (INfopass question)?

    I have been trying to get an infopass appointment since 3pm Friday and tried numerous times (LA district office), it always says no information appointment available, can someone who have secured the infopass appointment post your experince? has it always been like this? what is the trick...
  5. L

    help please

    hi, gol: are you suggesting that i go to the district office without an infopass appointment? will they aaacept? actually, i do not mind doing it within two weeks, the only problem is that there seems to be a perpetual unavalability in the appontment from infopass, i am wondering has this...
  6. L

    help please

    why is it so hard to do the infopass appoinyememt? is this true for eveyone?? please let me know, i did not get a choice to do passpot stamping, and if i tyope in other choice,m there is thr meesage saying there is no avalability
  7. L


    hi, thank you, the problem is there no such a choice, i dont have that choice once if open the infopass, there is not anything in the approval notice mentioning infopass., i know it is a I-797, but where is the choioce you mentioned???, thanks in advance
  8. L


    dEAR FRIENDS, can anyone post information of how to Access infopass at LA? I have eneter the infopass nmain page, it prompted me to enter Language coice which is ENglish , then there is a page for choice of appointmrent type, my question is , for passport stamping, which one do you choose...
  9. L

    i can not belive my ear!

    hi dear friends, thanks for the message, my case: ND APR1 2002 1st FP sep 2002 2nd FP july 27 2004 hope i will get the notice in a few days
  10. L

    i can not belive my ear!

    dear friends, I just talked with someone at CSC to check my case, guess what? she told me i was approved yesterday!!, i can not belive her some how, because i am becoming sooo cynical when it come to dealing with them. and my online status and phone status is still not changed. any...
  11. L

    urgent help needed

    please let me konow but can someome tell me what is it about? mango pick, you said you have it, what can you tell me about it, the suspense kills me
  12. L

    urgent help needed

    hi, friend, pls help me with this, today i received a email saying this: On July 27, 2004, we responded to your request for more information concerning your case. If you have not received our response within 30 days from this date, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283. very...
  13. L

    March/April 2002 filers

    HI< I have also received my 2nd fp three days ago by my attorney and myself. ND4/02/2002 shelduled for July 27
  14. L

    can anyone tell me what this mean?

    Skatanu, would you pls tell me before you receive your fp notice, have your lud been changed?? it it true to say if it is changing, that means they are doing something about the case?? pls let me know ,
  15. L

    can anyone tell me what this mean?

    no, they are not, it is published in one website, announcing closing down of all ins office
  16. L

    can anyone tell me what this mean?

    My lud time changed three time since July1, surprisingly, there is a change in JULY5!!! how can this be? today, they are not even working??? what does this mean? Iam april 3 2002 filer, still dont have 2nd fp yet
  17. L

    APPROVED!!! Stunned & Waitong...

    what does this indicate? would you pls tell me if you have 2nd fp ? my lud moved two time in three days. doesthis mean they will approve my case or they are sending me 2nd fp? does anyone know if sending 2nd fp will trigger the lud change? my case is 02150XXX aprili 2 2002, very frustrating...
  18. L

    Post it here if your RD/ND is beyond current JIT dates and haven't got approved yet

    well, add myself to the list of victim Wac02150XXX ND APr 1, 2002 NO 2nd FP yet BTW, just read the LA times article, sound like they are abolishing the 12-15 month validity of FP requirement, is it true??
  19. L

    ANYone out there?

    thanks Hi, guys thanks for the reply, i just dont know how long more i have to endure this . very dishearterned. but feel better after reading your replies/
  20. L

    ANYone out there?

    Hi, Just becoming panicky, because My case receipt is April 2, though I still did not get even the 2nd FP, anyone in same boat out there? please respond! did they lose my file? recent adress update seems go through , but why so many later cases have got some thing, while i still did not get...