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  1. J

    Fee Payment

    Those people shouldn't apply for DV lottery. They should give their place to people who are more interested, skilled and ready to go to USA. Period!
  2. J

    Fee Payment

    Why? Shouldn't you do some homework before you move to a new permanent place in a completely different country? Salaries, taxes, schools for kids, neighborhoods, business opportunities, home costs, companies to work for.... ? The question CO always asks is why do you want to move to this...
  3. J

    Fee Payment

    Yeah, but still.. I don't understand why people take the risk and show up in DV interview without all the required documents.... without original documents, without notarized copies... - birth sertificate, high school or university diploma originals and notarized photocopies are usually...
  4. J

    police certificate

    Visit the URL i published it really that hard? From the above link: "Note: Present and former residents of the United States should NOT obtain any police certificates covering their residence in the United States."
  5. J

    Medical Insurance

    Let's vote britsimon for a major !!!
  6. J

    Medical Exam...

    Are you a DV selectee? You should be filling out the form (and sign it) in a presence of authorized panel doctor before the medical exam...... and the doctor or doctor's assistant can assist you in case you have any questions.
  7. J

    Interview Experiences as I can't find the post with question asked at Interview.

    You have to pay $330 USD just once, per person. Please note that you have to pay 330 USD per person before the interview starts... It's also non-refundable if you are unsuccesfull (you will pass the interview - don't worry)... I recommend exchanging your local currency/money to USD and bring...
  8. J

    Fee Payment

    You should be also lucky you were not denied the interview for not bringing original documents (birth certifcate etc).... as this is mandatory requirement.....
  9. J

    police certificate

    He will need to collect and send the police records/reports from Spain, Iran and the home country as well. You can review the following site for more info: If your spouse was arrested...
  10. J

    Can I get my green card back?

    why didn't you naturalize assuming you had greencard long time? that's your biggest mistake...
  11. J


    Where are you planning to take the Interview? If Abu Dhabi, then please give a call to any of these approved Panel doctors?
  12. J

    bank statement

    why do you guys keep calling Kentucky Fried Chicken? You can go there and buy some meal :P
  13. J

    Medical Insurance

    Very bad timing, but what she can do. Please note that if the belly is BIG, she may be denied boarding the plane unless she has an official doctor letter stating it's safe to fly and still it's not 100% guaranteed... There is always a risk with pregnant women....... There are reports in forums...
  14. J

    bank statement

    much more than 25%... remember, if you have over 32k/year (GBP) it's 45% income tax in UK :) don't forget UK VAT of 20% vs medium 8% in USA..... that's a big DIFFERENCE too....
  15. J

    bank statement

    It really depends to which State you are relocating/moving. Take for example a Texas.... you can get a nice house in a suburb close to Dallas or Austin and pay around 1.3k-1.8k per month... no TX State income tax vs 13% or something in California... salaries are sure less 20-25% (I am in a IT...
  16. J

    My (very fresh) interview experience

    btw, it's 165 USD :)
  17. J

    CEAC status right after the interview.

    ... yeah the status will show AP for one or two day max....
  18. J

    Australian DV Visa Winners. The Process

    Good luck! Don't forget to enter in US before your VISA expires....
  19. J

    I begin my American journey tomorrow...

    Good luck with your journey and update us ;)