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  1. W

    How to add your case on PCee\'s site?

    Go to preferences and add info to the second line.  
  2. W

    is the flood real ?

    Consider an analogy here - I went to a mountain resort earlier this week with my family. It had been very warm and sunny for the last several days with temperature in the 70\'s. We went to bed thinking we would not be able to go skiing on this trip. We wake up next morning and see fresh fluffy...
  3. W

    Unreliable AVM---Just talked to an IIO!!!

    are u trying to be facetious? why the over emphasis on the word \'chase\'? If so cut it out!
  4. W

    approved RD 05/20 - Took 11 months in total

    is that i140 approval date of 6/25 maybe?  
  5. W

    approved RD 05/20 - Took 11 months in total

    i agree sandy boy. if it looks like a fish, smells like a must be a fish!  
  6. W

    I have all the courage and guts - let us not read or reply to destructive messages folks

    vishnu-what do you get by starting this useless thread? just more attention? it does not require guts and courage to post anonymously on a board, although it does appear from all your other posts that your indeed gutless.
  7. W

    Please stop ruining this board. You are driving people away

    vishnu-so u r saying that other than ciba, pcee & rsrgc, everybody else\'s postings are crap? what the hell is wrong with you? what goes on in that head of yours? this is exactly what others have been pointing at. you are rude and dismissive of people who are not currently useful to you. a...
  8. W

    Please stop ruining this board. You are driving people away

    prnair, is there a astrology competition on this board? why would anybody be jealous if anybodys prediction came true albeit a few weeks misplaced. if the prediction was made based on special insights into workings of INS then good else it is just another wild guess made close to the right...