Unreliable AVM---Just talked to an IIO!!!


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My FP was done on 12.12.01 and the AVM changed to ....pending review on 12.19.01. It has never changed to processing resumed till today.

But, when I talked to an IIO today, he said that all the background checks have been received on 01.10.02 and my application is adjudication ready.
So, the AVM is defintely out of whack.

Also, my wife did her FP on 01.23.02 and her AVM changed to ...processing resumed. on 01.25.02.
Just wanted to let you guys know...
No Title

Thats good to know. My message never changed from \'Dec6 pending review\'.. Thanks for the posting.
Just talked to an IIO - Can I chase FBI for fingerprint results?

I just spoke with an IIO, who was extrememly helpful. He said that my husband and my daughters FP were all back but mine aren\'t. So it can\'t go for adjudication ready yet. You would think that they would all be kept together, wouldn\'t you? Is there a way I can chase the FBI for the results of my FP?

Ours is an age out case and the guy was very helpful and gave me a fax number and said fax the receipts over and chase it and they will chase up the fingerprints as it is an age out case. But if I could chase the FBI as well that would be great.
trying to be patient

could u give ur details
md/rd/ap/ead/fp/location/country/eb category
and child turns 21 on which date which will help us understand how long u have

It would help us give u advice
sonofindia, you are right about AVM

Mt case has been approved and I received the approval notice last weekend. However, the AVM still has not updated until yesterday.
More info

My details are:

RD 10/9/01
AP 11/16/01
FP 12/16/01 Santa Ana as scheduled
12/28 FP collected
1/18 FP results received and processing resumed for my husband and daughters but not me.
EAD\'s we went and got after 90 days in Jan at Santa Ana.
Daughter ages out in June

Whatsallthis: Excuse me for repeating the word chase in my original note - I didn\'t know I was being assessed for my grammar! I was just looking for a little help.